Intro to Christocracy Class 1 Notes.

Intro to Christocracy Class 1 Notes.

Michael Kusi.

Sept. 18, 2023.

University of Christocracy

Intro to Christocracy

Class 1 Notes.

Thank you Michael Kusi for preparing the course syllabus. You must understand Christocracy Biblically. People keep saying how can that work. We must go back to the Old Testament. Adam was to be a Christocrat. He missed but he was supposed to be a Christocrat. Prior to Satan’s coming, he was a Christocrat. Those emphasis have never been seen. Archbishop’s capacity as a general is to raise soldiers that will rule the world. ?Why God created man. The truth shall set you free. That is what freedom is talking about. God’s mission was to give us liberty.? Adam was created to rule.

The Christocrat or the Christocratic mandate. Adam collaborated with God, and God came down in the cool of the night. Man was not limited either. He and Adam would have a conversation. This conversation is found in a particular verse. God created all things and God told Adam to label and give names to the animals. There was not a man to till the ground, then God created Adam. Christocracy is ruling according to God’s plan according to God’s purpose.

It is a process of full maturity of bringing governance to the Earth’s sphere by those who God has created. The enemy in his deceit and lies who has crippled man did not know exactly what man should be. He was determined to confuse man. He went blank for a period of time. But God did not relent. In the DNA of Christocracy, God took from Adam and released him from the garden and released him from governance. His mind and heart was corrupted. Why did God release him from governance. If God did not release him from ruling the Earth, the partnership between Adam and Satan would have destroyed the Earth. They would have perpetuated evil forever. It was the grace and the mercy of God that caused Adam to be put out of the Garden forever. Although it was punishment, it was also preservation. God said to Satan, the seed of the woman will destroy you, and bring back the kingdom. Jesus restored the full authority of God back to governance. This is absolutely essential.

One of the tactics that the Devil has used is the lack of adept thinking. We are very shallow. That is why most emphasis is on deliverance, healing. An appreciation of Christocracy and the ongoing movement to complete a reformation in thought. If you do not think Christocratic, you cannot govern you cannot rule. Controlling trillions, if you do not get the fundamental. There must be a reformation in thinking. Every aspect of your thought development, of your ministration of God’s kingdom is based on your thinking and your level of understanding.

You must understand why God called you and what God expects you to do. A higher majority of people who claim to have faith in God do not understand what God expect and intend them to do. For 2,000 years, we have not made much progress. The last 20 years we have come to grasp a bit of this. There must be a total reformation of thought. The intent of that was for man to rule and go out into the world. The trace of the enemy control is still well blown it ought not to be so. The intent of God calling people was for them to serve him. A Christocrat must correctly interpret the Bible. You are a disciple of Jesus. God said that he will prepare you and have a measure of skill like him, to make something good of him.

A Christocrat is an influencer who influences other people for the kingdom of God. God’s interest is the Earth. Otherwise after Adam sinned he could have forgotten man and enjoyed his glory. The Earth that God created is so important. God calls it his footstool. Jesus is now being established, in the Sea of Galilee. He said unto them follow me and I will make you fishers of men. Immediately they left what they had and followed him. The course is designed to give ministry students the ability to propagate God’s will on the earth.

Paul said that since we received this administration, we denounce any form of deceitfulness or craftiness. Critical concept of understanding, and those who are the stewards of the mysteries of God. We receive rulership on the earth, and not just that you get saved and go to heaven. You receive authority to govern and to rule the Earth. You must think Christocratically. When people think of ministry they only think of the pulpit and preaching. Governing, ruling bringing proper order upon the earth. We must do the other things of the kingdom. But it is important. Assignment- Interpret by what you mean by a ministry- 2 Corinthians 4:1- A minister is one that carries out ministry. In 1 Corinthians 4- Paul says that we are ministers. In 2 Corinthians 4- we have received a ministry because we are compassionate, and we receive mercy or God’s favor upon the Earth. It is due on Monday.

There must be a depth. It must be a developer of higher level of the Word. A ministry is the administration of God’s business upon the Word in order to establish God’s will upon the Earth. Ministry students or Christocratic students we see ministry or governance as an ongoing movement. These is an ongoing movement towards Reformation. The Christians are weak people so the university system looks down on those who are Christians. Assignment- What is the Christocratic responsibility.

Who is the Christocrat and how they are in the community. What are you supposed to be, and what do you need in order to be that. A journey of a movement and the ability to catch men. The kingdom and the glory of the kingdom of God. When you speak of the kingdom of God, you are speaking of the power fo God. Later we will talk about what is the glory of God. It is entrusted to these 11 men who were of different backgrounds including fishermen and tax collectors. You should do what Jesus intended. Jesus said that greater works than these you would do. A movement is not static. The Holy Spirit is the one that animates or controls. In Acts, after Jesus was taken up to heaven, while they were looking steadfastly towards heaven, and they were amazed and shocked what was going on. ?Jesus had told them that they would receive power. They received the spirit of God and had the influence of the Holy Spirit. Thou art the Christ and the son of the living God. Receive the holy spirit. They never experienced what took place in the Acts of the Apostles. A force from heaven came down. Interpret: What is meant by ministry. In view of the lesson today. Refer to 2 Corinthians 1: 4

To establish true Governance here on earth. Who is a Christocrat, and what is his primary responsibility on earth? In your community and the world. Due Next Class: Thursday 21st.

We are called to rule in the midst of our enemies. 10-15, you can write 20pages. It is due next week Monday. Thursday is a different class.

Man was let go with the hope of restoration. If God is not the one who sits in the head of your business, then it will fail. There are many churches today, who go by different things but they will end up in failure. Every human administration, the government that operated in business from God, ended up in failure. ?Archbishop does not want to do anything with any non-Christocratic being. Man thought that they do not need God to tell them what to do.

It is expressed in the hopeless conclusion. Man became naked, and destitute, and desperate and helpless. God saw that the wickedness of man towards each other was great in the Earth. For the last 2,000 years, every group with the exception of God’s mercy on the earth was wicked towards each other. The wickedness of man was great so every imagination of the heart of man was only evil continually. The abuse of self and the helpless sefl was wicked upon the earth. God wanted Noah to enter into covenant with him. Think about the administration and the calling of God. A Christocrat is not waiting for everything to go right. A Christocrat responds to God’s covenant. This is why God’s level of behavior must be instilled. In the midst of all of this wickedness, God said that I want you. Hebrews 11:7. Grace has already been allocated. The day that God spoke to Noah he made available to him the quantity of grace. That which Noah would need.

Christocracy is a doctrine and a philosophy and a movement.


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