Introducing Human Firewall
Edward Tucker
Positive disruptor, transformer, value creator, capability builder, speaker, advisor, rethinker
Human Firewall is multi-faceted solution.
At the front it is a security awareness solution built on the premise of raising awareness through phishing simulations. In this it has capability to undertake phishing exercises across vectors, including email, SMS, social media and voice.
Underpinning this are 32 out of the box training modules, which are all built on raising awareness of personal cyber security, which in turn builds better awareness across the corporation. The modules are all three minutes long to minimise disruption and encourage participation. The training renders across devices; desktop, laptop, tablet and phone.
All of this is backed by comprehensive management information and dashboards providing visibility into the Human Cyber Security Awareness (HCSA) index and the Human Information Security Preparedness (HISP) index.
Measuring and visualising behavioural change across the organisation, both in awareness and when it really matters! The live attack situation. The SOCCRTES framework provides unparalleled insight into the preparedness of any organisation for a cyber attack.
The solution provides the organisation with a one click reporting button for all users. It natively integrates into G Suite, O365 and Exchange, which allows for the ability to drive one very important differentiator. This is the operational aspect that goes beyond the simulation. When an actual rogue email is received the user can of course report via the one click functionality. This automatically alerts to the security operations team, either in the solution itself or into an existing ticketing system. When the alert is received the operations team can, within Human Firewall, automatically search for additional recipients, immediately quarantine across all relevant mailboxes whilst the investigation in undertaken, thus reducing ongoing risk. Full header information and attachments are all preserved in Human Firewall for interrogation, including information as to whether users have opened the emails or done anything further with them. If the investigation determines the email to be malicious then again within the solution you can automatically purge the email from all mailboxes.
End to end operational value and awareness building in one solution across vectors. Enabling one aware user to protect the whole organisation. This is a real differentiating solution in this space.
Multi-channel, device agnostic, multi-lingual and actually works in real attack situations!
This is not just words. We genuinely believe we have a different proposition on our hands. Get in touch if you would like top hear more!