Introduction to "Etheric DNA"
“The predatory way we are wiping out other species is both reflected in and partially caused by the obsession in our culture to accumulate wealth, often with no regard to that accumulation’s consequences to the ecosystem or to other humans. If taking the resources of other species is acceptable, why not take the resources of other humans, too?”
Harsh words by Thom Hartmann in “The Last Hours of Ancient Sunlight”.
It is clear that most of us have chosen to believe this to be the truth, the final truth. Some have decided to take what they can while they can, some have decided to throw all caution to the wind and live their lives as if there were no consequences to their actions.
I, and I believe many others too, have decided to believe that there is hope and that there is a way to the healing of the planet. Maybe not an easy solution, but a solution nevertheless.
And this solution involves healing at the deepest level: at DNA level, at cellular-regeneration level, at soul level.
Thom Hartmann continues to say: “The consolidation of power and wealth in the hands of a very few rich individuals and multinational corporations has made some businessmen and politicians rich, but it is also aggregating and wiping out resources: we are directly competing with every other form of life on the planet. As long as there was more out there to exploit, growth was possible”.
“Now, as we approach the closed limits of our planet’s capacity to generate food and process our wastes, sustainable growth has to be re-examined for the oxymoron it is. And even if nature doesn’t kill us off, it seems that we are bent on doing it to ourselves”.
So what does all this mean? Are we doomed to extinction? It this it?
Unfortunately, we are all well aware that this is currently our planet’s reality. Not just because we know it in our hearts, but because we keep being reminded of this state of affairs by mass-media vehicles, such as the television, newspapers and radio, among others.
All those fear-mongers who live from creating fear in the widespread population, aggravating this attitude of amassing material things and money in order to have an illusion of safety and control, not only are helping to destroy the planet but they are helping to subdue and kill the passion in the hearts and the hope in the souls of those who could turn things around with the flick of a finger (all inhabitants of the planet): us, you and I.
All the growth in the magnificent spiritual experiment that the Earth is, with the millions of souls wanting to incarnate in order to have a chance of fast-track evolution, coming to an end because all the money in the world won’t be able to buy us a glass of unpolluted water and a meal of organic rice and vegetables some time down our not so far future?
Are we mutating beyond the possibility of reversal? What is it going to be of our children, and our children’s children?
It is scary to think about this subject at all; even scarier to think about it in these terms. Yet, this is the worry in the heart of the vast majority of the people of this planet, some of whom fight desperately to recycle their waste and convince neighbours and family to do so too, some of whom are engaged in fighting the end of our ecosystems and habitats, genetically modified food-growing, disappearance of animal and plant species, the brutal destruction of animals and plants for material gain…
And since it is getting so bad, many of us try to make out that this is not happening to us, that this is only happening somewhere else, in the vast distance of a far distant land; many of us try to believe that we don’t have a problem and that we, our children and our children’s children will be able to go to the grocery store and buy our vegetables and fruit, free of pesticides and other nasty chemicals, and continue with our life without changing our ways.
Many of us imagine that those scenes on the television are happening to others, not to us, so we continue to stay disconnected from other humans who are in a worse situation than us, in war zones, lacking essential food and water, struggling to survive. Any of us hope that this only happens in books like Thom Hartmann’s… so we can go to sleep at night and attempt to quiet the little inner voice that says it is time.
It is time for what?
It is time to take the bull by the horns, to look at truth in the eye without fearing burning in the fires of hell for all humanity’s past sins. It is time to love ourselves enough to see our imperfections and accept them as part of our journey home. It is time to dare to change our mindset and do something different, something to heal the planet.
It is time for transmutation, as Elia Wise says in “Letter to Earth”:
“Will the Earth break into pieces, condemning cities to destruction and sending countries tumbling into the sea? Will the economy collapse, returning you to a simpler life? If you cannot make changes personally you may bring them upon yourselves collectively, forcing the transformations you could not personally allow. That which you allow has the integrity and the grace of inclusion”.
So many people are afraid of dying, yet change is a form of death. We can change our old ways and drop or ego while we embrace a more holistic way of life, a way of life with less waste and a steadier focus on the right priorities as consuming for the sake of consuming in order to try to fill the vast void inside ourselves no longer works.
Yet, Elia Wise says that “Rather than die, the old can transform into the new. Transformation would be better for everyone but transforming is much harder than dying”.
And then, she asks: “Who will be the first to break the momentum of the old ways?”
I raise my hand at this stage and say, with all my heart: I AM.
I have done intense personal healing work for 22 years now and have witnessed many miracles, have shifted my energy many times over, have integrated parts of myself that I used to hate and despise or at least misunderstand.
I would tell these people that I practice practical spirituality: that spirituality is a way of living which is very practical indeed, that it doesn’t require one disappearing into a cave for years on end if one doesn’t want to, that it involves mindful thinking, mindful feeling, mindful and responsible behaviour.
I would tell them that it involves looking at the truth with compassion and without fear in order to take the little hand of your inner child and transmute and transform his or her fears into joyful and playful loving behaviours. But they will only listen when they are ready, if they are ever ready. That is a personal choice: to grow or not to grow, to ascend or to devolve.
And what does the planet think?
The planet wants us to help her ascend by raising our consciousness and allowing more light and love in our energy systems.
In the following pages, we will study the system that I propose to heal the planet without having to go back to living in mud huts and hunting wild game with spears. I believe we can keep all the progress humanity has achieved but we need, like my mum would say, to change our chip (our programming).
It is a quality, not quantity change, and it will produce a quantum leap in consciousness.
I have achieved a level of personal harmony that I never thought I would, a level of emotional detachment, acceptance and lightness in the way I see the world that I would have thought from a deep-space science fiction film in a not such a distant past. Yet, it is here. It is real. It has become me today and, by extension, part of my family and beloved friends’ way of life.
For the last many years I have been studying metaphysics as a way to open up my heart chakra to see and hear more possibilities and have studied public speaking and leadership in order to bring these tools to the masses. My focus is to achieve my dream of raising the energy of the planet to a level of critical mass that may shift the energy in a quantum leap into healing.
I have taken upon myself all the responsibility to actively create light within my world in order to be able to spill it over to other people’s worlds so that, if they don’t feel they have the strength and energy to do this work, I will joyfully offer them the vehicle that I have become in order to help them pull themselves to a higher frequency.
Why so much work? Why have I chosen myself for this position of leadership?
Because I believe that there is a way, that there is a solution, that there is healing to be done and a happy ending for all of those who are ready to work with the light and accept love as a way of living.
Yet, people think that working spiritually is not practical, that it doesn’t put food on the table. Deep inside, they think that it is scary (they think of ghosts) or at least a waste of time (they think let the nuns do the praying).
But I don’t know any other way of creating a life of effortlessness and flow, right timing and synchronicities, alignment to your soul purpose and to that of others.
And the greatest thing is that not every human in the planet needs raising his or her consciousness to this level: only a critical mass is needed to do so (in several pieces of research of how focused group meditation diminishes the levels of violence in towns or cities, this figure is considered to be 8% of the population in a particular area).
We are talking here about a shift in consciousness, spirituality, energy or awareness, so it seems to me that politicians, police or army forces, finance institutions or even religions are no longer the leading force to achieve this leap.
I believe that the area of metaphysics is and will be in the future where solutions and hope will have to come from; because in metaphysics we are all one and the same; there are no distinctions between a place of birth, your parents’ religions, your financial status or the colour of your skin. We all have a soul (or should we say, we all are a soul inhabiting a body) and this is where metaphysics focuses on.
So metaphysicists have the understanding, the higher perspective; we engage the Laws of the Universe, which affect all equally, without judgment; we don’t put resistance or need to control outcomes; we are change-agents, triggering transition as a way of life according to how the energies change. So we have a great responsibility and a noble task to engage in.
But are we up to it?
“Etheric DNA: The Blueprint for the Healing of the Planet”
ISBN: 9781726770101 (Imprint: Independently published)
“The predatory way we are wiping out other species is both reflected in and partially caused by the obsession in our culture to accumulate wealth, often with no regard to that accumulation’s consequences to the ecosystem or to other humans. If taking the resources of other species is acceptable, why not take the resources of other humans, too?”
Harsh words by Thom Hartmann in “The Last Hours of Ancient Sunlight”. It is clear that most of us have chosen to believe this to be the truth, the final truth. Some have decided to take what they can while they can, some have decided to throw all caution to the wind and live their lives as if there were no consequences to their actions. I, and I believe many others too, have decided to believe that there is hope and that there is a way to the healing of the planet. Maybe not an easy solution, but a solution nevertheless. And this solution involves healing at the deepest level: at DNA level, at cellular-regeneration level, at soul level”.
Copyright ? Dr Ana Garcia PhD, DTM (2003 – 2019)
All rights reserved. No portion(s) of this book can be copied, used or reproduced for any manner without the expressed written consent of Dr Ana Garcia.
Art Is Healing
5 年We are all love. It is impossiable to destroy love. We may transform into spirit or a mortal again but we are always love. Many mortals are unaware and this leads to a deeper misunderstanding. It is best to let the love within transform all negativity. There are many who sit in silence and let the love flow, this is the greatest transformation. Let the unaware have the money they are attached to negativity. Find your inner love and the power of love will overcome all. Love is everywhere, love is God. Not the God written of in books or made up by mortals. When we go inside and feel the love within we help transform all negativity. No one can awaken anyone. Each person is their own master. Awakening is knowing you are God. God is pure love within us not a God somewhere in the sky. The belief of Seperation is the root of all negativity. God in you has norhing to do with the negativity here. This negative energy is an illusion. It is up to mortals to forgive, not God. We can transform negative energy to love. When we awaken. We are God of Pure Love. It is happening now and it is beautiful. Even if you dont remember just be love. Love will guide you to the beauty. Love will heal all. Smiles