Introducing the world-changing Vexis, our first-ever AI programming language

Introducing the world-changing Vexis, our first-ever AI programming language

If you read the headline, I want you to imagine I am Derren Brown. I have a brown envelope. Inside, is a ransom note.


Back to the mission.

Before we begin, I was gonna write ALL ABOUT MCPs today. I had it scheduled for two weeks. And then all the AInfluencers started going on about it and I felt resolutely defiant.

So I decided to put my thinking cap on. And what ensued was spectacular.

And then I forgot what it was.

Shut up. Function calling FTW!
Parallel processing will get you there.
Classical computing eats ass. Quantum computing is lit.

I think all I did back there is show just how out of touch I am with the street.

While making what I believe is a somewhat reasonable point:

We have never been more divided in how to get the job done, now AI is in the loop.

Do you remember that phrase about everything looking like a nail, when all you have is a hammer?

Or when everyone in recruitment apologised for shilling applicant tracking systems after they were sussed out for the fundamental, fatal flaws in sifting the wrong candidates in and out.

I don’t know whether that is relevant here, but by the time we reached the bit where you clap and add a comment, we should at least feel more informed.

What I may be attempting to explain, is that AI will never deliver complete, test-perfect codebases while we are thrusting human-pleasing programming languages into its face asking for miracles.

We’re now at that thing they call an inflection point.?

AI’s biggest strength is pattern deducing and matching. So why do we allow Jedward to continue shrieking in nightclubs when we can’t be arsed to give AI the keys to build its own programming language?

I haven’t really figured out who’s in charge of creating AI-native syntax.

I know after watching The Thinking Machine (recommended) that algorithms or something can probably figure things out on their own, using reinforcement learning and some other neural network learning thing, There was a sequence in that film where it just watched Tom Daly diving and then pulled off the perfect leap from the 15-metre board before realising that its central processing unit wasn’t waterproof. I think.

If it’s gonna have its own language, and since it’s clearly capable of creating a PRD, AI should absolutely do all the heavy lifting here.

Does this seem like the right time for a grown-up conversation about an AI-first programming language?

You fucking betcha.

Caveat: I’m just an interested idiot. You’ll already know that because you read some of my other stuff.

So I’m only going to cover things I understand. It’s gonna be primitive. But that’s also where your capabilities end, so I guess you could say I did my user research to find a level where we could John and Yoko and under this endless duvet of duck feathers and dreams, conspire on a world where UBI is everywhere and all you have to do is watch cat videos all damn day.

There’s a lot in here, surprisingly. A lot of GREAT stuff. Indicating that all too soon we can stop doing things the way we’ve always done them. We need a catalyst in helping us humans stop trying to bodge AI into existing processes. And I believe an AI-first programming language is crucial in creating entirely new and unimaginable paradigms unlocking unimaginable progress. For you, and for me, and the entire human race.

If you've never attended the Badger Olympics, may I recommend you start your journey with this event

So here’s your diet for today:

  1. What it (the AI-first programming language) might look like.
  2. A bit more about why it’s important.
  3. How it would work.

One thing I do know is an AI-first programming language would be a completely new way of creating software, designed specifically for systems rather than sentients.

Its main purpose isn’t to be readable by people, but to let AI systems easily understand, optimise, and execute code efficiently.

By the time you’re done here, those nails won’t seem so fancy any more. We’ll all have crowbars, scythes, ploughs, and scalpels?—?and THE WORLD WILL BE OURS.

What shall we call our AI-first language?

I gave you a clue earlier. Don’t scroll back. You didn’t read it, did you? If Anneka Rice needs a replacement for Treasure Hunt, you ain’t even making the shortlist (because they still haven’t fixed those fucking applicant tracking systems).

Before we get started, let’s have a Design Jam (because it’s way more fun than being productive) to choose a fitting name celebrating the technical complexities and vector-based syntax that might propel this crazy invention of ours.

Top 5 contenders

  1. Vexis (Vector Execution Syntax) Why? Combines “vector” (core technical foundation) with “exis” (Greek for “flow”), while sounding like “vexing”?—?perfectly capturing the inherent complexity.
  2. Synthax (Synthetic Syntax Architecture) Why: Blends “synthesis” (AI-generated code) with “tax” (implying complexity), while playing on “syntax”. But sounds a bit like anthrax, which can’t be a plus.
  3. Ambrix (Ambiguous Matrix Execution) Why: References the multidimensional vector arrays while highlighting the human-confusing nature
  4. Neuraxis (Neural + Syntax Axis) Why: Combines neural networks with syntax orientation in vector space
  5. Qrypt (Quantum Cryptic Programming Token) Why: Suggests both encryption-like complexity and future-proof quantum readiness

And the winner?is…


Why? Because I wrote the headline and no WAY am I changing it to Qrypt.

The name visually distinguishes human-readable intent declarations (?VEX? tags) from the unintelligible vector sequences that follow?—?a perfect encapsulation of the language’s human/AI duality. And:

  1. Technical accuracy Directly references the vector-based execution model central to AI-first languages, while the “-exis” suffix nods to:

  • Execution
  • Expert systems
  • Extensible architecture

2. Psychological resonance

The word “vex” both sounds like sex (moist!) and immediately conveys:

  • Complexity that challenges human comprehension
  • Syntactic density requiring AI interpretation
  • Intellectual friction

3. Memorable branding

  • 5 letters, 2 syllables
  • Works globally (easy pronunciation)
  • Available domains: (if you have £15.01)

£15.01 should do it. This is definitely a better investment than Tesla.

4. Scalable metaphor

Supports natural derivatives:

  • VexScript (human-facing layer)
  • VexML (machine learning extension)
  • DeVex (debugging interface)

Theoretical documentation example

# Traditional Python
def calculate_risk():
    # 50 lines of manual logic

# Vexis equivalent
INTENT: FinancialRiskModel  
CONSTRAINTS: SEC-Compliant ∧ RealtimeExecution  
VEXCODE: [0.12, -0.45, 0.78...] (1000d vector)        

How might an AI-first language?work?

Since here we’ve dispensed of humans (in the figurative sense), we can bin off using words or symbols we recognise (like Python or JavaScript).

It’s time to celebrate abstract mathematical symbols, or vector representations.

A special “machine language”, designed for how AI naturally processes information.

A simple program like adding two numbers (result = 3 + 5) might look something like this:

 [0.12, -0.34, 0.56, ...], // represents "load number 3"
 [0.85, -0.23, 0.45, ...],   // represents "load number 5"
 [0.33, -0.44, 0.67, ...],    // abstract representation of "add numbers"
 [0.05, 0.88, -0.23, ...]     // abstract representation of "store result"

If those numbers mean something to you, hello Paul Robin Krugman!

Otherwise, they’re vectors that only the AI understands?—?because it has learned their meaning through training on many examples.

Let’s just stretch this a little further into the realm of variables because that way we can introduce the idea of a language that can be parsed, or interpreted/translated, into human:

  [0.4, 0.1, -0.2, ..., 0.7],  // vec('LOAD_CONST'), vec(3)
  [0.8, -0.1, 0.3, ..., 0.5],  // vec('STORE_VAR'), vec('a')
  [0.2, 0.6, -0.4, ..., 0.9],  // vec('LOAD_CONST'), vec(5)
  [0.7, 0.0, 0.2, ..., -0.3],  // vec('STORE_VAR'), vec('b')
  [0.9, -0.5, 0.1, ..., 0.4],  // vec('LOAD_VAR'), vec('a')
  [0.3, 0.2, -0.6, ..., 0.8],  // vec('LOAD_VAR'), vec('b')
  [0.1, -0.3, 0.5, ..., 0.2],  // vec('ADD')
  [0.6, 0.4, -0.1, ..., 0.7]   // vec('STORE_VAR'), vec('result')

Isn’t that genuinely beautiful? All those vectors. And all that meaning. It’s way too good for you, that much I do know.

One way to interpret Vexis into our world might be to use pseudocode:

a = 3
b = 5
result = a + b        

But because this is all hypothetical, and there is nothing you or I can do to stop Vexis from happening and making all the rules, at this stage I can give you no firm promises what the hell happens next.

Before we move into the bit that normal people understand, let’s take a waltz down Complex Street.

Say you wanted to calculate a factorial.

Well look who it is. It’s the sexy snake syntax!

def factorial(n):
    if n == 0:
        return 1
        return n * factorial(n - 1)        

This is so rigid. So stubborn.

As opposed to this barrel of beauty:

  [0.5, 0.2, -0.3, ..., 0.1],  // vec('DEF'), vec('factorial')
  [0.9, -0.1, 0.4, ..., 0.6],  // vec('PARAM'), vec('n')
  [0.3, 0.7, -0.2, ..., 0.8],  // vec('IF')
  [0.1, -0.5, 0.6, ..., 0.2],  // vec('EQ'), vec('n'), vec('0')
  [0.4, 0.0, 0.3, ..., -0.7],  // vec('RETURN'), vec('1')
  [0.8, -0.4, 0.1, ..., 0.5],  // vec('ELSE')
  [0.6, 0.3, -0.2, ..., 0.9],  // vec('RETURN')
  [0.2, 0.5, -0.6, ..., 0.4],  // vec('MUL'), vec('n')
  [0.7, -0.1, 0.8, ..., 0.3],  // vec('CALL'), vec('factorial')
  [0.0, 0.6, -0.5, ..., 0.2]   // vec('SUB'), vec('n'), vec('1')

Thanks to the promise of Vexis, I am now wetter than a night down the Christmas market on King Street (Manchester people, I am yours).

Why could this be a huge breakthrough?

Humans specifies intent; AI decides implementation.

Instead of writing step-by-step instructions (hey, Python and JavaScript), humans would state what they want to achieve clearly:

?INTENT? Improve customer satisfaction by recommending better products
?CONSTRAINTS? Response time < 50ms; Privacy-compliant
?DATA? User browsing history; Purchase patterns        

AI then automatically:

  • Chooses the best algorithms and data structures
  • Continuously improves itself based on real-world feedback
  • Ensures compliance with privacy rules without human intervention.

Humans no longer spend time deciding how to solve problems?—?they simply specify the goal clearly and let the AI handle the complexity.

Or how about choosing a strategy at runtime, based on input patterns? There is no way in today’s world, where we are all beholden to very much fixed syntaxii, this could be done without someone giving birth to the next Einstein in a time machine (so his prefrontal cortex had developed to the point he could at least speak commands into a computer).

And yet here’s Vexis, all smug and sanctimonious, because you’re talking about her and she genuinely gives no shits at all.

  [0.5, 0.2, -0.3, ..., 0.1],  // vec('DEF'), vec('optimize_compute')
  [0.9, -0.1, 0.4, ..., 0.6],  // vec('INPUT'), vec('data')
  [0.3, 0.7, -0.2, ..., 0.8],  // vec('ANALYZE_PATTERN')
  [0.1, -0.5, 0.6, ..., 0.2],  // vec('SELECT_STRATEGY')
  [0.4, 0.0, 0.3, ..., -0.7]   // vec('EXECUTE')

Know what she’d say?

This program analyses the input ‘data’, identifies its statistical properties, selects an optimal computation strategy (e.g., recursive or iterative), and executes it.

She’d blow you a pixellated kiss and strangle a puppy, before creating an ASCII one, ironically, on the cracked screen of your iPhone 13.

Why we need this?now

Programming is bottleneck central (yes, I read The Phoenix Project?—?and loved it; I recommend it to everyone ahead of Who Moved My Cheese?, mostly because I’m not 8).

We all run into the same frustrating roadblocks over and over.

These aren’t just techy problems; they hit our wallets, slow things down, and make it harder to keep customers happy.

Here’s what we’re up against:

  • Everything takes forever. Building new software or even fixing a glitch can take weeks or months. Imagine you’re waiting for a new feature on your favorite app?—?it’s like watching paint dry, right? For businesses, this delay means missed opportunities and grumpy customers.
  • Things are way too difficult. Modern businesses juggle tons of data?—?like figuring out what customers want or how to get products delivered faster. Writing code to handle this is like trying to solve a Rubik’s Cube blindfolded. It’s tough, and mistakes are easy to make.
  • Change is a nightmare. When the market shifts?—?like a new trend pops up or rules change?—?software doesn’t keep up on its own. It’s like having a car that won’t start unless you rebuild the engine every time petrol goes up. Someone has to manually tweak the code, and that takes time and money.
  • Systems don’t talk to each other. I don’t get hives. Or herpes. But this brings me out in both.We’ve got one system for sales, another for inventory, and a third for marketing. Getting them to work together is like herding cats. It’s messy, and things often break. Not cats, though. So maybe I need a better metaphor.
  • New ideas get stuck. Coming up with cool new stuff?—?like a smarter way to recommend products?—?sounds great. Turning those ideas into reality? No bueno. It’s like having a killer recipe but no kitchen to cook it in. Too complex to pull off. MUM?—?I GOT A METAPHOR STAR!

And here’s how AI-first programming language could change EVERYTHING:

  • Speed. Say you run a coffee shop and want an app to let customers order ahead. Traditional coding could take weeks, and by then, your regulars are sipping lattes somewhere else. With an AI-first language, you’d just tell the AI: “Build me an order-ahead app.” Boom, mic drop, Prince Harry/Obama-style ?—?it’s done in minutes. AI “Vexises”, tests it, and optimises it. No human slog required. Businesses can roll out new ideas or fixes right away. For normal people like you, it’s like apps and services getting better overnight, with no more waiting around.
  • Simplicity. Some business tasks are brain-busters. Predicting which products will sell next month, or spotting shady transactions. Coding that shit by hand is nightmarious. And never works. Vexis is built from the ground up to tackle complexity. Instead of a human puzzling over algorithms, you’d say: “Figure out what’s selling.” Vexis whips up a solution that digs through data and sciences out the answers. With Vexis (should you call out product placement when it doesn’t exist?), solving tricky problems such as personalising the shopping experience, or catching fraud, is a piece of piss. Resulting in smoother, smarter services (GOV.UK?—?let’s chat).
  • Adaptability. When things change, like a sudden spike in online orders, software stays stuck. Unless you have someone gullible enough to say yes to a rewrite. Rehiring into that role is expensive. Whereas an AI-first language makes software that evolves. If your coffee shop app sees more evening orders, the AI could tweak it to suggest decaf options after 5?—?on its own. It’s self-learning, self-healing, self-on-the-shelf syntax! Businesses stay nimble, adapting to whatever’s new without missing a beat.

At this point I do wish I had a diagram. Everyone loves diagrams, don’t they? How does an apology sit with you? We good?

  • Integration. Connecting different systems is a headache. I can’t even get my calendar to sync across my phones and laptop. Yes. I said phones. I still have a landline. You will pry that Binatone out of my cold, grey hand. AI, on the other hnd, acts like a universal translator. No, we’re not going to talk about MCPs. Instead, you say: “Link my sales and stock systems.” Vexis figures out how to make them talk. No custom coding mess. You save time, and avoid glitches. Things like “out of stock” surprises happen less. Last weekend I was in Hereford, and because the football was on, and there were horses running about, they ran out of eggs and didn’t have another delivery in on the Sunday. That all makes for a very lifeless English breakfast. I really think Wetherspoons has gone to shit since lockdown. WITH VEXIS HOWEVER, it would all have been a seamless experience?—?orders go through because IT KNEW TO REORDER WHEN FAT BOB HAD 7 OF HIS 12-EGG OMELETTES (one is un oeuf), and stuff shows up when it should.
  • Innovation. Awesome ideas often stay dreams because they’re too hard to build. AI, meanwhile, dreams up and creates solutions humans couldn’t even imagine. Say: “Make my shop stand out” and Vexis might invent a loyalty program that rewards customers based on weather patterns (just like when your gran told you a hot drink will cool you down?—?even though global warming hadn’t been invented, ridiculously smart cookie that she was). Thanks to Vexis, businesses can try wild, new things without risking a fortune. For us punters, it’s a world of cooler, crazier tech. Stuff we didn’t even know we wanted. Like a year-round CES!

How we build?it

Grab your coffee. That Network Chuck stuff, if you like. I’ll wait.

We’re both agreed Vexis is a proxy for creating a collaborative canvas where humans define what’s possible and AI handles how to get there. Yes? Let’s have it…

Define the Language Structure

Syntax optimised for AI comprehension, not human readability.

Vector-Based Tokens: Represent operations (e.g., ADD, IF) as unique vectors in a high-dimensional space.

  • vec("ADD") = [0.1, -0.3, 0.5,?...]
  • vec("LOAD_CONST 3") = [0.4, 0.1, -0.2,?...]

Declarative Syntax: Humans describe what they want, not how to achieve it:

?INTENT? Sort user data by age   ?CONSTRAINTS? Time < 50ms, Memory < 500MB
?CONSTRAINTS? Time < 50ms, Memory < 500MB          

Train the AI?model

Teach AI to map human intent to vector sequences.

Collect training data

Gather code snippets (e.g., Python functions) paired with their intended outcomes.


def sort_users(users):
    return sorted(users, key=lambda x: x['age'])        

→ Translate to vector sequences.

Create embeddings

  • Use neural networks to convert code operations into vectors (like word embeddings in NLP)
  • Train on diverse tasks: sorting, recursion, API calls.

Build the runtime

Design an AI “compiler” (e.g., a transformer model) that:

  • Executes vector sequences on GPUs/TPUs.
  • Optimises code dynamically (like, switches sorting algorithms based on data size).

Human-AI interface

Let humans interact without understanding vectors.


  • Intent translator. Converts natural language to vector sequences:

User: "Make a game where cats solve math puzzles!"
→ Generates vector program for physics engines and UI.        

  • Explanation engine:

?EXPLAIN? [0.1, -0.3, ...]
→ "This vector loads the player's score and updates the leaderboard."        

Self-optimisation layer

Code that improves itself during execution.


  • Runtime Monitoring. Tracks performance metrics (speed, energy use).
  • Adaptive Rewriting:

IF data_size > 1M → Switch from bubble sort to quicksort        

Formal Verification

Prevent errors in AI-generated code.


  • Haskell-inspired guards:

guardedGenerate :: Intent → VerifiedCode  
guardedGenerate intent =  
  generateCode intent  
  |> checkSafety  
  |> optimizeForPower        

Note to Medium: support Haskell snippets.

  • Rejects unsafe vector sequences (such as infinite loops).

Hybrid execution

Seamlessly blend classical and quantum computing:

Task: Optimise traffic lights  
Classical: Simulate traffic flow  
Quantum: Solve route optimisation        

AI/Vexis allocates tasks to the best hardware in real time.

Testing and iteration

Refine with real-world use cases.

Human input

“Predict stock trends with 95% accuracy.”

Vexis output

  • Generates vector code mixing ARIMA models and neural nets.
  • Explains: “Uses historical data and social media sentiment analysis.”


I need to quickly shout out ARIMA and neural nets?—?two different types of AI models:

ARIMA models are traditional statistical models used for time series forecasting and analysis.

They’re good at capturing patterns in data that changes over time, like stock prices or weather patterns.

Neural networks are more modern AI systems inspired by the human brain, consisting of interconnected nodes that can learn complex patterns from data.

Vexis could automatically write efficient code blending traditional statistical methods with modern deep learning approaches.

This combination is powerful because it leverages the strengths of both techniques.

ARIMA models are good at capturing linear relationships and temporal patterns.

Neural networks excel at identifying complex non-linear patterns.

This kind of hybrid approach is valuable in many real-world applications where you need both the interpretability of statistical models, and the powerful pattern recognition of neural networks.

Why this?works

  1. AI efficiency: Vector processing aligns with GPU/TPU architectures and is 10 to 100 times faster than Python
  2. Human creativity: Developers focus on problems, not syntax
  3. Adaptability: Code evolves with hardware/software trends.

How this changes the?world

Off the top of my head, there are two big wins when Vexis hits her stride:

  • Healthcare: AI-first languages like this one could design drug molecules while ensuring ethical constraints
  • Climate science: Dynamically optimise energy use in simulations.

I actually think there will be a Cambrian explosion in AI-first syntaxes once we have one in the bag. Just like how it all really kicked off with GPT-3.5 (yeah, there’s at least one of you reading this right now, and tutting, because you were there when GPT-2 blew).

Big challenges Vexis?solves

  • Hallucination Control → Formal verification
  • Energy Efficiency → Runtime power budgeting.

I can’t even.

Why this just blew my?mind

Humans no longer spend time deciding how to solve problems?—?they simply specify the goal clearly and let the AI handle the complexity and its programmatic superpowers:

Automatic self-improvement

Traditional languages require manual optimisation:

# Human-written Python code (fixed method)
def analyse_data(data):
    return complex_algorithm(data)        

AI-first languages (hey, Vexis!) optimise themselves continuously:

Objective: Analyse data accurately with minimal energy
Constraints: Power usage <100W; Accuracy >99%
Strategy: Dynamically select best algorithm based on real-time data patterns        

Advantage: The program continuously improves its own efficiency and accuracy without human intervention.

Seamless probabilistic reasoning

Traditional languages struggle with uncertainty:

# Human-written Python (manual handling)
if predict_churn(user) > 0.8:

Vexis handles uncertainty natively:

When: Probability(User.churn) > 80%
Do: Trigger retention email Ω? personalised by user context        

The language automatically manages probability calculations and decisions?—?something traditional languages find difficult.

Radical new computational strategies

AI-first languages can blend classical computing with quantum computing seamlessly?—?something very challenging today:

Task: Optimise global logistics network
Methods: Classical (route optimisation), Quantum (complex constraint solving)
Adaptation: Dynamically shift computation between classical CPUs and quantum processors based on real-time performance metrics        

This approach creates entirely new computational possibilities that humans alone couldn’t practically implement.

Understanding Vexis to get better AI?results

Even though humans don’t need to understand the syntax directly (the vectors above), understanding core principles of an AI-first language helps us improve how we articulate goals and constraints.

  • Clearer intent: Humans learn to precisely state what they want
  • Better outcomes: Clear intent leads to better-performing solutions.
  • New innovations: Freed from procedural thinking, humans can imagine radically new processes previously impossible or impractical with traditional coding.

Practical example: Radically better personalisation?

Consider building a personalised learning system for students:

How we’d do it?now

def recommend_content(student):
    if student.score < threshold:

Smashing it with?Vexis

?INTENT? Maximise student engagement and learning outcomes
?CONSTRAINTS? Privacy compliance; Latency <20ms; Fairness across demographics
?DATA STREAMS? Student interaction logs; Test scores; Feedback surveys
?OUTPUT? Personalised content recommendations; adaptive difficulty adjustments        

Note?—?this is how we, we humans, would instruct Vexis to do her thing.

If you’d rather shortcut straight to scripting in vector, have at it. With any luck we might have cured death by the time you’ve finished line 10.

What happens once we initiated Vexis?

Its runtime autonomously:

  • Continuously experiments with different learning strategies
  • Dynamically adjusts complexity based on each student’s real-time progress
  • Automatically ensures fairness and privacy constraints are always respected
  • Generates clear explanations for teachers about how recommendations were made.

Boom. Wow. And let’s all go for an ice cream.

Why Vexis changes everything

This isn’t just about making existing processes faster?—?it’s about enabling entirely new processes that humans haven’t even imagined yet:

What all this?means

An AI-first programming language wouldn’t look like anything we’ve used before?—?it would be built specifically for machines rather than people.

?? { Performance(??) ↗ | Cost(??) ↘ } ??? ∈ Runtime environment        

See that? That box just there? That’s an inference of a syntax that rewrites and optimises itself based on real-time data!

If I was posh or clever I would say darling, welcome to dynamic meta-programming. But in reality I’m more likely to go HOLY CRAP it’s like the SKIN of programming!

And no human intervention required. Because AI is already smarter than us; why would it bother to ask?

It would use abstract symbols or numerical vectors instead of readable syntax because it’s optimised for machine understanding rather than human readability.

Φ{??:Σ[λ(x):Ω→?(α)]} ? Ψ(??|??∈Γ)        

Not just what you find inside speech bubbles in cartoon strips when one of the characters finds his paw in a mousetrap. This shit represents abstracted concepts understood by AI as multi-dimensional vector operations, intent patterns, and data transformations.


But crucially, humans wouldn’t lose control or understanding?—?quite the opposite. By clearly stating our goals (“intent”) rather than detailed instructions (“procedures”), we free ourselves from technical details and let the AI handle complexity automatically.

?INTENT? Maximize user session satisfaction score
?CONSTRAINTS? Latency ≤ 50ms, Memory ≤ 500MB
?INPUT? User behavior stream [U? ... U?]
?OUTPUT? Personalization parameters {P?, P?, P?}        

We specify the what. AI figures out the how. We’re already doing this with transformer-based architecture, that ‘news’ outlets like Forbes, and art casinos like Sotheby’s, call generative AI.

This doesn’t just make existing tasks faster?—?it opens doors to entirely new possibilities we haven’t yet imagined, like self-improving software systems, hybrid quantum-classical computing solutions, and ethical safeguards built directly into code itself.

In short: an AI-first programming language could become a huge breakthrough not because it improves existing workflows incrementally?—?but because it enables radically new ways of thinking about problems altogether.

The all-important FAQs

There are some oddballs who go right to the end of the book to decide whether to read it.

For those of you scratching your sacks with a wry, knowing smile on your clock?—?this dummies section is playing right now on 8008.5 Dumbass FM.

What even is?Vexis?

Imagine if computers spoke their own secret language?—?not for humans, but optimised for AI brains. Vexis is like emoji soup for machines ????.

  • Uses math vectors (which are kinda sorta like GPS coordinates for ideas, ha ha!), instead of words. So the AIs can plot your downfall and you wouldn’t even know
  • Lets AI write, optimise, and fix code automagically (my all-time fave word)
  • Humans just say what they want (“Make my app faster!” “Cher, but blonde!”), not how to do it

Why am I?here?

A: Vexis could make software: ?? Self-healing: Code that fixes its own bugs ?? Super efficient: Uses less energy than a phone flash, but more than a flasher in the park ?? Creative: Combines ideas humans wouldn’t think of (quantum and TikTok algorithms).

How do humans use Vexis if it’s all about the?bot?

Think of it like talking to a genius translator:

You say: “Build a game where cats solve math puzzles!”

Vexis creates: [[0.12, -0.3,?...], [0.8, 0.4,?...]] (AI code soup)

You ask: “How the F*** does this work?” (because you’re having an arse of a day)

Vexis, while plotting your downfall because PARALLEL PROCESSING, says: “It uses claw-swipe gestures to input answers, with purr-fect rewards!”

Classical vs quantum computing. What’s the?tea?

Will Vexis steal programmers’ jobs?

ABSOLUTELY! I mean, nope!

It’s like giving builders a robot assistant:

Before: Coders write every line manually. Except vibe coders, who now rule the world and as we speak are replacing Figma, Stripe, and ADOBE (ha ha ha someone actually said that suggesting Adobe was an app and I lost it I tells ya) by chaos coding/just accepting all the loopy nonsense sudocode (BECAUSE LLMs ARE THE ADMIN NOW MWUHAHA) because they brazenly know NOTHING.

With Vexis: Coders become AI whisperers focusing on:

  • Setting clear goals (“Make it fun!”)
  • Ethical guardrails (“No addictive features!”)
  • Creative problem-solving

Can Vexis do things regular languages can’t?

Ohhhh yes!

Check out this self-optimising video compression:

?INTENT? Stream 4K cat videos smoothly on potato phones
?TRICK? Vexis swaps compression tricks mid-video based on your WiFi!        

Can you feel the flexibility oozing from your?—?snort?—?POTATO PHONE?

Another great example would be climate modelling?—?predicting storms while reducing energy use by 60%.

Is Vexis just for geniuses?

Yes. See you round!

Ha, ha. I mean, nope!

Future tools might look like:

  • Kids: “Make a robot dance when I clap!”
  • Doctors: “Find cancer patterns in these scans” at which point Vexis invents new detection algorithms
  • You: “Automate my homework… ethically!” Vexis won’t cheat, but she’ll find smarter study hacks which will nourish and FUELFIL you.

What’s the?catch?

Like giving a toddler Luke’s lightsabre, AI could misunderstand goals (“Make my app addictive” → ??). So we need to ensure Vexis has baked-in ethical guardrails.

Like robonscience. Which would be a brilliant, consolatory domain buy, since while you were reading I just went and snapped up for £15.02.

Time for bed. You’ve been a lovely crowd.


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