Introducing the EBRO H 011 Series: A New Dimension in Hygiene

Introducing the EBRO H 011 Series: A New Dimension in Hygiene

EBRO presents the H 011 series, a groundbreaking range of butterfly valves designed to meet the most stringent hygiene requirements. These innovative valves, available in nominal sizes DN 50 to DN 250, are ideal for applications demanding exceptional hygiene, such as those found in food technology and the pharmaceutical industry.

What sets the H 011 series apart is its ingenious design and the use of specialised materials, which seamlessly blend the advantages of chemical industry valves with the unique properties of disc valves tailored to meet stringent hygiene standards.

Key Features:

- Ideal positioning of the valve to the center of the pipeline without recess

- The single shaft and mirror-polished disc is sealed with PTFE elements

- The split body-design enables safety maintenance

- All components with media contact comply with FDA, EG 1935/2004, and EG 10/2011 regulations.

- Optionally available for TA-Luft / VDI 2440 applications?

The EBRO H 011 series butterfly valve raises the bar for hygienic valve solutions, offering uncompromising performance and reliability in industries where cleanliness is paramount. Elevate your processes with our chemically resistant butterfly valve, meticulously designed to meet your exacting standards.

To know more about the Ebro H011 series, visit:

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