Introducing the Innovation Wheel
There is a lot of talk about the different stages of the innovation funnel. But are we not forgetting about something?
I am thinking about the driving forces that propel the innovation funnel in the first place. This is what I call the innovation wheel.
But before showing you the inner workings of the innovation wheel, here is a brief rehearsal on the innovation funnel:?
EXPLORE: Large corporations may have 100’s if not 1000’s of ideas tucked away in drawers or lost inside some idea management tool. The key during exploration is to decide which ideas to move forward with. This stage can be approached in different ways.
One way is to embrace Design Thinking, which is a human-centered and iterative process to help guide you through the following steps:
Another approach that has been gaining traction is Outcome-Driven Innovation (ODI). ODI is a rigorous data-driven process to gain a deep understanding of the customer’s job-to-be-done (JTBD).?
The classic example of a job is the customer who wants a hole in the wall - not the drill.
The ODI process employs both qualitative, quantitative, and market segmentation research methods to reveal hidden opportunities for long-term growth.
With JTBD, segmentation is no longer based on products or customer demographics or psychographics, but on the struggles that the customer is experiencing when trying to get the job done. And competitors aren’t companies that make products like yours, they are any solution being used to get the job done.
By adopting a JTBD perspective you will start to look at customer needs and strategy in completely new ways, thus unlocking new ways to create and generate value. Although ODI (pioneered by Tony Ulwick and his company Strategyn) consists of 84 steps in total, there are light-versions of ODI that can be applied to good effect.
ALIGN: In addition to frameworks, methods, processes, and tools, innovation teams need clear guidance from leadership on where to start searching in the first place. They need to understand how to discard ideas that are not aligned with the overall strategy of the company.
There also needs to be a process in place of what to do if a business idea turns out to be successful. How will you hand over from the innovation team to the team that will scale the new business? Will it be done internally or in collaboration with external partners? Is there enough bandwidth internally to take this on and have incentives been aligned?
Having primarily used customer observations, interviews, surveys, and prototyping to uncover the customer's struggles to get the job done, and having validated for initial user interest, the innovation team now turns its focus towards the business model.
Using Lean Startup we run tests to learn about the different components of the business model, i.e. the value proposition, key partners, key activities, key resources, customer segments, channels, customer relationships, costs, and revenue model (= revenue streams + pricing tactics).
To reduce business risk, save costs and increase the chance that we are building the right “it” before we build “it” right (kudos to Alberto Savoia), the key is to do a thorough job during steps A and B before diving deep into step C.
Unfortunately, people often cannot avoid the itch to start coding or building the solution right away. With Lean Startup the focus is NOT on coding the solution but on finding a business model that works.
As was shown in steps A and B, a lot of work can be done without writing a single line of code, i.e. identifying the JTBD and validating for initial user interest. But to properly test for user engagement and retention we need a working prototype or product.
This is where agile software development and growth architecture come into the picture.
In the beginning, the aim is to only bring enough users through the AARRR funnel (acquisition, activation, retention, referral, revenue) to enable the innovation team to run tests. During this stage, the initial focus should in almost all cases be on retention.
If the numbers don't show the potential of building a scalable business model, e.g. because of excessive churn, there is little point in increasing the budget for acquisition and activation beyond what's needed to run experiments to reduce churn.
To get the AARRR funnel to where we want it to be, we also need to be mindful of how we build our MarTech stack, i.e. all the tools that we use to drive, analyze and optimize traffic. We need growth architects to make sure that the tools in our stack communicate with each other to enable data collection, analytics, and automation, which are prerequisites for growth and scalability.
While growth refers to growing the number of users, customers, and revenue, scaling refers to doing all of that profitably. At some point growth must turn into scalability or the market will stop funding the venture.
Someone who knows a thing or two about how to successfully scale a business is Reid Hoffman. Reid is the co-founder of PayPal and LinkedIn and an early investor in Facebook. He has also written a book called Blitzscaling, which I highly recommend.
According to Reid, Blitzscaling is “the science and art of rapidly building out a company to serve a large and usually global market, with the goal of becoming the first mover at scale.”
He argues that in markets dominated by network effects the speed at which you scale is inversely correlated to the chances of you ending up as the market leader.
And as we know, in a “winner takes it all” market, it’s only the top two or three companies that make any money, and with the leader taking the lion’s share.
Blitzscaling may not be for everyone. But if you’re building a business that’s heavily dependent on network effects, Blitzscaling is worth considering.
Finally, we have arrived at the innovation wheel. Unfortunately, many large corporations make a poor job of clearly defining and working through each step of the innovation wheel.
Instead, they try to short-cut or "hack" innovation by running workshops on Design Thinking or the Lean Startup, or hiring inspirational speakers who talk about innovation and entrepreneurship.
If you are truly interested in moving the needle with innovation you must be prepared to do some heavy lifting and be persistent over the long run (years, not days). Innovation is a marathon, not a 100 m sprint.
If you’re still with me, let’s go through each step of the innovation wheel:
If you want to innovate you need to know where to start searching. Which key search areas are relevant to your company? To make a wise choice we must first understand the megatrends that will shape our society for decades to come.
One such megatrend is increasing carbon emissions driving global warming and the implications that will come from that, e.g. the massive shift from oil and coal to clean energies and a revamping of infrastructure, transportation, and food production.
Other megatrends are that of robotics, automation, data, and Ai, which will have a disruptive effect on large parts of the jobs market.
Which of the megatrends will your company focus on and what is your company’s view about the future?
By carefully studying the megatrends and writing down your thoughts about how you see the future, i.e. your innovation thesis, you will have created the frame within which innovation teams can focus their innovation efforts.
Without this much-needed frame, the leadership will end up with a lot of wasted effort and resources put into developing ideas that could have been discarded much earlier on in the process.
Understanding megatrends and producing a written innovation thesis does not tell you the role you want to play in the future and what levers you must pull to get there.
That’s where the innovation strategy and ecosystem come into play. Ideas that are explored during the first stage of the innovation funnel must be aligned with this slice of the innovation wheel. If it’s not we just end up treading water.
Some people confuse strategy with goals, while others think it's a detailed plan. A strategy is much more than simple goal setting and quite different from a detailed plan.
The strategy shows the areas that the company should focus on to win in the market but it doesn’t tell you in detail step-by-step how to do it (like a plan). When strategizing a lot of thought goes into how the different areas interconnect and help to strengthen one another.
As an example we can use Jim Collins Flywheel to visualize Amazon’s strategy:
Your innovation strategy goes one step further and informs how you intend to build on and adapt your key strengths so your company will keep winning in the future as envisioned by your innovation thesis.
A clear and comprehensive innovation thesis and innovation strategy act like a lighthouse that shows the direction that innovation teams need to focus their efforts.
Aspects to look at when crafting your innovation strategy:
In the case of Amazon, one search area is to continuously deepen their understanding of how they can leverage Ai and robotics.
Distribution of funds shows leadership’s ambition level. Are they primarily using the company’s cash flow to pay dividends, buy back shares, or invest in innovation?
The innovation ecosystem is all the components (internally and externally) that you need to coordinate to effectively execute your innovation strategy.
The best ecosystems keep a win-win mentality in mind, where each part of the ecosystem understands their role and is happy with the risk/reward relationship that they have been given.
“Leadership principles & mechanisms” is long-form for “culture”. When companies grow quickly or become complacent post-growth, culture often suffers.
This is extremely unfortunate since the right culture is your strongest competitive advantage, impossible for competitors to copy in its entirety.
World-leading companies such as Amazon, Apple, Netflix, and LinkedIn all put tremendous focus and effort into building and nurturing their cultures to make sure they remain agile and innovative.
In the case of Amazon, some of their leadership principles (there are 14 in total) are:
1. Customer Obsession - Leaders start with the customer and work backwards. They work vigorously to earn and keep customer trust. Although leaders pay attention to competitors, they obsess over customers.
2. Ownership - Leaders are owners. They think long-term and don’t sacrifice long-term value for short-term results. They act on behalf of the entire company, beyond just their own team. They never say, “that’s not my job.”
3. Invent and Simplify - Leaders expect and require innovation and invention from their teams and always find ways to simplify. They are externally aware, look for new ideas from everywhere, and are not limited by “not invented here.” As we do new things, we accept that we may be misunderstood for long periods of time.
Etc….?(the above three points is an excerpt from another book that I highly recommend called “Working Backwards” by Colin Bryar and Bill Carr).
But for culture to take root it’s not enough with written leadership principles. You also need mechanisms to ensure that they are lived by every day of the week and every hour of the day.
In the case of Amazon, some of the mechanisms include single-threaded teams (full-time teams focused on solving one big problem at a time) instead of part-time teams, written narratives instead of PowerPoint presentations, and so on.
Amazon’s mechanisms cover all facets of their business, all the way from hiring, performance management, planning, operating cadence to career development.
Many companies run workshops to jot down “value words” on post-its but stop short of putting in the hard work of incrementally developing mechanisms to put those values into action.
Focusing only on leveraging your core competencies is no longer enough in today’s fast-changing environment. The leadership must also hire talent that enables and catalyzes the necessary transformation towards a new future landscape.
This means involving HR in the implementation of your innovation strategy. It starts by being open to questioning the status quo.
Some of the world’s most innovative leaders don’t waste time pouring over applicants' CVs but instead use heuristics or shortcuts to help identify the ablest performers.
Questions are often asked that focus on performance and problem-solving capabilities rather than on roles, titles, or the number of people managed in the past. When hiring engineers Elon Musk likes to ask the applicant to explain in detail how they have solved a challenging problem in the past.
Those who have been in the trenches doing the hard work will be able to tell you in detail what they did and how they overcame the challenge. Such detail is often missed in interviews that ask general questions that give no real guidance on performance, e.g. “tell me about your biggest weakness”. As we all know, a weakness can be a strength depending on the situation.
Jeff Bezos is known to have asked key hires to tell him about something that they have invented. The answer to this question tells a lot about the individual. For example, if they are actively observing the world around them and have taken concrete steps towards improving some part of it. High-performance individuals are curious and with a bias for action.
"Setting the bar high in our approach to hiring has been, and will continue to be, the single most important element of's success." Jeff Bezos
These types of reasoning should be covered by your leadership principles, and mechanisms should be created for HR and talent sourcing to ensure that leaders and innovators and not just managers are being hired.
It’s not enough to say “go off and innovate”. People who have been in line function all their lives and never have run a business often lack the right mindset, processes, and tools to innovate.
To work effectively within the field of innovation you need a disciplined and data-driven iterative process that can take several years to build and master.
Employees need training and coaching to feel empowered enough to do the job. They also need the resources (time, budget, people) to do the job. This is often ignored by leadership who seem to think that innovation somehow arises out of the thin air of creativity.
If you are not measuring what you are doing, how can you know how well you’re doing?
Innovation accounting is a term coined by Eric Ries in his book The Lean Startup. Ries defines innovation accounting as:
“a way of evaluating progress when all the metrics typically used in an established company (revenue, customers, ROI, market share) are effectively zero.”
Just as we have financial accounting systems (lagging indicators) to measure and incrementally improve our core business, we also need innovation accounting systems (leading indicators), to measure and incrementally improve our innovation system and each project or bet within that system.
Often people are perplexed by the sheer number of bets that you need to have any real chance of producing one unicorn (a startup worth more than USD 1 Billion).
According to data available from Y Combinator and others we are looking at something like 1 to 1 000. Not 1 to 10 or even 1 to 100. But 1 to 1 000. And if you would remove the highest valued startup from the portfolio you would cut the value of that entire portfolio by 50%. This result would be repeated if you removed the 2nd highest valued startup.
I wonder if corporates that run accelerator programs with two to five projects realize what staggering odds they are up against!
I am not saying you should not run accelerator programs, but don’t be surprised if your first batch does not produce the results that you were hoping for.
Such a program may or may not form one part of your overall innovation strategy and ecosystem. But let it not be the only thing that you do.
Coming back to culture, I strongly believe that’s where corporates have the greatest chance of creating differentiation that matters to the customer. That’s how you build a strong competitive moat that can last for decades.
But it requires a long-term commitment to make sure that all the slices of the innovation wheel play nicely together – don’t just jam them together.
Last but not least we have analytics, tools & platforms. Although it’s fine to noodle around in Excel at the beginning, sooner or later you’ll need to become more sophisticated in how you approach innovation management.
For each slice of the innovation wheel and each part of the innovation funnel, there are dedicated tools and platforms that you can use to measure, visualize and communicate what you do.
Don’t ignore them and think hard before you start building your own bespoke software solutions. There are already 100s of SaaS solutions out there that do a great job. Start building your tech stack now.
Now you may be wondering how a company like Lean Ventures International could support you in all or any of this. Well, in terms of the innovation funnel we are focused on the stages of exploration + testing & validation. And when it comes to the innovation wheel we serve all slices except for talent sourcing.
To clarify further here is a list of different “modes of engagement”:
Other areas where we can provide support and guidance:
Payment models: Hourly, time banks, project-based, and risk/reward sharing.?
Executive Advisor | Foresight, Strategy and Innovation Management | ex-eBay
3 年I like it, should make a good book. Assuming that "ASD" has something with agile?
Svensk i sj?l och hj?rta. Allt jag g?r g?r jag ocks? p?....Sk?nska.
4 年Thanks Andy! Very rich in content and reflection Andy! How would you practically work with Lean Startup Methodology to accelerate innovation in a large company, incumbent? Ping me if you want to chat! Cheers Ebba
Sustainability Transformation Strategist, Advisor & Facilitator | Systemic Change, Climate Resilience, Regenerative Innovation | Founder of Ozymandias Intelligence: Action Research & Impact Venture Partnering
4 年Knew you'd been cooking up something ;) Need to catch-up soon! Saikiran Samudrala check this out!
Digital Transformer at RWE Renewables | Driving Green Energy Forward
4 年Many aspects of your article seems to make sense for me. Tbf, there’ll never be one approach or visualization everyone’s happy with anyway. I’m just not a fan of the “funnel” though. For many it implies a sequential thing where going back doesn’t seem to be an option. The funnel often introduces weird arbitrary stage gates and portfolio-type metrics that just don’t mean anything. Teams will also pretend to be further along to get more budget. Have the wrong people deciding at stage gates can be another common hurdle. At the end of the day the focus is not on following a specific process anyway. The most important thing is identifying and exploring problems worth solving and creating new solutions making the world a better place.