Introducing - Online Sport Content Discovery is a site KLipcorp has launched today to assist consumers with finding legitimate content online. Our research shows that consumers are frequently unsure where to find legitimate content online and search engines frequently rank high audience pirate operators above legitimate licensees. At the heart of is a unique automatically updating daily sports schedule searchable by sport, combined with links to legitimate licensees - please click here to take a look. We will be providing a live (and authorised) stream of the Mayweather v Pacquiao weigh-in live on Friday night and direct links to the legitimate distributors for the main event. The site will evolve from launch as we introduce new features to facilitate the user finding legitimate material. To support this industry- wide initiative and/or secure enhanced distribution for content please email me at [email protected]. Within the Forum section of the website we have a specialist area for rights owners where we provide free information on the top pirate sites ranked by audience which can provide a valuable resource in the fight against piracy. Clearly signposting legitimate content online has a key role to play in managing piracy. Consumers are understandably confused by copyright and trademark issues and pirate sites frequently and effectively present themselves as legitimate. We look forward to working with you in supporting the value of licensed rights.
Best Wishes
Simon Cothliff