Introducing a new way of online learning with the ‘Climate Change for Managers’ course
Sim Institute
Simulation games to support learning and decision-making in Sustainability, Business and Economics.
Despite the continuing growth in online education, many online courses suffer from a lack of interactivity, low student engagement and high dropout rates. Publicly available online courses often look like a collection of lectures delivered by subject matter experts in the same way as traditional classroom education.
At the same time, many educators, trainers and students are now aware of the power of simulation games. The use of simulations increases student engagement, improves learning outcomes and serves as a bridge between course concepts and the real world by giving students the opportunity to practice their new skills in a low-risk environment.
Building on Sim Institute’s experience of developing and teaching with simulations, we started to investigate if simulations can help to make online course more engaging and effective. Today, simulations remain largely a facilitator led learning experience that has not been well suited to self-paced online education. Playing a simulation can be done individually. However, the brief that precedes the use of a simulation and the debrief that consolidates student learning after playing, are more difficult to integrate into an online learning environment.
By combining the opportunities that online learning technologies and simulations provide, Sim Institute has developed the online course Climate Change for Managers, with the award-winning Sustainability Management Simulation: Net Zero integrated as the centre of the learning experience. In this course, participants develop the essential skills to lead and contribute to corporate emissions reduction strategies. The course is the first that we are aware of that delivers the promise of simulations in a self-paced online course.
Several elements combine to make this course a unique leaning experience. To replace the instructor led briefing session, the course topics are presented in an engaging way through animated videos, rather than through traditional ‘talking head’ lectures. Knowledge is consolidated through formative quizzes, exercises, online discussions and a case study. A course facilitator is available continuously to respond to any comments or questions from participants.
After going through the course materials, learners watch an explainer video to become familiar with the simulation. They are then ready to play the game in which they manage a hotel towards a fifty per cent reduction in greenhouse gas emissions, while at the same time aiming to? improve the hotel’s business performance. The game can be played multiple times, so that students can apply their learning and improve their scores. When finished, students are taken through a step-by-step reflection on the key decisions, outcomes and learning points of the simulation. Regular live sessions over Zoom give participants the opportunity to share their experiences and ask questions. Course participants can register for these sessions at a time that is suitable for them. Finally, learners take an online quiz that consolidates all the learning form the course and enables them to obtain the course completion certificate.
The result is a new model for online learning that engages learners in a variety of ways. Have a look at our website, try it out or get in touch to discuss.