Introducing Wrestle Mode
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Introducing Wrestle Mode

Greetings, fearless adventurers! Today, we bring you some incredible news that will reshape your journey into something extraordinary – we’re launching the Beta version of Wrestle, a new feature in Herokind that we’ve been passionately crafting for months. Wrestle Mode is a simple yet exhilarating turn-based fight game where your Humankind collectibles step into the ring to grapple with monsters on different islands. Think of it like games we loved as kids, promising an adventure you won’t want to miss.

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Monsters in Herokind Wrestle

Our Vision

But why Wrestle Mode, you might be wondering? Well, let us share our vision with you. We're dedicated to taking every aspect of your Humankind adventure to new heights of excitement and engagement. We've listened closely to your feedback and requests, and we're excited to unveil the result – introducing Wrestle Mode, an adventure that's all about the power of your Kind! You’re the ones in control leading the change and battling for victory.?

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Herokind fighting against Nerdy Dragon in Wrestle Mode

Game Mechanics

We heard your feedback and implemented it in this new feature. We're handing over more autonomy to you as a player, letting you steer the narrative, orchestrate the tactics, and script your heroic victories. It's about making your experience more engaging, immersive, and truly your own. Wrestle Mode isn't just an addition; it's a transformation.

  • Turn-Based Tumult: Just like those Pokémon battles we all know and love, Wrestle is all about taking turns. When your Humankind strikes, the next move is up to the monster. So, plan your strategy wisely before diving into the showdown. But don't overthink it, remember, there's a timer ticking!
  • Unique Attacks: Each character brings three totally cool moves to the table that'll make your opponents shake in their boots. These epic maneuvers are inspired by Herokind's gear and traits, adding some serious spice to the battle.
  • Tactical Fights & Getaways: Every turn comes with four choices: three rad combat moves and the chance to bail out. Remember, sometimes it's smarter to beat a tactical retreat – it might save you more points than a defeat in battle.

For those eager to dive deeper into the mechanics of Wrestle Mode, we've got something special for you – our Adventure Help Guide. Check it out, we’re sure it’ll come in handy.?

Our Future Vision?

But wait, the adventure doesn't end here! This new feature is kicking off with the basics as a solo gig, but trust us, the dream is massive! We're talking tag team battles, team-ups with other awesome collections, epic power-ups, health boosts, magic moves, super skills, cool in-game treats, character stats for the ultimate showdown history, and we're even dragging Robotos and Robopets into the ring for the ultimate collection showdown. Stay tuned for the slammin' updates!

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Herokind runs towards his opponent to fight him

Setting Expectations

As we unveil Wrestle Mode, it's important to note that this marks the commencement of our beta phase. This means you're about to experience a game mode that's dynamically evolving, constantly fine-tuned to reach its full potential. It's a journey we're excited to take with you, and your input will be invaluable in shaping the final masterpiece. And here's something we're incredibly proud of – we're developing this feature entirely in-house, nurturing it from conception to reality, pixel by pixel, line by line.?

We're not shy to admit that even the most meticulously crafted gems can have a few rough edges. We invite you to join us in this adventure, help us spot any lurking bugs, and report your findings to us. Together, we'll iron out these wrinkles, perfecting the experience step by step.

See you on the battlefield,



