An intriguing story of how to thrive in a career
An incident caught my attention while drifting around on the rooftop. I felt an overwhelming urge to share and correlate it with our career growth.
A four-wheeled vehicle was squelching through the muddy part of a road. Suddenly, the rear tire of that vehicle got stuck in the mud. The man who was driving it was repeatedly pressing the accelerator to extricate the vehicle out of it, but instead of going forward, only its rear wheel was spinning.
A pedestrian was passing by and he observed the situation and passed the chauffeur an idea. The chauffeur yanked the door open. He came out of it, gazed around, and stepped towards a pile of rubble. He managed to carry some rubbles and put them beneath the stuck wheel. He leaped into the vehicle and attempted again. Now he was successful in extricating it from the mud.
Likewise, many of us are grappling to propel our careers or businesses to thrive, but somewhere in the journey, we experience stagnant. We put in all our efforts but it proves futile. As chauffeur was making an effort to get rid of that muddy area. But the only effort does not work, we need to know the explicit measure, or somebody's suggestions, and apply it meticulously. As the pedestrian's suggestion helped the chauffeur to extricate his vehicle from the mud.
We should never shy away from seeking some experienced person's guidance.
Here being an expert in English communication skills and with many years of experience, I would like to shed light on this situation where the chauffeur was pressing the accelerator and instead of the vehicle only the read wheel was spinning, and with the help of rubbles it moved ahead.
Similarly, even though many of us have decades of experience and are stellar performers, we are still not able to grow. We need the help of effective communication skills here to extricate this stagnant state.