Introducing my RxSwift video course on Udemy
Developing a great app these days requires writing code that can simultaneously handle user interactions, perform network operations, manage data, present dynamic content, and more. That means writing a lot of asynchronous and concurrent code, which can be difficult to get right, and even harder to maintain.
That's where Reactive Programming, and specifically, Reactive Extensions, comes in. Reactive Extensions for Swift and iOS enable writing asynchronous and concurrent code that is succinct, easy to follow, and flexible.
In my course, Reactive Programming in iOS with RxSwift, I’m going to get you up to speed on the Reactive Extensions for Swift and Cocoa Touch. I’ll go from concepts to clicks as I show you how to effectively use reactive extensions in your iOS app projects.
Reactive Programming in iOS with RxSwift is available for purchase on Udemy, with lifetime access and free updates. And I am offering a $15 discount for a limited time: