Introducing PLATMA
Hi, our newsletter subscribers! From now on, you will see PLATMA’s updates more often. We promise thought-provoking discussions to navigate the #tech industry together.
Not only have we launched a newsletter but also a fully functional platform that is already welcoming real users. Our recent accomplishments also include:
And we have more on the table. PLATMA is continuing to promote non-coding culture. On 17.05, together with low/no-code community FlowMates PLATMA holds the #Baku No-Code Summit to discuss tech, business, and investments. The top experts in the niche will share their meaningful insights on #nocode and #Al tools and advice on smoothly implementing them in your company.
16.04 in Warsaw, within the frames of the Startup Wise Guys Graduation Program, Yaroslav Kologryvov, PhD pitched the platform on the tech stage. During his inspirational speech, PLATMA’s Co-Founder mentioned the need for #business digitalization and how the platform’s solutions contribute to this goal by eliminating the routine by up to 80%. You can watch a full presentation via the link.
What’s next? Let's go through the latest statistics. According to Gartner, developers outside formal #IT departments will make up 80% of users of low-code and no-code development tools by 2026, up from 60% in 2021. These numbers mean that over the next few years, citizen #developers and non-technical users will create more applications, products, and services than ever before. PLATMA is here to help.
?The Extreme No-Code platform empowers developers and IT enthusiasts with different coding skills to accelerate app creation. Using intuitive interfaces and drag-and-drop functionality, users can build and deploy applications 10X faster and right on the fly.? — Max Prokhorov , PLATMA’s Co-Founder and CEO.