Introducing iQTS

Introducing iQTS

On 24th January 2023, the DfE released an update on the introduction of the International Qualified Teacher Status (iQTS). This is a new teaching qualification backed by the DfE and the UK government. iQTS meets the same high standards as the English Qualified Teacher Status (QTS) and leads to the automatic award of QTS. Applicants for iQTS train where they live and work, with no need to visit the UK.

iQTS is suitable for non-UK and UK citizens living outside of England. To see the academic qualifications an applicant would need and information on someone would apply, you can go to ‘Get iQTS’.

What are the aims of iQTS –

The intention of the iQTS programme is to:

·???????Provide opportunities for accredited English ITT providers to expand into the growing international teacher training market.

·???????Make high quality training accessible around the world and allow trainees to benefit from evidence-based ITT.

·???????Support schools outside the UK to recruit, retain and develop local talent.

·???????Increase the global pool of quality teachers and support global mobility within the teaching profession.

How will iQTS lead to QTS –

The DfE will recognise iQTS as equivalent to QTS, subject to the approval of Parliament, via an amendment to regulations early in 2023. This means those who have successfully completed the iQTS qualification with an approved provider will be automatically awarded QTS.

Holders of iQTS and QTS will both be qualified to teach in all English schools (provided they have a visa or immigration status giving them the right to work in the UK). To teach in schools where QTS is a legal requirement, the iQTS holder will need to complete the statutory induction period in the same way that early career teachers trained in England do. They can complete their induction either in a DfE-accredited British School Overseas (BSO) or in an eligible school in England. During their induction, they will be assessed against English Teachers’ standards.

For further information on the roll out for iQTS and applying to deliver iQTS you can check the ‘.GOV’ web page which explains this in detail.

If you have any further questions, please don’t hesitate to give us a call on 01924 827869 or drop us an email at [email protected] and one of the team will be happy to help.?



