Introduction Access Modifiers in Java and Its Types

Introduction Access Modifiers in Java and Its Types

In Java access modifiers are important tools that help developers control who can see and use classes, methods, and variables. They are key to keeping your code clean and secure, following a principle called encapsulation in object-oriented programming. Java has four main access modifiers, each one controls access differently. By allowing different parts of the code to interact in specific ways. Understanding these access modifiers is crucial for writing well-organized and easy-to-maintain code. In this article, we will look at the different types of access modifiers in Java. As well as how they work, and the best ways to use them.

What are Access Modifiers in Java?

Access modifiers in Java are keywords that set the access level for classes, constructors, methods, and variables. They define who can access these members and from where. Java provides four types of access modifiers:

  • Public
  • Private
  • Protected
  • Default (Package-Private)

Each of these access modifiers offers different levels of access control, enabling developers to safeguard their code and ensure proper usage.

Types of Access Modifier in Java

Let's dive into each type of access modifier in Java and understand how they work.

1. Public Access Modifier

The public access modifier is the most permissive. When a class, method, or variable is marked as public, it can be accessed from any other class, both within the same package and from external packages.


public class Example {

????public int number = 5;

????public void display() {

????????System.out.println("The number is: " + number);



Here, both the number variable and display method are accessible from any other class, making them publicly available.

Key Points:

  • Accessible from any class, anywhere.
  • Often used for classes and methods that are meant to be used widely across different packages.

2. Private Access Modifier

The private access modifiers in Java are the most restrictive. It allows access only within the class where it is declared. Private members cannot be accessed or modified from outside the class, making them ideal for sensitive data that should not be exposed.


public class Example {

????private int number = 5;

????private void display() {

????????System.out.println("The number is: " + number);



In this Java access modifiers case, the number variable and display method are accessible only within the Example class.

Key Points:

  • Accessible only within the declaring class.
  • Promotes encapsulation by hiding internal details from the outside world.
  • Often used for variables that represent internal state or helper methods not intended for public use.

3. Protected Access Modifier

The protected access modifiers in Java sit between public and private. It allows access within the same package and subclasses (even if they are in different packages). This makes it useful when you want to allow controlled access to your class members in a way that supports inheritance.


public class Example {

????protected int number = 5;

????protected void display() {

????????System.out.println("The number is: " + number);



class SubExample extends Example {

????public void showNumber() {




In this example, the SubExample class can access the number variable and display method because it extends the Example class.

Key Points:

  • Accessible within the same package and by subclasses.
  • Supports inheritance by allowing subclasses to access protected members of the parent class.

4. Default (Package-Private) Access Modifier

If you do not specify any Java modifiers, it applies the default, also known as package-private access. This level of access modifiers in Java allows members to be accessed only within the same package, providing a middle ground between public and private.


class Example {

????int number = 5;

????void display() {

????????System.out.println("The number is: " + number);



Here, both number and display are accessible only within the same package.

Key Points:

  • Accessible only within the same package.
  • Used when you want to allow access to classes within the same package but restrict it from external packages.

In fact, if you want to study more about the access modifiers in Java then you can consider enrolling in a Java full-stack certification course. It will teach you about using them as well as will be beneficial for starting your career in the field of software development.

Best Practices for Using Access Modifiers

When working with access modifiers, it is important to follow best practices to ensure your code is secure, maintainable, and follows the principles of encapsulation:

  1. Use private by default: Unless you have a specific reason to expose a member, keep it private. This minimizes the chances of unintended interactions.
  2. Promote encapsulation: Keep your data and methods as private as possible and provide controlled access through public methods (getters and setters).
  3. Leverage protected for inheritance: Use the protected modifier when you need to expose certain methods or variables to subclasses but want to keep them hidden from the outside world.
  4. Be cautious with public: Only make a class or member public if you want it to be accessible from anywhere. Remember that once something is public, you cannot restrict access later without breaking existing code that relies on it.
  5. Keep packages organized: Utilize package-private access to create modular, well-organized packages that encapsulate their internal workings, exposing only what is necessary to the outside world.


In conclusion, understanding and using access modifiers in Java is important for writing secure and well-organized code. Access modifiers help control who can see and use your classes, methods, and variables. Which is a key part of encapsulation in object-oriented programming. Each modifier serves a specific purpose and should be used carefully. As well as by following best practices you can make sure your code is strong and easy to manage. Mastering access modifiers is a vital step in becoming a skilled Java developer, allowing you to build effective and scalable programs.


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