Notes from the AI Advance course by Irfan Malik & Dr Sheraz Naseer (Xeven Solutions)

Class 22 - INTRODUCTION & BASICS OF DEEP LEARNING Notes from the AI Advance course by Irfan Malik & Dr Sheraz Naseer (Xeven Solutions)


Notes from the AI Advance course-Class 22 by Irfan Malik & Dr Sheraz Naseer (Xeven Solutions)

Now, we are going to give you the Paid Assignment.

This is going to be the Premium Assignment.

Start the Research of

Real State. It Includes Market Place & ERP.

Check the Golbal Portals of Market Places.

How they are working in different countries. Check their ERP'S.

List down, how AI can be used in the field of AI.

Write short description, Draw pattern extraction, Identify needs.

This assignment is for those, having good critical thinking.

As a Teacher, we are saying you can do it. This project involves your Conceps, Critical Thinking, Research Skills. These 3 things will help you in Long Run. Complete this assignment in maximum 2 pages. Also add resources of your research. Study the Global Research.

This assignment is the start of your Future.

Visionary People are those, who forecast Future.

Small Visions converts into Big & Larger Perspective.

Nation Builds on Researchers.


Shortcoming of Conventional Machine Learning:

1- Unable to process Unstructured data Directly (Data in audio, pictures)

2- Can learn only so much from available data

For this purpose, we use feature engineering.

Learn, How to do research.

High dimensional data means it takes alot of compute.

Dimensionality Reduction is also the most important techniques. Remove the un-necessary data, that is of no use.

Conventional ML has data learning limitations. It doesn't learn after certain amount of data.

Means, it has limited capability.

Neural Networks can work directly with unstructured data.

AI will help you to increase your productivity.

Train your Brain.

Why is Deep Learning Popular Now?

1. Data

2. Compute

3. Algorithm

Now, Deep Learning has Infinite capacity to learn.

Sam Altman is spending alot on Compute. That's the concept behind it.

Whenever Disruption occurs, there is a Huge Opportunity.

Hope for the best, Believe on ALLAH, Future is your's, if you are working with Focus.

Now, we are living in Data World. Neural Networks Love Data.

Now, Computer Vision is like a solved problem.

Check out the Difference b/w CPU & GPU.

GPU is like a compute.

In AI, compute is expensive.

Why Researchers developes Algorithms?

Now, AI is actually deep learning, 98%

Check out the types of Neural Networks.

Don't waste your time in Ramadan on Sleeping.

Because, if you take a delay in AI field, it will be difficult to cover & pick the pace.

First of all you have to develop Though Process, then go to Coding Step.

#AI #artificialintelligence #datascience #irfanmalik #drsheraz #xevensolutions #hamzanadeem


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