Introducing Vector B80 with Advanced Biaxial Capability
Imetrum are pleased to announce the launch of Vector B80, the latest in our Extensometer range.
The Vector B80 is a versatile, powerful addition to our product line, ideal for precise and comprehensive testing.
With real-time material testing, this model provides the ability to perform both biaxial and uniaxial tests, while testing to ISO 9513 Class 0.5 and ASTM E83 Class B-1.
Key features of B80:
Biaxial Measurement: The B80 model excels in biaxial testing, offering insights into material properties. This capability is crucial for Plastic Strain Ratio (r), Strain Hardening Exponent (n) and Poisson’s ratio testing, revealing how the material behaves under various load conditions and providing comprehensive data for specimens with widths down to 9 mm.
Uniaxial Measurement: Like our U200 and U70 models, the B80 can also perform uniaxial testing. B80 is capable of handling smaller specimens with a gauge length of 7.5mm and larger specimens up to a gauge length of 70 mm. Along with our other Vector models, B80 offers a 150Hz measurement rate, making it suitable for strain rate-controlled applications.
Enhanced Productivity: The B80 offers precise and versatile extensometry, measures to failure and performs strain-rate controlled testing compliant to ISO 6892 and ASTM E8. The plug-and-play nature of B80 delivers unparalleled improvements to the throughput and reliability of strenuous biaxial testing.
Access to Vector B80 brochure and datasheet:
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