Introducing Organic Book Club ??

Introducing Organic Book Club ??

I truly do believe that the best way to learn and understand a particular subject, is to get yourself to read about the core principles and ideas of that subject. Most people think that they can read a blog post or watch a YouTube video about a particular subject to understand it, but in most cases than not, this is usually NOT the case.

The problem with this approach is that you won't get the original ideas and concepts that were intended to be communicated in the book by the writer. And instead, what you get is filtered thoughts through the lenses of the one summarizing the book. And trust me, you don't want that!

This is one of the reasons why I was compelled to start the Organic Book Club. The other reason is that over the last few years, I have been involved in a lot of organic v/s conventional conversations and I think it's time we get past them because frankly most of the time they are so superficial and out of context.

That's why I think that there is only one way to make the situation better, and that is by getting more people to read the original concepts and ideas of the organic movement by themselves. Having said that, I do recognize another problem, and that is reading a book by yourself is hard, because sometimes you don't have the motivation, the time, or in some cases, you don't know which book to read next.

The books we will be reading are the anchor for the community. That means you will have access to individuals who have an interest in the organic movement and hence people who have a shared interest. The act of reading in a community can help you?read more deeply and better understand diverse perspectives.

To top it up and frankly something that happens a lot after reading a book, is that you forget what you just read! - this is where the Organic Book Club comes in handy. The club gives you access to a community that will keep you disciplined, motivated, and psyched to read more especially in the domain of organic and sustainable agriculture.

But just in case you are NOT convinced yet, here are some of the reasons why joining the Organic Book Club should be a must for you! with the club, you:

  1. Get access to a community: The books we will be reading are the anchor for the community. That means you will have access to individuals who have an interest in the organic movement and hence people who have a shared interest. The act of reading in a community can help you?read more deeply and better understand diverse perspectives.
  2. Gain a new perspective: Joining the club will improve your insights on organic way better than before. Not only will the books help you learn about organic, but also the people who helped shape the global shift to better agriculture. More than that, the books will help bring out your personal experiences and ultimately broaden your vision.
  3. Commitment and self Discipline - You have probably heard that books are mental food for the brain. Yet some of us struggle with sitting down and actually finishing them despite our best intentions.?And if you’re one of many who pick up a book but never reach the last page, the Organic Book Club will help put just enough pressure on you to finish one book per month. ultimately, we could help you stay on top of your reading and could even help beat the sluggish reading habit for good.

How it works: Every last Friday of the month, I will be sharing with you the book that we will be going through the following month. At the same time, we get to share some of the insights and concepts that each one of us has gained from the book we’ve just finished reading. This way, what you have read gets to stick with you much longer, and at the same time picking up different and diverse perspectives about the book just finished.

If you have access to an Amazon account, then you are good to go! So simply head over to to join.

See you on the inside???


XOXO, The Organic Guy.

*Quick Hits*

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My Organic Product Of The Week Series!

This is a weekly series in that I will be sharing with you my organic product of the week. My hope is that by the end of the year, you will be inspired by the amazing variety of organic products that there is to choose from! - So be sure you have subscribed to my?youtube channel?or you are following me on?Instagram?to ensure you don’t miss any updates!

Organic & Science

Organic and Science is a series of posts I release every Monday to highlight?peer-reviewed science?that supports organic some of which most scholars probably don't want you to see. Always be on the lookout for that. And if you are NOT following me on social media, Do so?here!

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Till the NEXT one, Be Organic.

Does that include fiction books?


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