Introducing The Thrive Together Tribe

Introducing The Thrive Together Tribe

If you feel you are missing out on the success you desire and deserve and you someone who wants to feel confident and get the very best out of every area of your life I can help.

If you are feeling invisible or alone and long for a life where you feel valued and loved

Or if you have a partner and would like your relationship with your significant other to be even better

If you are struggling to manage the challenges that a change in circumstances bring, changing jobs, divorce, bereavement, redundancy, illness or disability, empty nesting or retirement and you would like to feel well-resourced and in control

If you’d like to explore your spiritual self to be living your purpose and feel fulfilled

If you’d like to be part of a thriving group of people who want to enhance their lives and that of others

If you want to live a consistently happy, successful and fulfilling life, I can help.

You will see how The Thriving Not Surviving Development Programme and The Thrive Together Tribe can help get you there easier and faster.

Hi, I’m Gina Gardiner, founder of Thriving Together Community and The Thriving Not Surviving Development Programme and during our time together today, I’m going to outline how you can achieve a consistently happy, successful and fulfilling life.

But more importantly, I am going to show you how to get there with a lot more ease.

I’ve developed a holistic, comprehensive and systematic approach, with tried and tested strategies which are easy to incorporate into your daily life, plus the ongoing support of belonging to a group of like-minded people who also want achieve sustained happiness, success and fulfilment. The Thriving Not Surviving Programme is combined with support of the Thriving Together Tribe. It’s a winning combination!

However, before we get to the details, let’s take a step back.

In order to achieve a consistently happy, successful and fulfilling life we’ve got to understand where you’re working from.

So what is it about your sense of self worth, your relationships, your levels of success and abundance your level of struggle and challenge that have you wanting more?

And most importantly, why haven’t you made the progress you know you’re capable of?

Here’s a fact…

Old habits stop more people from getting what they want that anything else. They can keep you stuck… and it happens on a subconscious level.

It’s hard dealing with everything life throws at you, the expectations of others, juggling your work load and your personal life, dealing with loss, hormones, lack of time and the need to be superwoman or superman. It is exhausting! The sequined shorts are not very flattering! And the underpants over the trousers are definitely not a good look!

But worse, are the negative thoughts and doubts that begin creeping in. And if you’ve ever heard yourself saying

I can’t do that because I’m not good enough

I have to say yes or they will think badly of me.

If only I were smarter, then I would be happy.

If only I were prettier, then I would be satisfied.

If only I had more money, then I would be free from stress.

If only I were thinner, then I would be ready to chase that dream.

If only I were taller, then I would be more involved and outgoing. 

it’s ok. That’s totally normal.

Life is challenging, there are never enough hours in a day, you are probably stretching yourself too thinly and I expect you put your needs to the bottom of the pile whilst you help others. 

I know how easy it is for that voice in your head to nag endlessly reminding you of what you should and shouldn’t do. It can all so easily erode your confidence and leave you feeling stuck.

With all that being said, change is totally possible. There are many examples of people who despite dealing with similar circumstances (or even worse), have found a way to make live a happy, successful and abundant life, full of abundance and fulfilment happen.

What’s the difference between them and others?

Personal responsibility. At the end of the day, YOUR decisions and commitment determine your results.

Let’s look at the facts. Every year, there are people just like you getting In fact, there are more people today accomplishing an abundant, happy and successful life than ever before. With the amount of information, tools and resources, it’s never been easier.

I didn’t say it was easy (remember, old habits never are easy to change). But with what we have available to us, right now is the absolute best TIME for you to make change.

Especially if you’re committed to getting the very best out of your life – in every way.

Just think about how life would be if you felt great about yourself, had a loving relationship with yourself and a significant other, if you were able to succeed and exceed your expectations in both your personal and your private life, if you could manage the changes that life inevitably brings more easily and had knew you were living your true purpose.

How will that feel having the confidence and know-how to manage the challenges of achieving sustained happiness, success and fulfilment. Knowing you are thriving rather than simply surviving.

And think about being connected to others who are on the same journey as you… all committed to achieving personal and professional confidence, to feeling good about themselves and dealing with the past so they can fully enjoy the present and look forward to their future with enthusiasm.

This is the opportunity that we have today as Empowerment leaders and it’s the reason that I am so passionate about this work.

This is the reason why I created The Thriving Not Surviving Programme and the Thriving Together Tribe

So if you’re someone who wants to feel confident and get the very best out of every area of your life but feel you are missing out on the success you desire and deserve.

Or if you long for a life where you feel valued and loved, but are feeling invisible or alone.

If you feel alone and you’d rather be in a loving relationship, or feel is this it but would like to find your life’s purpose and feel truly fulfilled or you just aren’t sure where to get started with The Thriving Not Surviving Programme and The Thriving Together Tribe can help.

So let’s take a minute and talk about what’s included in The Thriving Together Membership and specifically how it will help you move toward being consistently happy, successful and fulfilled easier and faster.

The Thriving Together Membership was specifically designed for people like you. And it’s structured to help you get results easier and a lot faster. It’s broken down into a number of elements:

Membership offers:

  • A welcome pack
  • Twice monthly presentations with interactive group coaching
  • Visiting speakers
  • A dedicated Face Book Group where members can share goals, progress, difficulties they are facing and celebrate their successes. Gina and the Thriving Together Tribe Team will offer ideas, support and answer any questions members raise. Thriving Together Tribe Members will be encouraged to support their tribe members. The more they engage the greater the impact.
  • An ongoing structured programme to support holistic personal development this includes regular videos offering principles and tried and tested strategies to support your development and growth. These are accompanied by Activity Books which will help you embed the changes. I’ll walk you step-by-step through the processes to help you step into your genuine power and live a fearless life while eliminating poor self-worth, limiting beliefs and habitual ways of thinking which are holding you back.
  • A daily journal
  • Access to a wealth of supporting resources which support physical, emotional and spiritual growth
  • Involvement in the Wider Thriving Together Project

Here’s a closer look at the curriculum and bonuses:

The Thriving Not Surviving Programme contains four distinct interconnected sections. Together they provide all the principles, strategies, and tools for a truly happy, successful, and fulfilling life. 

Section 1: The 7 Underpinning Principles 

These 7 principles provide a strong infrastructure which you'll learn to develop, on which sit the 5 Secret Pathways 

Here are those 7 foundations:

  • Permission
  • Perspective
  • Focus
  • Love
  • Forgiveness
  • Gratitude
  • Playfulness

If any of these are missing, it is impossible to sustain ongoing success in any area of your life; so we're going to make sure you've established all 7 with solidity.

Section 2: The 7 Connecting Themes

These themes infiltrate the very fabric of our lives, yet most people have no idea of their power to help or hinder:

  • Mindfulness – we have had a quick look at this today
  • The Survival Game
  • The Way to Lasting Change
  • The Power of Language we looked at this briefly in video 2
  • Taking Ownership
  • Strength and Vulnerability
  • Having Faith

Section 3: The 5 Secret Pathways

Each of these 5 Secret Pathways offers you a different route on the journey to a happy, successful, and fulfilling life: 

  • Belief – we introduced the first principles in video 1
  • Love
  • Success
  • Choice
  • Purpose and Fulfilment

Section 4 – Your Spiritual Journey

Focuses on your development as a spiritual being. We look at these such as intuition, Connectivity, masculine and feminine energy, miracles, and legacy

As soon as you register for The Thriving Not Surviving Membership and join our community, you’ll be taken inside a membership area where you’ll be able to immediately access the first set of programme materials, starting with The Underpinning Principles.

From then on new videos and activities will arrive in your Membership area on a weekly basis. The videos are short and to the point. You can choose how much time you spend on the activities.

For the best results, we see our students dedicating as little as an hour a week per week to go through the materials. Most of the strategies are designed to become an integral part of your life.

Obviously, the time needed will vary based on your previous experience and ability to implement and how quickly you want to see results. But the good news is that once you are a member you’ll have ongoing access to the material. So you’ll be able to reference it when it is convenient to you whenever you need and however often you need.

You also get access to The Relationship Bridge and a wide range of podcasts, videos and articles on a range of related themes. The resource bank is being expanded all the time.

You can tune into the twice-monthly themed presentations with interactive group coaching. You can apply to be in the coaching seat, ask a question or simply listen and learn from the experience of others.

If you don’t have time to listen to them live, they will be available after the call in the Membership Area

There will be visiting speakers – these are recorded too and will be added to the Resource Bank

As soon as you join the Thriving Together Tribe you will become part of a dedicated private Face Book Group where members can share goals, progress, difficulties they are facing and celebrate their successes. I and the Thriving Together Tribe Team will offer ideas, support and answer any questions members raise. Thriving Together Tribe Members will be encouraged to support their tribe. The more they engage the greater the impact.

Research has shown that lasting transformation is far more successful when you have someone to help you: witnessing your intentions, providing the right sort of help and support, holding you accountable and celebrating your successes with you. We know the strategies within the programme work incredibly well when used consistently. The Thriving Together Tribe will help you maintain focus, helping you achieve your goals.  

Being part of our tribe means you will have supporters who believe in the power of you even when you are struggling to believe it yourself. It’s a powerful mix, with a proven track record.


Know this… The people who get the biggest benefit from The Thriving Together Membership are those that want life to be the best it can be, who want to have the courage to live a fearless life and are ready to take action.

People like Karen who decided she needed to tackle her lack of self-worth. She arrived feeling terrible about herself constantly putting herself down and being brow beaten by others. Since using the strategies I’ll share I the Thriving Not Surviving Programme she has blossomed strategies and got a great promotion, and started dating again.

Or someone like Kate who was struggling after a very acrimonious divorce who has been able to move on and let go of past hurts.

Or folk like Alex who used to be overwhelmed dealing with work and the family and who is now tackling her life with enthusiasm and style. The challenges haven’t changed but she has.

Maybe you are facing retirement like John and finding it hard to know who you are when you are no longer the job. He found himself and now lives an amazingly fulfilling life.

Or like Sally who thought she’d never recover when she lost her husband suddenly two weeks before her first son was born. She has learned how to be happy and look forward to a positive future.

Or Mel who wanted support in getting her dream job. She’s started as Regional Director this week

Maybe you feel you cannot share your concerns at work as you want to feel strong and in control but find you aren’t sleeping well just like Angela. She found it was incredibly helpful to have an independent sounding board to explore ideas and share concerns. She sleeps like a baby now.

If you see yourself in any of the stories I just shared, and you want to once and for all get achieve a happy, successful and fulfilling life then the Thriving Together Membership including the Thriving Not Surviving Programme is for you.

But before we go any further, let’s also take an objective look at The Thriving Not Surviving Programme and Thriving Together Membership.

Who won’t do well with this material? It’s not for anyone who just wants to “kind of” check things out. You can’t “kind of” get happiness, success and fulfilment. Getting these types of results takes a commitment to succeed. Would you want to fly with a pilot who “kind of” knew how to fly? Or would you rather have a pilot who committed to mastering the skills necessary to fly. It sounds like a silly example, but it’s a perfect analogy.

The Thriving Together Membership and Programme is for people who are committed to achieving sustained happiness, success and fulfilment.

They want to live their life fearlessly. If the commitment to take action with the right attitude isn’t there, then this is not the right program for you and I ask that you please do not sign up.

How else are you supported through this process?

During this particular promotion, I am also including some extras that have been designed to make it even easier for you to implement what is shared.

Because you and I know, without implementation, the results will never occur. That’s why you’ll also get some carefully crafted bonuses.

If you are struggling with Worrying About Things That Haven't Happened and you find that voice in your head going on and on, keeping you awake at night, this bonus will give you a process for finding clarity so you can finally put things into perspective. You will get access to this video as soon as you complete your registration.

Next, you’re going to get a video setting out how you can Be Assertive

Have you ever wondered how it would be if you could say no without feeling guilty or deal with difficult people with ease?

In this bonus training, I will show you step-by step how it’s done. After this, you’ll be immediately feel more in control, the more you use the approach the greater the sense of personal power. This program will also be available to you once you complete your registration.

Finally, you’re also going to get my Relaxation meditation. Are you struggling to switch off and relax, is sleep illusive? In this training you are going to learn how to so that you relax and unwind.

All three of these bonuses will be immediately available to you inside the members area.

Each of these bonuses have been intentionally designed to help you live a happy, successful and fulfilling life more easily and faster.

We are offering the Thriving Together Membership programme price for Founder Members of $195 per month.

The Thriving Not Surviving Programme gets results. And it saves you time, energy and aggravation.

But you do have alternatives. So let’s look at them. What would it cost if you were to try and learn this yourself?

There are countless programmes on the market which would cost you much more for strategies and approaches which are untried.

And worst of all, what would it cost you if you did nothing at all? If you stayed stuck in a life where you are just surviving?

That’s why we have an alternative option. The Thriving Not Surviving Programme which is part of the Thriving Together Tribe Membership. The investment is $195 per month for founder members.

To make the progress you want in your life, you’ve got to break your old habits. The way you’re going to do that is by investing in this program. I am going to walk you through, step-by-step, the process of getting achieving happiness, success and fulfilment. If you follow what I’m going to show you, you will make progress - and that’s why I guarantee it.

The registration period will be closing on March 11th. We do this so that we can cater to all the new members coming through.

It’s similar to a college class. Once the registration period is complete, then everyone can begin the class together and I can make myself available to support you. If it was open all the time, it would get very confusing and complicated trying to support people who were going through different parts of the program.

So the deadline to register is March 11th.

As you look to make a decision, just know this…

If you are feeling overwhelmed with feeling you have to do everything on your own…

or you are struggling to see how to step into your power and maintain it. It’s ok. This is normal.

The challenging part for most of us is that we try to manage all of this in addition to all the other responsibilities we have in our lives.

Life is an ongoing competition for your time and attention - and a competition that you rarely win.

But it doesn’t have to be that way.

Ask yourself this…

What is important in your life right now?

What do you want to achieve in the months ahead?

What goals do you have related to your personal needs, your happiness, success and fulfilment that keep getting pushed to the back burner?

You have an opportunity to do something about that right now. Today.

Join me and register for $1 Trial Offer for The Thriving Together Tribe which includes access to The Thriving Not Surviving Programme.

For more information and to see a video version of this, click here.



