Introducing your Support Group, in a GAME
We created a Support Group, and wrote about the wonderful potential of live meetings with Teachers and Coaches in Discovery Sessions and Practice Sessions and wow, thirty pages later we realised...
Nobody is going to read all THAT
So we made an interactive GAME instead. It covers the essentials. And when you have played it, you will be ready to jump into some meetings.
You can play the game here <<< click the link, or click the image
Or maybe you would like to read the text <<< that's the link. You will have to give me your email to access the document.
Get Ready to Get Active
We think you should be ready to get involved. This is not a spectator group. Active participation is expected. Indeed there are multiple projects that you will be invited to take part in, and where there is a need, you will be asked to lead. If you are an Educator, you are probably used to leading.
TwC Projects - WHY
"The idea is we all lead something we are good at and are interested in... and also do something else we want to learn about. We learn from each other, we learn by doing. We learn from 'mistakes'. A bit like school really."