Pablo Murunga
Chief Storyteller * Brand Strategist * Digital Content Creator * Visual Artist * Writer * Sports Analyst * Art Curator * Chef * Thinkfluencer * Mentor at * Ghost Writer * Photographer
The Abacus Story Unfolds…
Early this year I met one of the most influential characters in Kenya today (that, is my honest opinion on the matter). His work in the digital space of money transfer platforms, financial investment instruments, wealth management, Financial wellness, and Technology development is unnerving.? If you Google him what comes up is completely astounding. He is an Alumnus of the famed “I WENT TO ALLIANCE CREW”; where he stood out, even among such elevated company. This article attempts to shine a spotlight on a story series that “Mash” will be writing to re-introduce himself to the world.? If, I can get him to put down that wheel brace for like five minutes. Did I mention that this fellow also dabbles in Mechanical Engineering and is a self-taught mechanic? He built his current car from scratch.
My interest in him stems from a common acquaintance.? We met through a mutual friend Nekesa J. Were (another trailblazer in the Tech space, If you were ever at iHub onderwijs & familiezorg in those early years, then you would have run into her) Josephine, or Jo thought that it would be wise for “Mash” to hang out with me, somehow, she imagined that this young man, 14 years my junior, would benefit from my influence.? So, one odd Thursday, in March Nekesa sent me a text saying… that there’s a guy she would like me to meet. And the rest as they say is history… because here we are beating dwaaaz! (colloquial Kenyan speak for telling stories). Mash (the name I choose to call him) detests mediocrity and so, part of his principal journey through life is to rid it of mediocre moments.? Our country is currently grappling with this very thing and is trying to disentangle itself from a mediocre Political Past & Present.? But I digress, we are here to talk about Mash.? For a man as well read as him, you will be happy to discover that there are few topical issues beyond his grasp.? But I will let him tell you those stories when the time is right.
The most striking thing about Mash now is his hair. The length of it, the flowing strands, and the wonderfully braided locks depict more of a resistance warrior than a financial guru or a tech wiz. Gone is the well-dressed young man who wowed the world with his genius while speaking at Havard in 2013 as a 27-year-old Kenyan espousing the value of Venture Capitalism in Africa.? The Havard Africa Business Conference was the setting for that conversation.? Imagine that, how many Kenyans can say that they have been given such a platform on merit? (Hold that thought) The year before that, in 2012, He was voted onto Business Daily’s #TopFortyUnder40 as a 26-year-old barely out of Campus. To give you some perspective, on the same list was the current Titan of Industry Joshua Oigara of the Famous #BoysClub. And, currently CEO at Stanbic Bank. Mash has two degrees, one in Finance and the other in Law. But he is also a Coder. He sat on the initial Alliance Alumni Board of Trustees that created the Endowment Fund that continues to support education to his hallowed Almer Mater.
For a man so gifted, I’m amazed at how big his heart is.? In one of our early encounters, my car broke down on Argwings Kodhek Road.? It was pissing down with rain and I could barely see 20 yards ahead of me. I sought refuge in one of the numerous gas stations that litter that road and was glad for the reprieve.? As I sat shivering in my car, I pondered what could only be a dismal future in the torrid rain.? This was going to be a long night.? But I am a different guy post-COVID, nowadays, I never let my circumstances dictate my mood for long. So, I stepped out into the rain to negotiate room and board with the Overnight Watchman standing sentry duty at this esteemed establishment, and my night’s abode was fully secured, with a compliment of #ChapatiMayai in the morning! Somebody say Amen if you know what I’m talking about?!
I then returned To Suite Premio (Aka Nyoka) and settled in to wait out the storm.? Armed with my laptop, I began to work.? I got into it and was able to crack some very interesting ideas in that midnight hour.? I nodded off at some point only to be woken up by the 5:00 am shift change at my Roadside Hotel.? I am telling you, that #ChapatiMayai slapped, I could as well have been lunching at the esteemed 凯宾斯基 on Uhuru Highway.? The Steaming mug of tea was delivered piping hot and boom, I was back to the reality of my dire straits.? But I ate peacefully nonetheless… while I caught up with all my social media handles.? Macharia being the nocturnal character that he sometimes is had kept me company for most of the night.? Up to this point, 4 weeks into our first engagement, Mash and I had not physically met.? But we had connected so deeply since that first affable intro. So, on learning where I was, Macharia began laughing. Here’s the thing, I had broken down barely 100 meters away from his apartment block.? So, he showed up in person, dropping everything that he was doing to come to my aid. We replaced the fuel pump which had failed and I got 2000 bob fuel money just because he could.?
There is a friend who sticks closer than a brother. And that morning a new unbreakable bond was formed between us. No words were spoken affirming that pact, we both just knew… we had entered ride-or-die territory with each other.? Why is this important? I am trying to show you that though Mash may be so superlatively gifted, he does not suffer Hubris.? He may come across as an overconfident know-it-all, but if you dive a little deeper you discover where the real Mash lives. Beyond the veneer of his fame and fortune, he is simply a man who suffers from the same problems all men do.? So on that damp Monday morning, friends became brothers and I knew that this thing that we were about to do together would be a lifetime journey.? I beg of you, look beyond the glamor of his talented achievements… See the man scarred by life’s journey as we all are by our various circumstances and yet still, we rise to face our next challenge.?
That is the Macharia who returns from a wilderness that has seen him buffeted by the storms of life.? He stands before you know, having founded #PesaTalk raised it to heady heights, and in a similar fashion to #SteveJobs, found himself ejected from his own business.? But rather than wallow in a pity party, this remarkable gentleman has risen from the ashes of difficult personal circumstances to raise his doting daughters and also refashioned himself as the druid of financial freedom and wealth management.? I know this is high praise and maybe I could now be the one suffering from flights of fancy and visions of grandeur.? If that really is the case, then we will crash and burn spectacularly but I can assure you that it will be a fun ride.? And we will have lived out our dreams as best as we could have. No excuses! No regrets! ?
Conversely, if we succeed at rebuilding Abacus 2.0 back to its new magical place, those who have taken the gamble to invest their hard-earned capital with our dream will be laughing all the way to the bank… and then some. #KenNjoroge a founder at Cellulant will understand what I am saying when I speak about chasing dreams, He met Macharia when he was writing code and figuring out a sort of universal API for money transfer between Banks and Mobile Money, (Insert M-PESA) They would part company as their dreams took them separate ways but the respect remains mutual, I hope. Come and see what we are doing now - It is not business as usual.? Genghis Capital Ltd and #ChaseBank (Now #SBMBank) are probably the biggest beneficiaries of Macharia’s genius locally.? They both still trade on the platforms he built, making millions of shillings for their shareholders. Jeff Gangla former MD at #Genghis and now at the head of #NedBank (having ventured into Kenya) knows this first hand. We will be knocking on some doors as we look to shore up some venture capital to make this dream a viable reality.? Maybe the likes of Antler or Athena would be interested in seeding something like this. All I am asking for is the opportunity to be heard… or rather that Macharia gets the opportunity to pitch you his mad ideas. Make us some piping hot tea or coffee and let Macharia take you on a journey of new possibilities.
Bernard Matthewman , this is one of those turn-key projects that has been taking up acreage in my mind.? That intellectual stock is worth quite a few bob in the right hands. So I am in essence Macharia’s Megaphone, his personal branding Town Crier akin to John the Baptist… sent to announce the coming of the Lord.? Okay, maybe that is a bit dramatic… but you do get my drift. So I will now step aside so that his light can shine, unobstructed.? Hopefully, the impact and import of this encounter will not be lost on you.? I give you the cat with nine lives, my friend and my brother, Ng'ang'a Macharia
This is the #SidewalkProphet signing off. Peace out!?#AbacusWealthManagement #Ras #JoelMacharia #PesaTalk #AllianceHighSchool #iHub
Brand Marketing| Strategy Formulation| Mentorship| Entreprenurship Trainer| Program Management| Sports Marketing| Founding Director @ Icon Sports Marketing Limited | Sports4Development| Social Impact| Women Empowerment
8 个月keep going....
Your gift of story telling runs strong Pablo. Always happy to chat.