Introducing Underwriting Evidence Requirements Comparisons
Ami Maishlish
CEO at SEMAD Developments & President & CEO at CompuOffice Software Inc.
CompuOffice Software Inc. is pleased to announce the addition of further enhancements to the LifeGuide(R) Professional Software. The enhancements include the introduction of instant comparisons of underwriting evidence requirements as indicated by each of the respective life insurance companies based on the demographic parameters of the prospective life to be insured, the policy being quoted, the face amount under consideration, etc.
The underwriting evidence requirements comparison is invoked by clicking or tapping on the “scales†icon at the main screen of LifeGuide, circled and pointed to by the arron on the image below:
Likewise, the underwriting evidence requirements comparison can also be invoked at the LifeGuide products survey screen by clicking or tapping on the “scales†icon at the top of the screen of LifeGuide, circled and pointed to by the arron on the image below:
The underwriting evidence requirements comparison automatically reflects the parameters of the quotation/survey. It also provides the flexibility for the professional advisor to examine other possibilities that (s)he may wish to, including the underwriting evidence requirements comparison for different types of products, varying face amounts, and varying demographics for the prospective life insured.
...there’s more to come; stay tuned.
- The images pictured above are current as of the date of this announcement. The figures therein may or may not be current at future dates since products and pricing are revised quite frequently.
- LifeGuide is professional software. LifeGuide is the leading and most advanced and comprehensive professional software and data service, used by over 8,000 financial advisors, insurance brokers and agents. There is no other independently produced software and data service of this this type and nature that provides nearly as much information, detail, accuracy and functionality - and, of course, consumer benefits - as LifeGuide does.
- It is recommended that prospective buyers of life or critical illness insurance consult with a LifeGuide-equipped professional financial and/or life insurance advisor. The advantage to consumers in doing so may translate into a difference that could amount to thousands of dollars in costs as well as in the amount of coverage received for the premium dollar.