Introducing a New Blog Series: Routes
For Philadelphia city official Jeannette Brugger, the toughest part of her day isn’t always the sort of city planning her job requires; it’s the hauling of her young daughter uphill on the back of her commuter bicycle on the way to daycare.
Rich Laverty wasn’t sure how he could find time for a long workout while working as an engineer. Then he started commuting by bike 25 miles each way, once or twice a week.
Working in the restaurant industry, Philly bartender Kevin Walsh found that the fastest way for him to get home after last call was on his trusty, old Peugeot.
Philadelphia has the highest percentage of bicycle commuters of any large city in the United States. And Jeannette, Rich, and Kevin are just a few of the thousands of Philadelphians who’ve made bicycling a way of life here.