Introducing Formula Win – a winning sales methodology
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Introducing Formula Win – a one-stop-shop for winning sales
Formula Win is a brand-new sales model, built on insights from working with global sales teams across industries over more than 20 years. It’s a combination of different techniques, refined to work together seamlessly to help you achieve more. As well as advanced sales methods, Formula Win encompasses presentation, note taking, storytelling, negotiation, and making hard and soft value calculations to form an end-to-end sales process, all focused on customer success outcomes.
How it works
Whether you’ve been in sales for decades or weeks, a lot of the time we all function on autopilot. In fact, 47% of the time, we’re thinking about other things. Formula Win focuses on selling consciously, rooting salespeople in the present.
We looked at salespeople and modelled their successful behavior around something we know resonates with them: motor racing. We use visual anchors from racing, reminding you of key concepts and techniques, and grounding you firmly in the present before you step into a sales meeting or take a call. After all, it’s not only about knowing what to do, but it’s about doing what you know.
Who benefits from Formula Win
The world is changing, customers are changing, and everything is in flux. Formula Win gives you the best preparation to go in and have a successful meeting with a customer. This is an opportunity to sell more and excel.
It works
Our Champion participants tell us that the sessions are time well-spent, enabling them to go out and sell higher value products with confidence.
Experience Formula Win
Sign up for TSS Academy and enter Champion training to hone your skills and see what Formula Win selling can do for you.