Introducing the "Third platform Marketing"
Marcelo Man
Demand Management Operations Lead at SAP | Internal Coach | Sustainability Champion
I've been working in sales and marketing in technology companies for several years. In the latest ones, I became an ambassador of "marketing transformation". As you might realize by reading my previous posts, I'm a true believer of the need of marketing to evolve, or "die".
Of course, I'm not alone. Day after day, more and more professionals, professors, researchers, leaders in general, join me in understanding marketing's modernization mandate.
For some time, I felt comfortable, as many others, discussing and investigating around the concept of "modern" marketing, in opposition to a previous, more "traditional" marketing.
In the last days, I suddenly felt I needed to change my approach, since a) I wasn't being original (as said, thousands of people are now talking of some transition into a more "modern" marketing), and b) marketing, as a discipline, as a science, is really born modern. It is a son of our 20th century, and one of the pillars of modern economy and modern companies, so, how can we differentiate pre-modern or traditional marketing, and a modern one? And, in case we could do it somehow... when should we place the schism? In the nineties? Post Y2K? Now? In a near future?
As said, I've been in the IT industry for some time now, so, of course, I ended up making use of a familiar concept for most of us: IDC's 3rd Platform.
Modern Marketers, as well as modern Salespeople, modern recruiters, modern short: all people are being impacted by the progress of this new technology platform that encompasses the Cloud, Mobility, Social networks and business, and Big Data plus Analytics - let me add, Digitization. Our lives are being shaped by new innovation accelerators, such as IoT, 3D printing, or advanced robotics, among others. And this is too, at the end, what marketers are striving to master and take benefit of. The need of becoming more skilled on "multi-channel marketing", "mobile marketing", "social marketing", it all relates to the radical transformation tied to this new paradigm (that of course, is not only perceived by IDC).
So, moving forward - and since the "modern versus traditional marketing" comparison is not really valid, my proposal is to bypass it, and focus on a brand new way of doing (and investing) in our discipline, in alignment with the outlined trends transforming all roles and businesses: the "Third platform marketing".
What differentiates then this "new" marketing? Lots of things. The image below offers a good summary:
In case you haven't noticed it, the image at the top of the post, additionally contains the most recurrent "buzzwords" around this new marketing. Both pictures together, consolidate a good overview on what most of the documents around this hot topic are pointing out.
PS: I initially thought this concept should have already been proposed, but so far, I wasn't able to find anything on this regard; if I'm already late, please let me know!