Introducing the OC-Sensor? FCa
Quantitative FIT and Faecal Calprotectin is now possible from the same sample!
Recent advancements in the OC-Sensor? range now mean the OC-Sensor PLEDIA can perform Faecal Immunochemical Tests (FIT) and test for Faecal Calprotectin (FCa) using the same sample.
What is Faecal Calprotectin?
Whereas FIT looks for haemoglobin in stool samples, a risk factor for bowel cancer, Calprotectin is a protein released by white blood cells as part of the body’s inflammatory response. Calprotectin (as a faecal biomarker) is therefore detected in patients with inflammatory bowel diseases such as Ulcerative colitis and Crohn’s disease. Absence of calprotectin could indicate that a patient’s symptoms are more likely caused by a functional gastrointestinal disorder such as Irritable Bowel Syndrome.
Why test for FIT and FCa?
FIT and FCa are important markers for clinical decision-making and identify patients at the highest risk of bowel disease for appropriate colonoscopy investigation.
Although FIT and Calprotectin test results indicate different bowel diseases, both FIT and FCa are tested from stool samples and patients with a positive FIT or FCa result will undergo further investigation by colonoscopy.
Why use OC-Sensor Pledia?
The OC-Sensor product line has been on the market since 1989. Since then OC-Sensor FIT Analysers have become renowned for reliable tests and precise measurements.
The OC-Sensor? Pledia also offers a compact, user-friendly design with full automation.
Benefits for laboratories
For laboratories, FCa testing can be a time-consuming and messy process whereas the OC-Sensor offers a fully automated solution with no sample extraction required! With a load capacity of 200 samples, simultaneous testing gives a sample throughout of 160 tests/hour.
Benefits for primary care
Simplicity is key, especially in a busy GP practice or following a remote patient consultation. GPs will need only issue a single bowel testing kit for FIT and/or Calprotectin - this will make stock control at GP practices easier and provide an efficient diagnostic pathway for patients with suspected bowel disease.
Benefits to patients
OC-Sensor sample collection bottles are a proven solution for simple, hygienic stool collection. Patients collect the stool directly into the OC-Auto 3 Sample collection bottle in the comfort of their own home, immediately stabilising the protein ready for analysis in the laboratory.
Benefits to Health Services
Combined sample collection will mean patients no longer need to visit their GP for repeat specimens and combined use of FIT and Calprotectin will shorten the diagnostic window for patients. Combined results will better inform clinicians and optimise secondary care referral pathways.
This exciting advancement will pave the way for streamlining clinical pathways to relieve the diagnostic burden on laboratories and colonoscopy services.
To learn more, please contact us at: [email protected]?