Intro to PBL Course Now Online!

Intro to PBL Course Now Online!

For the past 20 years I've been writing about Project Based Learning, conducting workshops for educators, and working with schools and districts to implement high quality PBL. For those of you familiar with the field of school change and the shift to an inquiry system of teaching and learning, you know that success depends on key factors such as solid methods, a high performance classroom culture, and skillful coaching and leadership by a PBL teacher. It's a complex challenge, and to this point, no digital platform could capture the rich approach necessary for teachers to take students through an engaging, authentic, and accountable PBL project.

However, I'm proud to announce that, in partnership with MassiveU, PBL Global has launched an online PBL course for teachers that prepares them for this critical task. It's a six-hour, asynchronous, gamified, and social media-driven experience that shows teachers how to establish a #PBL culture, design projects around PBL best practices, and share project ideas and feedback with peers. Maybe the best part? It's absolutely affordable for schools and individual teachers. No need for expensive PD days or substitutes or high-priced trainers. It's a blended learning solution that frees up dollars for the most important aspect of PBL--the coaching, follow up, and collaboration necessary to support growth over time and the experience that leads to becoming a highly skilled 21st century teacher.


Thom Markham, Ph.D.的更多文章

