Introduction to Angular.JS

Introduction to Angular.JS

What is AngularJS?

AngularJS is probably one of the most popular modern-day web frameworks available today.?AngularJS?is an open-source Model-View-Controller framework that is similar to the?JavaScript?framework mainly used to develop single-page web applications(SPAs). This framework has been developed by a group of developers from Google itself. As it is open-source, completely free, and used by thousands of developers around the world. It is licensed under the Apache license version 2.0.

?Let’s understand the significance of using AngularJS, how it can be applied in the real world, and how it is advantageous in comparison to other frameworks with respect to its implementation, DOM model, simple coding capabilities, unit testing abilities, and much more.

Use of AngularJS

As we can see there are various fields such as weather applications, travel applications, e-commerce websites, etc where we can use angular to build a website and even the most popular websites such as?Netflix,?and Youtube. Therefore we can say that angularJS make it easy to perform a number of a task in a simple manner.

There are many reasons that tempt developers to use AngularJS for front-end development.

The top reasons are as follows:

  • Fast and Easy to Adopt:?With the introduction of AngularJS JavaScript MVC framework, it has become very easy to execute all tasks ranging from simple to most complex. Also, the binding dependency between the controller and template leads to good application development.?
  • High Performance:?Angular JS is Easy to use and requires the least maintenance, making AngularJS the first choice of web developers. AngularJS holds power-packed features such as - Directives, Data Binding, Content Sanitization, Form Validation, Animations, etc., and thus it offers high performance.?
  • Dependencies Handling:?AngularJS mainly takes care of the complete lifecycle of objects; developers do not have to worry about namespace and instances. This particular framework reduces the difficulty of handling dependencies and dynamic loading.
  • Allows Frequent Testing: Using the AngularJS framework, developers can test an application as many times as they want to ensure that the application is error-free. This is one of the major benefits of developing web applications with AngularJS.
  • Reduce Line coding: In AngularJS, there is no need to write coding for the MVC pipeline, and thus it reduces the big size of codes and saves time for developers. Also, HTML makes it simple to develop an application without a getter and setter.

Why AngularJS is Popular?

This framework is gaining popularity these days because of its highly recommendable performance feature. The features and uniqueness of AngularJS have made it stand out as a framework to develop user-friendly applications in less time and less effort.

It provides various directives for customizing the features with your own ease.?

  • Socially Connected: Angular has been keeping a good record over the forum page where developers can post and clear out their queries.
  • Increased Performance: Angular users find dramatically increase in their development speed. It is also one of the easier frameworks to learn and adapt.
  • Data is bounded Two Way: Two-way binding of data allowed developers to separate application logic from the Document Object Model. This Separation in application logic from the DOM leads to much ease In testing by the developer.
  • Friendly to Testing: Angular has made unit testing very easy. Now you can easily inject implementations and test your code without making any changes to your real code.
  • Single Page Angular Application: This is the most popular reason for adopting Angular Js. It is very easy to develop a single-page application using Angular Js features.

Benefits of?using AngularJS

While there are many AngularJS advantages to count upon, here are a few that can prove beneficial for developers:

  • Interactive user interface: Angular JS uses HTML to define?the?user interface of the mobile application, and since HTML is simple to use, easy to understand and?a?declarative?language, the entire application?is?simple. It is easier to use HTML than JavaScript to define the elements of?the?interface.??
  • Easy to understand directives: A directive is a concept?that can be used?to work with Angular JS?with the aim of?embedding?additional functionality?into?HTML, without making it more complicated. Also, it?facilitates directives that help the developer in building customized HTML tags.?
  • Writing messy code is avoided: The need to write too many lines of messy code can be avoided while using Angular JS. The need to write code for the MVC pipeline is eliminated, thereby reducing a considerable amount of overhead.?The data model can be specified without the need to use other extra?features?or?embed other?features.?
  • Unit Testing capabilities: Angular JS was built by keeping the testing requirements in mind. This is because testing plays an important role, and can prove to be a significant step in identifying?loopholes?and issues. It also helps understand the overall application from a different perspective.
  • Service providers: The scope of the code can be manipulated with the help of controllers in Angular JS. This means data can be placed prior to the code that would be used to implement the business logic or the server code.

Tapan Patel | Binjal Pandya | Aakash Parghi | Pratik Vaja

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