Introducing the brand new Learning Skills Framework
For children to excel in the classroom and life beyond school, they need to develop a particular set of cognitive and behavioural attributes. We hear a lot about '21st Century Skills' but it's not always clear how to nurture them within the parameters of a busy curriculum. We decided to encapsulate these skills into a child-friendly framework. The Learning Skills Framework outlines what these characteristics are and what they look like in practice. They can be regarded as both a mechanism and outcome of a successful education.
These academic skills have been shown to enhance curriculum delivery and are central to generating subject-based knowledge. The assessment tool is based upon research evidence enabling school systems to monitor and reward their pupils’ broader progress.?
Building on these cognitive and behavioural competencies forms a solid foundation for attainment and sets children up for lifelong success. The badging system enables children to understand the importance of these skills and reinforces their adoption across whole school communities.
If you want to take a closer look we'll be updating our site over the next week: