Introduction to the Enneagram (ennea = 9, gram = diagram)
Oscar Ichazo (1931–2020) was the originator of the Enneagram Personality Types, and he came up with the concepts of Ego Fixations, Holy Ideas, Passions and Virtues.?However, Ichazo only shared his Enneagram theories with his students verbally.?It was the former Fulbright Scholar and psychiatrist Dr Claudio Naranjo (1932–2019) who articulated Enneagram in Western psychological terms after learning from Ichazo.
In the early 1970s,?Dr Naranjo began developing and teaching his own understanding of the Enneagram in the United States, and his work included the setting up of Enneagram Panels for gathering empirical information on each Enneagram personality type.??
The Enneagram Personality Profiling System is a powerful tool for life coaching, team building, strengthening communication and problem-solving skills in the workplace.?Unlike the Myers Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) that provides helpful information as to specific personality traits and how a person relates to people and the environment, the Enneagram outlines the core (and often hidden) motivation driving each personality type, and provides a map for transforming personality traits that are not in line with such higher values as honesty, compassion, and courage.??In other words, the Enneagram offers the direction and opportunity for functioning from the highest potential of the personality.
Visually, the Enneagram is a circle encasing nine equidistant points associated by nine crossing lines.?Each point in the Enneagram model represents a different perspective of relating to others and interpreting life events.?
Brief Description of the Enneagram Types
The Three Centers of Intelligence
There are three centers of intelligence in the Enneagram and?these they are directly aligned with the three centers of intelligence.
We have three basic aversive reactions when our three basic needs are not met:
1)?Fear/Anxiety?–?This reaction occurs when the Enneagram Types 5, 6 and 7 experience threats, challenges, or dangers to their security.?Those in the Thinking (a.k.a. Head) Center of intelligence are preoccupied on what makes life safe and really trustworthy.
2)?Shame?–?This reaction occurs when the Enneagram Types 2, 3 and 4?did not measure up to what they are supposed to be with others and themselves.?They are most concerned with their image in the eyes of others.?Those in the Feeling (a.k.a. Heart) Center are seeking emotional connection and love.?
3)?Anger/Rage?–?The Enneagram Types 8, 9 and 1 react almost immediately when they feel they are being treated unfairly, extremely disrespected, their freedoms curtailed or that their needs or wants are not met.?Those in the Instinctual (a.k.a Body) Center want to take action to correct things or fulfill themselves when things around them are going awry.?Essentially, they want autonomy over their worlds.
Advice for?The Thinking Center:
Advice for?The Feeling Center
Advice for?The Instinctual Center
Harmonics Group
The Enneagram can also be viewed from the perspective of the Harmonic Group describes how each Enneagram Type handles conflict, adversity, and situations where their needs are not met, including their coping mechanisms.
The Positive Outlook Group denies they have any problems.?When the going gets tough...
The Reactive Group reacts strongly and need response from others.??When the going gets tough...
The Competency Group cuts off feelings and solve problems logically.?When the going gets tough...
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Transformation Life Coach. Emotional Wellness Therapist. Accredited Advanced EFT Practitioner. Matrix Reimprinting Practitioner. Author. Facilitator (ACLP). Content Creator.
3 年Great intro!