Intrated Strategy for peace Russia Ukraine (Part 14)
What really happened in world politics that you don't know about?
The world is more than four years old. Yet the paradigms of thinking in how countries run are frequently run only four year cycles. Whilst that is democracy, freedom, Free speech, the vote, the right to have a say, the right of the people to have their say, yes, yes, yes that's all good. However there can be diametrically opposing strategic concepts thatt play out in the world within a very short succession of time. Who's fault is this? Nobody's fault at all. It's just democracy.?
However, there can be incredibly important information that falls through the middle of understanding. IE something happens under one Presidency that creates a world change, and then the next President comes in from a completely different perspective and has no option other than to adapt to all that went on before. Things in politics take time and in Geo-politics often more time. Yet, that does not fit with the instant now, need to know immediately frame of reference that most voters think within. So as the new government tried to adapt to the implications of the last government, there can be a flip-flop type of effect. Biggest gains of Obama, peace deal with Iran, Paris Climate Accord, biggest changes of Trump regression on Iran and Paris and yet massive progress on bringing troups home, and thus peace. Afghanistan falling squarely between the two administrations. It was his fault, no it was his fault. The truth is that the timing required to solve these most complicated issues in the world is longer than a four year term. Is it his fault or his fault? Neither, it's the fault of the expectation of immediate answers. Peace brokering take a whole whole lot of time and effort. Yet, from one government to the next eager to feed the electorate with what they want to here there can be a tendency to?adapt and adjust to that change and that is not easy at all. The adjustment is at least two years of the four year term. Add to that the noise on economy and there is a very good chance that the best thinking at any given moment simply does not find a way through.?
Yet these vast paradigm shifts base upon mostly US politics, geopolitically literally change the world.??
Never before in US history has this happened more so from between the time of 2017 until today.? From 2017 there was a new modality of peace making that emerged. Mostly due to desperation in really requiring an answer more so than anything else.?yet with the prospect tat the modern world could b turned in to two factions due to war. Win win ideologies were embraced and used.
President Obama had left office, there was a significant rivalry between the USA and Russia in Syria and yet also on the border of Russia. Then there was the issue of North and South Korea. Until that time in 2016, from all the way back to 1953, there had not even been a constructive meeting or discussion between the USA and North Korea.?
In the years since 1953, there had been three dynasties of the Kim family and never once had there been the chance and prospect of peace making and resolving the issues between South and North Korea. When I say South Korea what I'm really saying is South Korea and the USA and the West. North Korea meaning Russia and China.??
We had seen the proxy West East war play out in Vietnam. The differences between the people of the North and the South of the country being minimal and yet the two populations being drawn into either supporting the East or the West. The fall out of that had been a war to change the world, all over the world and yet even that, with millions dead or displaced was minimal in comparison to what could have played out in 2017 in the Korea's. For the first time two nuclear powers were going beyond sabre ratting to locking horns.??
Then in 2017 all of a sudden, something new happened. An interjection in the way of a document, that changed everything. Thank God. Without that, it's fairly clear and evident that we would have been marching then in 2017 towards an unreconcilable geo-political issue, the prospect of war, and in the true words of Pope Francis a war that could have cost the lives of half the world's population. Yet, something stopped that, only just.?
Here we were in a situation that the two term President Obama had cited as the most difficult to resolve issue of the Trump administration, and yet there was an answer. There was this 'something' that could give the concpet of the modern world more years to live, to exist.???
?Very much, behind the scenes, a document was written that had been designed using the same political strategy methodology that London's transport system had applied in 2004 to answer London's transport issues and problems.?
The same way of thinking, format of thinking was used in order to construct a methodology to change the narrative of nuclear button comparisons into talks. The peace roadmap that formed the basis of those first talks between the USA and North Korea all sides agreed to and took that path. The meetings were effectively written out for the first time ever as something like a stage script. There was a clear benefit and win to all sides following this path to diplomacy.?
The path did save the world from a major war, the same method was used many times afterwards and that's the reason why the USA did not enter into a war from 2017 on. The make America Great concept required finding a way to disengage from the very most complicated of issues internationally, diplomatically ever.?
The peace processes were made on a win-win through peace making method and process and two countries that played vitally important parts in this were Russia and China.?
However, the media did not adjust to the new peace making paradigm that had occurred. Therefore, whilst some of the most complicated issues were solved, others were not.
Russia had played a vitally important part in helping the USA be able to exit, leave and diplomatically resolve issues between countries in order to be able to bring troops home again to the USA. The make America Great Again concept in many ways actually did help the entire world to become more peaceful, improved diplomacy in many ways.?
Had there been full consideration of what had actually happened, rather than what was presented as happening the n the war in Ukraine in the separatist regions could possibly have been resolved many years ago. We are today in the midst of a situation where both sides are taking peace processes, yet simultaneously to that, the prospect of a larger war. the reality is that the best option in the we are better than them paradigm we all now find uorseves in is that peacemaking s the key. The best chance ofr the best prgress, for the best hope of a geoploitical future that is worth having.??
Countries have been around for 5,000 years or less, people here for 200,000 years and those that became people 60 million years. The climate much longer, yet never more changed than today and every security you have in your life is dependent in some way or another on climate.?
The climate conference is here and the question is being considered if governments are unable to either agree to a viable plan or listen to a viable plan to solve the global climate issues then is it in the world's best interest to have a massive war, a nuclear war? With temperatures getting above 50 degrees in places as diverse as India to Canada. with the Ice cap areas heating proportionately much faster thant anywhere else is the human race and most species and most other species actually doomed? Are foreign relations, just so bad there is no option other than major war? My answer to all the above is an emphatic NO. A definite no to all three considerations.?
There is a better way, and yet to get to that better way is firstly complicated, and secondly more complicated than considered. The answer to have got to a viable, good future has been almost there for thirty two years, yet few would listen enough. How can you expect people to sit and listen to a climate answer for five hours without interrupting, getting bored or distracted. So in place of not having anyone to really listen to the whole lot, I just carried on alone creating projects in alignment with the thinking, combining this with writing, putting out into the world concepts and then trying and testing these.?
My consultancy document to answer and solve London's transport crisis, I had originally mapped out in my mind and then added to this. It was a simplified version of the International climate model?
The real truth is that there have been repeated errors of judgement in the UK for 32 years by one government after another, the only exception to this in John Majors government. Other than that it's actually been the policy of the UK and the UK alone that has caused the world to not have an answer to both the climate crisis and to the geopolitical crisis that is edging the world towards either destruction of climate or war or both. Tradition in thinking has stood directly in the way of common sense, science, knowledge and information. Whilst the public do not know the how's and the why's to what has happened leaders of some other countries do. What has happened in the UK is that there has been a constant supressing of the best, seemingly the only answer that exists in the world that is by now tried, tested and proven to be able to answer and solve the climate issues on the scale and level which it's actually on.
In order to have had this answer has required 32 years of full time work, focussing specifically on one issue alone. That being how to answer and solve the biggest problems in the world affecting man for the duration of this century. That has been my effort, my commitment. My effort to spend 32 year working full time to test the increments, the required components of a methodology to answer and solve climate crisis. However, it's been impossible to get beyond what I consider institutional racism of the UK to have my work properly heard or used without it being stolen by people through privilege rather than ability happen to be in positions of authority. Since, 1991 they have not allowed this work to be known and from 2004 began trying to copy the work and excluding the climate agenda, from this climate work. This work that in 1997 Dame Anita Roddick described as being viable on a global International scale for use by all business. Additionally cited as workable and among the best climate work in the world by the former leader of the IPCC Dr Michael Dutschke. He was leading the IPCC at the time of it being awarded The Nobel Peace Prize at the same time Al Gore won it. I worked with Michael for two years on a continual basis and yet our work together was also blocked and stopped.?
So the truth is that whilst the world has been wondering how we answer and solve the climate question with one climate meeting after another the answer existed all the time in the UK and yet it has been and to this day still is blocked by the government from being known. Why? what could possibly be the agenda of holding back possibly the only way to keep humanity and it's failed development plan for the past 300 years continuing until there is no longer an answer other than either complete destruction of all or many of us by climate catastrophe, such as no water, which will inevitably lead to war. What can possibly be the agenda of stopping, obstructing, preventing the answer to survival?
I have to say that it is delusion, the cover up of corruption and abuse by those in power.?What's actually happened and is happening is that non sensical answers are being proposed and presented as an answer, as 'the answer' whilst obstructing the optimal answer. It's like they are presenting Reliant Robin, whilst simultaneously preventing a parallel advancement that could occur across all industries that replicates the advancement of EV.?The truth is there is more to the war in Ukraine that just West and East can't agree, there is a climate link to the war as well. The suppression of my climate work by the UK government on a continual basis, is holding back the advancement of the human race to such an extent, that words cannot even describe the travesty of what's happening. Whilst those?in government in the UK are obstructing this work, they are not even smart enough to even understand what they are doing and why this is actually not only causing them to endanger their own futures and agendas but everyone else in the process, without them even realising. It's a laughable situation if it was not so overwhelmingly, unbelievably serious.?
There are requests asking the world to do more, and yet it's the Uk government that has the best, tried and tested answer and yet they consistently have not wanted to know or to listen or properly understand how them plaguerising original political strategy content from 2004 has actually provided the finding to the best climate answer that exists in the world. Instead they perpetuate the lie, the reflection on the cave wall, rather than are capable of even properly understanding the work.?
Rishi Sunak citing renewable energy as the answer at COP27, is disconnected from the fact that his Conservative Party copied my work to create the feed in tariffs for renewables, and green investment bank and then messed it up to such an extent that many renewable energy companies went bankrupt, the biggest renewable energy utility companies start to fail, today the UK's biggest EV battery company close to bankruptcy.?
The Tory's Party in the past?do not understand green economics, they have been the most destructive organisation for the most advanced climate work, simply they have continually tried to copy and then sabotage due to short term thinking and immediate greed of those that have been copying the work without them even being aware enough to know what they were doing. Yet, before thinking Labour have the answer, they did the same, so too the Liberal Democrats and so too both politicl parties in the USA used my work, not ever once fully and properly. Whilst the former President Obama is right to say that there is a real risk to democracy, there is a risk to everything, to the way of life that is making life as it's been viable. Civilisations fail, if they do not evolve with the times. If they try to perpetuate divide and rule thinking, of classifying some people in one way and others in another this leads to failure.?
To have had green innovation grants thirty years ago in the developed and developing world in every city was possible with my work, and so much more than that. This would have provided the time and the resources to have adapted the entire concept of us having an infinite mindset when it comes to resource use on a planet with finite resources. what the elitist thinking in the UK has continually missed is the fact that the climate situation is caused by the combined affect of trillions and trillions of choices, action and decisions. The only way for people to be able to make better choices is by having access to information systems and methods that sought information. In order to have that requires the participation of the entire country, in order to have that requires communication hubs both in public and on the internet. Gordon brown was on the right track when he mentioned green lifestyle centres, and yet he didn't know how to progress these as he did not have the findings I had, having already done this. The government were clueless and together with big society and the third way just simply could not make these concepts actually work in order to be able to provide a way for society to be able to evolve into something that protects the interests of the future. The notion of presenting the climate issue as being something for the future generations is not relevant anymore, it's the generations of today that are the ones experiencing a planet with chaotic weather that is in a state of flux towards over all completely drying up.?
There have been so many attempts made by countries to hint at the issue, the problem that is holding the world back being a UK problem and yet one government after the other has simply not been willing, prepared or able to tell the truth. The most destructive policy any government has ever had as it's held back, stopped, prevented The Green Industrial Revolution from happening, ie the change that was required to world industry to be able to align and adapt to the needs of climate in time.?
So before Russia went into Ukraine, there it was, the image of industrialisation on the wall. The statements made in Russian media that they would not use nukes on Ukraine and Germany, yet the real cause of the issue is in the UK. It's the suppression of this climate work that Boris Johnson did, even when Hillary Clinton, one of the most informed of American's cited that Boris Johnson should release The integrity Initiative Report.?
If he would have done so then two principle considerations would be known. 1. There is a tried, tested and proven answer to solving climate change. 2. It's been suppressed in the UK since the 90's. 3. The author of the original work was blackmailed into self harm and having to attempt suicide and slice his own penis in half, without anaesthetic, to then check into The Priory in Woking in 2008 in order to discredit his own career, so that his masters could take his work on a continual basis.?4. That the UK since 2004 had such bullying as central to most policy making in government. This was under Blair, Brown, Cameron, Johnson as mayor and Trump as President
. The real reason for the Brexit vote was as a distraction after David Cameron was asked to produce the thesis of Big Society, which he said he would do, yet could not do as it was stolen. 5. The first conversation with the EU was to stop British people having human rights, the EU said no to this. President Macron cited that, 'The Liar left the stage the next day' John Major cited that there had been a 'fantasy in the long run up to brexit.'?
That quote to accurately reflect where the world has got to since, is better explained as 'There had been a fantasy in the long run up to Brexit that then went on to affect geopolitics so much that the issues had caused the incorrect representation of Russia and China, causing the diplomatic pressures through the continuing pressures on the border, yet without citing that during President Trump's time in office Russia had actually saved the world four three times from a major war. 1. Korea's. 2. Syria. 3. Venezuela 4. Azerbaijan and Armenia.
?In addition to this helping Afghanistan remain calm after the completely disorganised exit of Afghanistan that left billions if not trillions of dollars of equipment there which other wise could have been originally used to fund the answers to climate if the truth had been known previously that yes, there really is an answer to all aspects of climate that's been silenced?and that work is a part of the same work that prevented the world from going into war in 2017 in the Korea's and yet due to that being supressed in London, American's never got to know the full truth, that throughout the Trump presidency.
Two cases of more than eighty people killed twice. This is likely what led to the tit for tat during the time of Theresa May that included Grenfell Tower, yes that was not an accident but a planned event. The reasoning seemingly behind this was firstly due to a part of London going from Conservative to Labour firstly and secondly to perpetuate The Integrity Initiative, keep the slave producing more work and adapt it to an agenda that does not actually work.?
This writing is the reason that the USA did not enter into any wars during the Trump presidency. I was on a continual basis writing political strategy content and I knew if I stopped or was a bit too left field then crimes would happen. There are many other examples, one of these is the men stabbed in Reading during the time of the Black Lives Matter event when in the park there were four gay men murdered. This occurred a few days after the comment was made about 'birds being killed by windmills' made by President Trump. The culmination of their being just so much corruption in politics, has caused a continual blame game against other countries, the EU and then the narrative went onto Russia and China. That is not to say that these two countries are innocent of everything, however the hypocrisy of lecturing the East on human rights, whilst running the politics of the West via such levels of bullying, which of course other governments would be picking up on in communications even if the public are unaware of this has created a situation where the worlds geo-political landscape has been so changed. The narratives of left and right in the USA are still so divided mostly due to incomplete media for both the right and the left. The left wanting and needing effective climate action, the right wanting to bring resources back to the USA, yet in order to do that Trump was using throughout his time as President non-American intellectual resources to be able to answer the issues of the USA and the wider world. All of my work is for people and planet,. it's all for peace and diplomacy. Yet there have been times that people have been selective in trying to even reason my work and motive. So the motive originally was climate, then transport as a way of testing the method and then for peace making. If?all my work is used together then a great many of the problems in the world can be answered.?
The integrity initiative in the UK becoming too complicated to many people involved to be discussed.?Yet, the implications of all this have affected the world so, so much that no matter what statements are made by leaders to try and answer and solve the climate issues there is an underlying deception going on that is so far reaching that I do not know what else to do other than just tell the truth.?
The aspects of this I know about in the hope that common sense will emerge from this both in terms of peace making and climate and that tensions can calm, diplomacy can be restored that do result in peace making being possible with the war that's actually been caused by the incorrect representation of peace processes on a global level from 2017 until today. If it was known that Russia had prevented a major war so many times since 2017 then there would have been no reason for the West to have feared Russia and therefore no reason for Russia to have feared the West. There would have been friendship between countries, however the biased media presentation of peace processes in the West created the opposite effect. This I predicted before President Trump left office would happen. There had to be the correct representation of peace processes in order to be able to keep and maintain good enough International relations in order to prevent war, yet that was not allowed. Truth was banned from the media in the West.?
The continual attempts to limit the rights and the freedoms of the British people to a very significant extent going along with this has much more to do with the fact politicians want to avoid culpability.??
I'm in a situation where I have been encouraged by many sides to keep explaining what has actually occurred, to try to explain this and yet to try and provide viable answers from here back to a place of enough normality so that firstly the war can end as when the whole truth is known there is then the chance, the hope for world relations to be able to be restored by progressing national politics for the first time in decades beyond a type of dysfunctionality which is actually making stability of humanity as it's progressed seemingly impossible to maintain for very much longer. Yet, that is not really the case, there is a way through the middle. The superpowers of the world have to find a way back to truly representing stability and progress once again. If there are half truths, lies, misconceptions central to the thinking, biased opinions caused by incomplete information then we are in a place of a war playing out that could get worse and nobody actually being fully aware of how and what put the world into this situation where there are such differing narratives between west and east and then in various countries such different values between different people and between different generations too.
The old thinking of keeping things more or less as they are, keep the truth, whole truth and nothing but the truth very much controlled, is getting in the way of allowing the world to become the best of what it can be.?????
The pressure put onto Russia by the West has created a situation where Russia responded to putting pressure onto Ukraine in such a destructive way. What Russia has done and is doing to Ukraine is effectively what the West was effectively threatening Russia with. The lining up of troops on the border of Russia was a reckless policy.?
How could that not have created the fear, after the last time this occurred being operation Barbarossa, this causing for the Russian people on of the biggest traumas in it's history. What President Putin needs to consider is that it was not the people of Ukraine that were in any way involved in that and that Nato countries now realise that Russia does and has responded to threats. It's with this thought in mind that there is the possibility of hopefully talking back this war back to peace making. The Ukrainians being given the means to militarily protect themselves is not enough to stop the situation from being worse for everyone, it seems to me that the truth, all of the truth presented and explained is all that I can do.?
war is wrong for the people
The destruction of lights, of water supplies, of infrastructure the targeting of civilians, and doing so when going into the winter is as wrong as war can get. So too the damage to the bridge, the bombing of the harbour specifically protected under the grain deal. The combined actions of both sides is in a diminishing spiral that can only end by there being more good will and less, much less bad will in this war. Yet I do not believe that its possible for either the leader or Ukraine or Russia to be able to end this war alone. There is an 'underlying' narrative to all this that goes above the heads of people.?This war is considered to be a proxy war between The East and West and yet there is much more to this than is widely known. Whilst my agenda is to do all I can to end the war, there is a human rights issue going on below the surface that I believe relates to my situation. There is an extensive amount of information that is properly presented in the media could very much help end this war and help relations between West and East. This issue relates to the events in and around Ukraine and yet the issue is much more than that. In a nutshell, the issue relates to double standards and a massive hypocrisy that has occurred in the world. Whilst the West has been preaching to the East about human rights issues for decades, there was a massive human rights abuse in the West that occurred. The implications of this are so significant that the UK has been continuously trying to change human rights laws to it's own people in order to help try to allow the people that carried out this human rights abuse to be able to, for want of a better way of saying it, get away with it. It's done relates to this. We are all in it together relates to this', Brexit relates to this, and the first conversation with the EU after Brexit was to take the British people out of the Human Rights laws to which the EU flatly refused. John Major citing that, 'There was a fantasy in the long run up to Brexit' relates to this, so too does President Macron's statement that 'The liar left the stage the very next day.' David Cameron, Ken Livingstone, Gordon Brown and Phillip Hammond leaving UK Parliamentary politics may have something to do with this and so too the murder of MP. David Amess, the poisoning of the Skripols, the blowing up of the bridge to Russia and the blowing up of the Nord Stream pipeline. The statement 'It's done' was cited from the Summer.?This was before the blowing up of the bridge which was at the end of September.
?Russia obviously knows this, so the question has to be asked why would Russia make such an obvious error in it's statement? Well, if you were me it's very easy to be able to decode what Russia is actually saying.?
Russia, the UK and the USA do in actual fact know what's being referred too. It's actually the sabotaging of another 'pipeline' that is the it, that they keep referring too. 'It's done', could refer ton something else.?
. An Independent peace strategist that provided the original peace roadmap that was written to start the diplomacy between the USA, North and South Korea. The same peace process that President Putin referred to when he said, 'The peace process for talks between North and South Korea is the best hope for successful negotiations with Ukraine'. After that statement was made I contacted the UK government various times to try to obtain support from the government. I went to my local MP's office twice. I wrote to him and the MP from Plymouth, a former veteran in Afghanistan. I spoke to the Foreign office, I wrote to the BBC. I spoke with The Ministry of Defence. I wrote to the Prime Minister. I tried everything I could to obtain any acknowledgment or support to go to Russia and Ukraine officially as i knew that it was my peace roadmap that was being referred too. I could not get an answer. I tried even to go to the police twice. I spoke with one police officer at a main centre for policing near Weston Super Mare. He did not know how to respond other than to bring two psychiatric nurses. They interviewed me for a few minutes and I told them that I too was qualified in three fields of therapy. After a few minutes speaking with me, they said that I was fully well. The policeman later explained that he did not know how to deal with the issue as he is more used to dealing with day to day policing and that the issue was not the remit of the police.?Without any help or support, I knew that it was my peace roadmap work being referred too yet the government under Boris Johnson would not acknowledge my work. Why? Firstly, my previous strategy work had found answers to help treat COVID19 before science had a vaccination.?These findings were recognised by a medically trained MP. They were also later confirmed as being true and legitimate by Edenburough University findings and findings from Imperial College in London and other parts of the world. 2. Boris Johnson built his career by copying my work as Mayor of London. This is together with Tony Blair, Gordon Brown, David Cameron and others. So in order to cover up corruption of individuals at the top of government not only was legitimate science that could have saved thousands of lives covered up whilst they partied. There were people in government profiting from vaccines. What's more, whilst the public were in lockdown, fearful of going outside due to what the government were telling them. Boris Johnson had information that enabled them to realise that if they got Covid they would be able to treat the virus naturally and effectively. This could be the reason why they most likely had no fear or concerns themselves in breaking social distancing rules themselves and partying.??
So in the Summer of this year, whilst I endeavored?try to obtain information by travelling that could enable there to be a peace roadmap written, using the same methodology that Russia had said was the best chance for successful negotiations with Ukraine. Even without the help and the support of the government I bought a visa for Russia and intended to travel there and to Ukraine in order to be able to write a viable peace roadmap. I took a flight to Turkey and the day before I was due to fly to Moscow, I was involved in a motorbike accident. The circumstances surrounding this accident were suspicious and the accident was very serious. I rolled out of the way of an oncoming vehicle that was travelling at approximately forty miles per hour, with one second to spare without being run over.?
After the accident I had injuries to four of my limbs. I was cut and bruised over a significant part of my body. My left arm will never fully recover from the accident. I had had communications both before and after the accident that made me realise that I was being stopped from travelling to use the peace roadmap and negotiation method that had been cited.?
I have good reason to suspect that the statement made by Liz Truss, 'it's done' could have happened at the time of this 'accident'. I believe that Boris Johnson's government attempted to murder me in order to prevent a peace process from being successful between Russia and Ukraine.?
Boris Johnson by witholding information on Covid treatments that he may well have used himself, by lying to the public from his first term as mayor in the context to the work he presented as his own, ie Boris bikes and many other concepts. By talking up war with Russia as Foreign Minister, by witholding information on peace roadmaps and peace processes that Russia helped mediate, ie in the context of The Korea's, and Syria.?
By provoking Russia at the same time by carrying out press conferences at a bombing command centre in Kent. by refusing to acknowledge the peace roadmap method being referred to by Vladamir Putin, then later used by President Trump, even though it's authored by a British national, then being aloof towards peace making, whilst at the same time trying to take away the rights of all British people to be able to protest. He is responsible for his involvement in not only one but two genocides, one against the Ukrainian people by perpetuating the war and simply supplying weapons and yet this is taking attention away from his previous genocide on the British people which is from him witholding vital information that could have saved many peoples lives. This is whilst his cabinet had previously talked of euthanasia, this is in conjunction to him sending infected people with the virus around care homes and then even after that refusing to meet with the people's families.
What I will finish off by saying is that the true knowledge and information in the context of peace roadmaps and peace processes together with the incorrect and illegal copying and use of political strategy work and then the lies, deceit, cover up of all of this MP's know only some of what's actually occurred.?
?Liz Truss taking up office as Prime Minister would have access to information she would have never seen previously. This would include the report of 'The integrity Initiative'?This is the document that Hillary Clinton cited publicly to Boris Johnson when he took up office as Prime Minister should be made public. If he would have made that public, then there is no chance that there would be a war in Ukraine today on the scale that it's on.?
Why? It would have been publicly known that in 2017 the actions of Russia had saved the world twice from a major war, once in the Korea's and once in Syria.
?Russia, saved Nato in Syria by mediating between Turkey, Israel and Syria. This was together with Mike Pence, the peace roadmap they were using for this was written by a British national, myself. This is where the term Buffer Zone for peace making purposes first became used.?That and many other aspects of that peace roadmap helped save the world from a major war and whilst Russia was the central player in that whilst the Allies were pulling out, the full explanation of this has been left unknown as a result of The Integrity Initiative report not being made public and myself being blacklisted from being represented in the Uk media, even though my peace roadmap work has helped the UK and the world many times.??
This requires the capacity of both people. What's clearly evident though is that the more the losses to the Ukrainian people, the more so there with be more Russian people opposing the war in Russia. What the miscalculation is by Russia is that the Russian people do not 'hate' the people of Ukraine, they perceive them as being 'the same people as themselves'. Even those in Russia that support the war, many of those people feel an affinity to the people of Ukraine and yet it's the government policies of one side or another that the people do not like.?
What is so different between the 20th and the 21st Centuries is that people in one country relate better to people in other countries frequently more than they feel an affinity to their own government and that is the same the world over. So an attack on people by any leader is an attack on all the people.?
The recession is caused by a war that is solvable. The USA is the best country in the World. China is the best country in the world, The Uk is the best country in the World, no Canada is. We have got to get beyond this type of childish politics. The world is so, much better than any one county alone" These a truth.
What really happened in world politics that you don't know about?
The world is more than four years old. Yet the paradigms of thinking in how countries run are frequently run only four year cycles. Whilst that is democracy, freedom, Free speech, the vote, the right to have a say, the right of the people to have their say, yes, yes, yes that's all good. However there can be diametrically opposing strategic concepts thatt play out in the world within a very short succession of time. Who's fault is this? Nobody's fault at all. It's just democracy.?
However, there can be incredibly important information that falls through the middle of understanding. IE something happens under one Presidency that creates a world change, and then the next President comes in from a completely different perspective and has no option other than to adapt to all that went on before. Things in politics take time and in Geo-politics often more time. Yet, that does not fit with the instant now, need to know immediately frame of reference that most voters think within. So as the new government tried to adapt to the implications of the last government, there can be a flip-flop type of effect. Biggest gains of Obama, peace deal with Iran, Paris Climate Accord, biggest changes of Trump regression on Iran and Paris and yet massive progress on bringing troups home, and thus peace. Afghanistan falling squarely between the two administrations. It was his fault, no it was his fault. The truth is that the timing required to solve these most complicated issues in the world is longer than a four year term. Is it his fault or his fault? Neither, it's the fault of the expectation of immediate answers. Peace brokering take a whole whole lot of time and effort. Yet, from one government to the next eager to feed the electorate with what they want to here there can be a tendency to?adapt and adjust to that change and that is not easy at all. The adjustment is at least two years of the four year term. Add to that the noise on economy and there is a very good chance that the best thinking at any given moment simply does not find a way through.?
Yet these vast paradigm shifts base upon mostly US politics, geopolitically literally change the world.??
Never before in US history has this happened more so from between the time of 2017 until today.?
From 2017 there was a new modality of peace making that emerged. Mostly due to desperation in really requiring an answer more so than anything else.?
President Obama had left office, there was a significant rivalry between the USA and Russia in Syria and yet also on the border of Russia. Then there was the issue of North and South Korea. Until that time in 2016, from all the way back to 1953, there had not even been a constructive meeting or discussion between the USA and North Korea.?
In the years since 1953, there had been three dynasties of the Kim family and never once had there been the chance and prospect of peace making and resolving the issues between South and North Korea. When I say South Korea what I'm really saying is South Korea and the USA and the West. North Korea meaning Russia and China.??
We had seen the proxy West East war play out in Vietnam. The differences between the people of the North and the South of the country being minimal and yet the two populations being drawn into either supporting the East or the West. The fall out of that had been a war to change the world, all over the world and yet even that, with millions dead or displaced was minimal in comparison to what could have played out in 2017 in the Korea's. For the first time two nuclear powers were going beyond sabre ratting to locking horns.??
Then in 2017 all of a sudden, something new happened. An interjection in the way of a document, that changed everything. Thank God. Without that, it's fairly clear and evident that we would have been marching then in 2017 towards an unreconcilable geo-political issue, the prospect of war, and in the true words of Pope Francis a war that could have cost the lives of half the world's population. Yet, something stopped that, only just.?
Here we were in a situation that the two term President Obama had cited as the most difficult to resolve issue of the Trump administration, and yet there was an answer. There was this 'something' that could give the concpet of the modern world more years to live, to exist.???
?Very much, behind the scenes, a document was written that had been designed using the same political strategy methodology that London's transport system had applied in 2004 to answer London's transport issues and problems.?
The same way of thinking, format of thinking was used in order to construct a methodology to change the narrative of nuclear button comparisons into talks. The peace roadmap that formed the basis of those first talks between the USA and North Korea all sides agreed to and took that path. The meetings were effectively written out for the first time ever as something like a stage script. There was a clear benefit and win to all sides following this path to diplomacy.?
The path did save the world from a major war, the same method was used many times afterwards and that's the reason why the USA did not enter into a war from 2017 on. The make America Great concept required finding a way to disengage from the very most complicated of issues internationally, diplomatically ever.?
The peace processes were made on a win-win through peace making method and process and two countries that played vitally important parts in this were Russia and China.?
However, the media did not adjust to the new peace making paradigm that had occurred. Therefore, whilst some of the most complicated issues were solved, others were not.
Russia had played a vitally important part in helping the USA be able to exit, leave and diplomatically resolve issues between countries in order to be able to bring troops home again to the USA. The make America Great Again concept in many ways actually did help the entire world to become more peaceful, improved diplomacy in many ways.?
Had there been full consideration of what had actually happened, rather than what was presented as happening the n the war in Ukraine in the separatist regions could possibly have been resolved many years ago. We are today in the midst of a situation where both sides are taking peace processes, yet simultaneously to that, the prospect of a larger war. the reality is that the best option in the we are better than them paradigm we all now find uorseves in is that peacemaking s the key. The best chance ofr the best prgress, for the best hope of a geoploitical future that is worth having.??
Countries have been around for 5,000 years or less, people here for 200,000 years and those that became people 60 million years. The climate much longer, yet never more changed than today and every security you have in your life is dependent in some way or another on climate.?
The climate conference is here and the question is being considered if governments are unable to either agree to a viable plan or listen to a viable plan to solve the global climate issues then is it in the world's best interest to have a massive war, a nuclear war? With temperatures getting above 50 degrees in places as diverse as India to Canada. with the Ice cap areas heating proportionately much faster thant anywhere else is the human race and most species and most other species actually doomed? Are foreign relations, just so bad there is no option other than major war? My answer to all the above is an emphatic NO. A definite no to all three considerations.?
There is a better way, and yet to get to that better way is firstly complicated, and secondly more complicated than considered. The answer to have got to a viable, good future has been almost there for thirty two years, yet few would listen enough. How can you expect people to sit and listen to a climate answer for five hours without interrupting, getting bored or distracted. So in place of not having anyone to really listen to the whole lot, I just carried on alone creating projects in alignment with the thinking, combining this with writing, putting out into the world concepts and then trying and testing these.?
My consultancy document to answer and solve London's transport crisis, I had originally mapped out in my mind and then added to this. It was a simplified version of the International climate model?
The real truth is that there have been repeated errors of judgement in the UK for 32 years by one government after another, the only exception to this in John Majors government. Other than that it's actually been the policy of the UK and the UK alone that has caused the world to not have an answer to both the climate crisis and to the geopolitical crisis that is edging the world towards either destruction of climate or war or both. Tradition in thinking has stood directly in the way of common sense, science, knowledge and information. Whilst the public do not know the how's and the why's to what has happened leaders of some other countries do. What has happened in the UK is that there has been a constant supressing of the best, seemingly the only answer that exists in the world that is by now tried, tested and proven to be able to answer and solve the climate issues on the scale and level which it's actually on.
In order to have had this answer has required 32 years of full time work, focussing specifically on one issue alone. That being how to answer and solve the biggest problems in the world affecting man for the duration of this century. That has been my effort, my commitment. My effort to spend 32 year working full time to test the increments, the required components of a methodology to answer and solve climate crisis. However, it's been impossible to get beyond what I consider institutional racism of the UK to have my work properly heard or used without it being stolen by people through privilege rather than ability happen to be in positions of authority. Since, 1991 they have not allowed this work to be known and from 2004 began trying to copy the work and excluding the climate agenda, from this climate work. This work that in 1997 Dame Anita Roddick described as being viable on a global International scale for use by all business. Additionally cited as workable and among the best climate work in the world by the former leader of the IPCC Dr Michael Dutschke. He was leading the IPCC at the time of it being awarded The Nobel Peace Prize at the same time Al Gore won it. I worked with Michael for two years on a continual basis and yet our work together was also blocked and stopped.?
So the truth is that whilst the world has been wondering how we answer and solve the climate question with one climate meeting after another the answer existed all the time in the UK and yet it has been and to this day still is blocked by the government from being known. Why? what could possibly be the agenda of holding back possibly the only way to keep humanity and it's failed development plan for the past 300 years continuing until there is no longer an answer other than either complete destruction of all or many of us by climate catastrophe, such as no water, which will inevitably lead to war. What can possibly be the agenda of stopping, obstructing, preventing the answer to survival?
I have to say that it is delusion, the cover up of corruption and abuse by those in power.?What's actually happened and is happening is that non sensical answers are being proposed and presented as an answer, as 'the answer' whilst obstructing the optimal answer. It's like they are presenting Reliant Robin, whilst simultaneously preventing a parallel advancement that could occur across all industries that replicates the advancement of EV.?The truth is there is more to the war in Ukraine that just West and East can't agree, there is a climate link to the war as well. The suppression of my climate work by the UK government on a continual basis, is holding back the advancement of the human race to such an extent, that words cannot even describe the travesty of what's happening. Whilst those?in government in the UK are obstructing this work, they are not even smart enough to even understand what they are doing and why this is actually not only causing them to endanger their own futures and agendas but everyone else in the process, without them even realising. It's a laughable situation if it was not so overwhelmingly, unbelievably serious.?
There are requests asking the world to do more, and yet it's the Uk government that has the best, tried and tested answer and yet they consistently have not wanted to know or to listen or properly understand how them plaguerising original political strategy content from 2004 has actually provided the finding to the best climate answer that exists in the world. Instead they perpetuate the lie, the reflection on the cave wall, rather than are capable of even properly understanding the work.?
Rishi Sunak citing renewable energy as the answer at COP27, is disconnected from the fact that his Conservative Party copied my work to create the feed in tariffs for renewables, and green investment bank and then messed it up to such an extent that many renewable energy companies went bankrupt, the biggest renewable energy utility companies start to fail, today the UK's biggest EV battery company close to bankruptcy.?
The Tory's Party in the past?do not understand green economics, they have been the most destructive organisation for the most advanced climate work, simply they have continually tried to copy and then sabotage due to short term thinking and immediate greed of those that have been copying the work without them even being aware enough to know what they were doing. Yet, before thinking Labour have the answer, they did the same, so too the Liberal Democrats and so too both politicl parties in the USA used my work, not ever once fully and properly. Whilst the former President Obama is right to say that there is a real risk to democracy, there is a risk to everything, to the way of life that is making life as it's been viable. Civilisations fail, if they do not evolve with the times. If they try to perpetuate divide and rule thinking, of classifying some people in one way and others in another this leads to failure.?
To have had green innovation grants thirty years ago in the developed and developing world in every city was possible with my work, and so much more than that. This would have provided the time and the resources to have adapted the entire concept of us having an infinite mindset when it comes to resource use on a planet with finite resources. what the elitist thinking in the UK has continually missed is the fact that the climate situation is caused by the combined affect of trillions and trillions of choices, action and decisions. The only way for people to be able to make better choices is by having access to information systems and methods that sought information. In order to have that requires the participation of the entire country, in order to have that requires communication hubs both in public and on the internet. Gordon brown was on the right track when he mentioned green lifestyle centres, and yet he didn't know how to progress these as he did not have the findings I had, having already done this. The government were clueless and together with big society and the third way just simply could not make these concepts actually work in order to be able to provide a way for society to be able to evolve into something that protects the interests of the future. The notion of presenting the climate issue as being something for the future generations is not relevant anymore, it's the generations of today that are the ones experiencing a planet with chaotic weather that is in a state of flux towards over all completely drying up.?
There have been so many attempts made by countries to hint at the issue, the problem that is holding the world back being a UK problem and yet one government after the other has simply not been willing, prepared or able to tell the truth. The most destructive policy any government has ever had as it's held back, stopped, prevented The Green Industrial Revolution from happening, ie the change that was required to world industry to be able to align and adapt to the needs of climate in time.?
So before Russia went into Ukraine, there it was, the image of industrialisation on the wall. The statements made in Russian media that they would not use nukes on Ukraine and Germany, yet the real cause of the issue is in the UK. It's the suppression of this climate work that Boris Johnson did, even when Hillary Clinton, one of the most informed of American's cited that Boris Johnson should release The integrity Initiative Report.?
If he would have done so then two principle considerations would be known. 1. There is a tried, tested and proven answer to solving climate change. 2. It's been suppressed in the UK since the 90's. 3. The author of the original work was blackmailed into self harm and having to attempt suicide and slice his own penis in half, without anaesthetic, to then check into The Priory in Woking in 2008 in order to discredit his own career, so that his masters could take his work on a continual basis.?4. That the UK since 2004 had such bullying as central to most policy making in government. This was under Blair, Brown, Cameron, Johnson as mayor and Trump as President
. The real reason for the Brexit vote was as a distraction after David Cameron was asked to produce the thesis of Big Society, which he said he would do, yet could not do as it was stolen. 5. The first conversation with the EU was to stop British people having human rights, the EU said no to this. President Macron cited that, 'The Liar left the stage the next day' John Major cited that there had been a 'fantasy in the long run up to brexit.'?
That quote to accurately reflect where the world has got to since, is better explained as 'There had been a fantasy in the long run up to Brexit that then went on to affect geopolitics so much that the issues had caused the incorrect representation of Russia and China, causing the diplomatic pressures through the continuing pressures on the border, yet without citing that during President Trump's time in office Russia had actually saved the world four three times from a major war. 1. Korea's. 2. Syria. 3. Venezuela 4. Azerbaijan and Armenia.
?In addition to this helping Afghanistan remain calm after the completely disorganised exit of Afghanistan that left billions if not trillions of dollars of equipment there which other wise could have been originally used to fund the answers to climate if the truth had been known previously that yes, there really is an answer to all aspects of climate that's been silenced?and that work is a part of the same work that prevented the world from going into war in 2017 in the Korea's and yet due to that being supressed in London, American's never got to know the full truth, that throughout the Trump presidency.
Two cases of more than eighty people killed twice. This is likely what led to the tit for tat during the time of Theresa May that included Grenfell Tower, yes that was not an accident but a planned event. The reasoning seemingly behind this was firstly due to a part of London going from Conservative to Labour firstly and secondly to perpetuate The Integrity Initiative, keep the slave producing more work and adapt it to an agenda that does not actually work.?
This writing is the reason that the USA did not enter into any wars during the Trump presidency. I was on a continual basis writing political strategy content and I knew if I stopped or was a bit too left field then crimes would happen. There are many other examples, one of these is the men stabbed in Reading during the time of the Black Lives Matter event when in the park there were four gay men murdered. This occurred a few days after the comment was made about 'birds being killed by windmills' made by President Trump. The culmination of their being just so much corruption in politics, has caused a continual blame game against other countries, the EU and then the narrative went onto Russia and China. That is not to say that these two countries are innocent of everything, however the hypocrisy of lecturing the East on human rights, whilst running the politics of the West via such levels of bullying, which of course other governments would be picking up on in communications even if the public are unaware of this has created a situation where the worlds geo-political landscape has been so changed. The narratives of left and right in the USA are still so divided mostly due to incomplete media for both the right and the left. The left wanting and needing effective climate action, the right wanting to bring resources back to the USA, yet in order to do that Trump was using throughout his time as President non-American intellectual resources to be able to answer the issues of the USA and the wider world. All of my work is for people and planet,. it's all for peace and diplomacy. Yet there have been times that people have been selective in trying to even reason my work and motive. So the motive originally was climate, then transport as a way of testing the method and then for peace making. If?all my work is used together then a great many of the problems in the world can be answered.?
The integrity initiative in the UK becoming too complicated to many people involved to be discussed.?Yet, the implications of all this have affected the world so, so much that no matter what statements are made by leaders to try and answer and solve the climate issues there is an underlying deception going on that is so far reaching that I do not know what else to do other than just tell the truth.?
The aspects of this I know about in the hope that common sense will emerge from this both in terms of peace making and climate and that tensions can calm, diplomacy can be restored that do result in peace making being possible with the war that's actually been caused by the incorrect representation of peace processes on a global level from 2017 until today. If it was known that Russia had prevented a major war so many times since 2017 then there would have been no reason for the West to have feared Russia and therefore no reason for Russia to have feared the West. There would have been friendship between countries, however the biased media presentation of peace processes in the West created the opposite effect. This I predicted before President Trump left office would happen. There had to be the correct representation of peace processes in order to be able to keep and maintain good enough International relations in order to prevent war, yet that was not allowed. Truth was banned from the media in the West.?
The continual attempts to limit the rights and the freedoms of the British people to a very significant extent going along with this has much more to do with the fact politicians want to avoid culpability.??
I'm in a situation where I have been encouraged by many sides to keep explaining what has actually occurred, to try to explain this and yet to try and provide viable answers from here back to a place of enough normality so that firstly the war can end as when the whole truth is known there is then the chance, the hope for world relations to be able to be restored by progressing national politics for the first time in decades beyond a type of dysfunctionality which is actually making stability of humanity as it's progressed seemingly impossible to maintain for very much longer. Yet, that is not really the case, there is a way through the middle. The superpowers of the world have to find a way back to truly representing stability and progress once again. If there are half truths, lies, misconceptions central to the thinking, biased opinions caused by incomplete information then we are in a place of a war playing out that could get worse and nobody actually being fully aware of how and what put the world into this situation where there are such differing narratives between west and east and then in various countries such different values between different people and between different generations too.
The old thinking of keeping things more or less as they are, keep the truth, whole truth and nothing but the truth very much controlled, is getting in the way of allowing the world to become the best of what it can be.?It's actually pushing International relations into a position where it's becoming almost impossible to keep, order, order, order! The truth about where the world really is at, is this. The peace processes of 2017 for the Korea's and Syria saved the modern world. Ie the world's economy through diplomacy obtained by peace processes, that were derived from peace roadmaps that I wrote. Neither the USA under President Trump was honest about what the peace processes exactly were and how they were produced in the first place. The Uk also went along with this under Prime Minister May and Johnson, why? The revealing of the truth would have brought attention to the original peace roadmap author, myself and the result of that would have been that it would have bene known that President Trump was using the same work as had been copied in London for years and years previously. That would have proven that Blair, Brown, Cameron and Johnosn misled Parliament not only once but continuously in terms of the origin of political strategy work and that's why policies were not functioning properly like. Green Investment Bank, Feed in Tariffs, Browns green lifestyle centres, big society, the third way and so many other strategies that sounded so good upon first explanation and yet failed to be effective in instigation. This is why there were so many U-turns, some fifty during the time of Cameron, the failure in actually their comprehension in terms of understanding political strategy work was making the work ineffective firstly. Secondly as it was ineffective they were simply going onto the next sloganized copied concept and there rep[eating exactly the same errors. They thought that they could steal the work, copy it, make it work and they couldn't. You may ask the question was the work viable or was the work actually not good in the first place? The truth is the work was viable enough to be believed by five Prime Ministers and all of their collegues to be effective to copy firstly, secondly had the work not proven itself to be legitimate then you would not be reading this now as the only way there has been peace maintained in the world in 2017 between the superpowers in the world was via the findings and use of this work applying the same thinking and methodology. It's just the truth is that leaders in the USA, China, North and South Korea, Japan and various other countries interpreted and used the work better. Not perfectly or there would be more effective peace making globally today than there has been, yet good enough to keep International relations good enough so that there was a continuity of the integrated economy the world has between such differing countries and so with the world being mostly at peace the internet has been maintained. It stands to reason, it's obvious that in an unrestrained conflict infrastructure is very much affected, therefore the internet would be lost.
So International relations were kept cordial enough between countries using a methodology to produce peace roadmaps that also answers climate, drought, famine on a global level for the duration of this century if all the work is applied and used properly and fully. Yet, one government after another in the Uk simply wanted to copy the work in their own way and thus the result was a whole series of errors in their comprehension and therefore instigation. When the media began to realise something was very wrong with a prime minister trying to present a 'vague and amorphous' concept you just had to 'talk about'. Three relaunches and two election cycles wasted. In actual fact the truth is the Big Idea for community could if instigated properly then or now, 'level up' the country. How and why?
The concept of trickle down capitalism producing enough economic benefit to the whole of society is an idea that is now fifty years out of date. That is why there has been increasing poverty is what are considered the wealthiest economies in the world. The G7 countries more or less all affected in the same way. The people with the least economic resources always spend their money closest to where they are, the wealthiest tend to spend more Internationally. Therefore, as the world has become more globalised, the wealth has increasingly gone to other countries due to the fact that governments have not simultaneously been creating facilities to help the least 20% economically challenged people progress. So what's happening is that by the resources becoming more international and less local, the economy goes down, yet as in the case of the Uk the costs of housing continually increase. There are effectively two economies, a macro and a micro economy and the micro economy has been on diminishing returns for the past fifty years as wealth has spread out around the world, yet in addition to this such vast resources spent on wars and additionally nothing invested into regeneration of the environment has created environmental tipping points that then perpetuate economic tipping points for the macro but more so the micro economy. For example, 1% of the US GDP is the economic cost of one recent hurricane in the USA in terms of storm damage. That 1% affect, will in time affect much more than 1% of the US population as there is a ripple effect. Ie one business that goes down due to the costs of the hurricane creates supply loses to many other companies. Yet, what further exacerbates that is the fact that is the fact that there are more closures of major company shops today and during the next few months than at any time in history. The globalised world is affecting local companies. Yet, what is also happening is that the neglect of the environment is affecting the supply of water. Two billion people, one in every four people in the world affected simply by changes to one single water source. The Himalaya's. India has always considered these mountains to be sacred, and they are. Take away there capacity to provide water and food and the effects of that create scenarios where there is no other choice ofr people and countries to have to fight over resources to survive. So the only way to avoid such a scenario happening in 10, 15 or 20 years time is to invest massively today in environment regeneration globally. Without that it will be impossible to keep the worlds economy functioning for very much longer as the real I need water strains will spill out inevitably into International relations, causing war, causing an end of the internet and therefore an end of the modern world. We would have already had a scenario like this in 2017 had it not been for the peace roadmaps and peace processes. The truth is what keeps the city of London functioning economically and politically is the same thing that keeps the New York stock exchange functioning or the stockmarket of Japan. It's the health and wellbeing of the Himalayas. The functionality of the Amazon. Economists in London can try playing dumb to this, keep adapting the economy in the interests of just a few, and the net result of that is that there is not enough goodwill globally to keep the economy even going. The best way to create an end to the worlds economy is to keep doign what's been done, ie ignore peace processes and try to ignore answers like collaborative economy which if used to there best use can help level up society, how?
There are vast resources that are latent in all countries that if used more to help communities help each other provide stability and continuity for all and yet enable the levels of vast resources to find their way back to keeping the planet ecologically functioning better.
The reason that the UK today is in recession is due to the fact that there has not been the full truth told of peace processes in 2017 firstly, secondly David Cameron did not know how to do Big Idea properly, which would have provided much more help and support to communities throughout the Uk if instigated properly and would from that have helped obtain the levels of cooperation required in order to massively regenerate the Uk ecologically in every way. That then would have become a template for the world to know exactly how it's feasible to be able to adapt the model of society of the 18th,19th,20th centuries into a model that works in a post industrial era where the effects of that industrialised time are ever more affecting everything's balance.
So the non truth about peace processes in 2017 is the biggest economic risk factor in the world firstly, it's the greatest risk to world diplomacy, it's preventing the best answers to climate, drought and famine from being fully known and instigated. The way that economics is today whether in recession or not can only best be described as suicide economics, it's process is taking away it's own capacity to be able to exist. The convergence of issues we are experiencing today ie near collapse of economy, ecology, diplomacy, food and energy security I predicted in my film of 2009 Ecoplaza Paradise Oasis, that screened at COP15. In that film I also present the basis of an answer. Yet Brown and Cameron's governments copied content from that film. IE 12 plaguerisations in the big society film of my original film and yet they left the climate content, the most important content out.
In terms of my peace roadmaps for the Korea's, Syria, Iran the same is true. President Trump left out the environmental content and that is why there are famines in countries that have been affected by wars for the past twenty years or more. These factors are again affecting International relations. So the copying without fully understanding my work, or not wanting to properly understand the climate, drought, food security and levelling up aspects of my work is causing global chaos in terms of all the above ways and diplomatically as well. The good news about this if there is any is the fact that a new path can be taken in order to fully and properly make all of this work function properly and coherently and therefore not only save the world again from wars, but also from economic collapse in the future, by helping prevent other wars and also at the same time answering all of the pressure points which are leading to breakdowns in communication, rudeness in global diplomacy and non understanding. The ironic think about this whole mess the world is in, is that in order to get out of most of it, its actually very, very, very, very easy indeed when you like me have spent 32 years instigating political strategy work starting with saving rainforest, having a $3.4 trillion concept evolve from your work beign the original model, ie crowd funding and then having observed the UK's prime ministers try and succeed in some concpets that did very much help the Uk, London especially, yet be able to derive finding from both the good and not good uses of my work and from that produce answers to geopolitical issues that no other thinking in history has been able to generate answers to in such close succession. The only component left from making this work answer many more issues in the world than it already has is a free press.
A free press that provides balanced reporting on the good use of this work in part by many countries and provides the means to be able to present and explain the whole vast rest of this work.
Yet, without this chance for free press, or acknowledgment of what has really, really happened in Uk, US and International relations from 2017, there is a chance, a very real chance that the events that are occurring due to incomplete narrative are causing problems to not be halved but added onto.
In a single sentence. The peace roadmap the Korea's, Syria, Iran, Iraq, Afghanistan can be many, many times better firstly. Better for all as these peace processes can function as much ecologically as well as logistically and economically. Yet more so than that the full truth explained does help put Russia and China world relations in a more complete and better light and by doing that, that then produces the best hopes for peace making today.
By not representing fully the truth about peace processes of 2017, that allowed for there to have been only a negative percpetion of Russia heard. There was not even any media coverage not one single article in any newspaper that explained how what was the two step method Russia and China proposed in 2016 and 2017 changed to the Integrated Strategy method instead. So the result is that it was only considered in the press that President Trump and Chairman Un had negotiated an answer when in fact there were many others that were involved in maintaining the balance in terms of relations for that to happen.
So whilst Boris as Foreign Minister was making warnings to Russia, as that provided cover for both himself and President Trump copying and using my work. In fact Russia at that time had been essential in brokering peace in the Korea's, by the statement made 'The Integrated plan for Talks between North and South Korea are evidently the best way to progress and even some in Washington agree.' Relations between Turkey and Israel had been helped in the context of Syria. There was peace maintained in Venezuela and many other issues resolved in a better way than ever before. Whilst today MI6 boss does cite the poisoning of The Scriptol's in Salisbury. Whilst I do not know all the facts about this, other than the fact that the people who allegedly did this were going to visit Salisbury Cathedral before the poisoning. What has to also be considered additionally is that this occurred after Nato troops were lined up on the border of Russia for the first time since operation Barbarossa. To say that that was not provocative? Whats more provocative putting troops onto the border of a country and making press conferences about possible bombing and mentioning Russia at the same time or what happened with the Skripol poisoning. Well the answer is that none of those actions are conductive to healthy peace making relations. By looking at the entire situation from either one perspective or another without considering the fact that there has been tit for tat going on previously is kinda selling a narrative. It's being more of a sales person than a diplomat and whilst this may be a view taken in the UK above a diplomatic level, it's a view that cannot get us out of the situation, all of us where we are today.
Whilst I can understand why this is presented in this way, the truth is we actually need to get to an answer that gets all sides back properly to the negotiating table and ends the war. That has to be the objective. Maintaining the we are correct about everything and they are completely incorrect about everything is taking us into the sort of place where there can only be conclusions reached that peace making is impossible. The Uk must not try to win a battle verbally and the result of that being that peace is pushed further away from being a very real prospect. If there is not peace then anything could happen including end of the economy, internet, modern world, civilisation and all of that. That is too much of a high price to pay for simply wanting to win an argument that's already gone almost as far beyond an argument as its possible to go with what is clearly a type of proxy war between the East and the West, some of the East are not fully on board but are kind of the same is true with the West. This is not a good situation, we need to unlock horns where possible and actually have a middle ground narrative presented explaining more fully from a third person perspective where relations between the two sides have gone wrong and how they can potentially be put right again.
Russia is too big, too influential a country and too well equipped militarily to come out of this war as a complete loser, it's not going to happen for the simple reason that that then affects the geo-political positioning of at least twenty other countries in the world. We are in fact is a similar situation in a way to what happened in Syria, ie Russia got inbetween Turkey, Israel and Syria and said words to the effect of chill out. Whilst that in fact helped Nato, in a proxy sort of way much more so than any other country has previously. The difficulty of the situation today is the fact that there are no countries that can effectively enough put themselves into the middle and say, lets look at the situation from all sides. Let's find a way to mediate with this. Mediation in peace making is a process. It has to be a process in a situation as complicated as this and where there is quite literally everything in the entire world of value to all the most, that could be lost. ????
The pressure put onto Russia by the West has created a situation where Russia responded to putting pressure onto Ukraine. What Russia has done and is doing to Ukraine is effectively what the West was effectively threatening Russia with at the end of 2016. The only difference is that Russia did take the situation one stage further. The lining up of troops on the border of Russia was a reckless policy. Whilst the war today is terrible and has to be stopped for the sake of the whole world. The only way that this is going to be humanly possible in my opinion is to be honest about all of the past from 2017 until now especially, particularly and specifically. However, to have a genuine understanding of how this situation got to how it did with the perpetuation of issues going from one situation to another.
How could that not have created the fear, after the last time this occurred being operation Barbarossa, this causing for the Russian people on of the biggest traumas in it's history.
What President Putin needs to consider is that it was not the people of Ukraine that were in any way involved in that. Let me repeat that, the threat of Nato on the border of Russia was nothing at all to do with either Ukraine or the people of Ukraine.
However, Nato countries also need to realise that Russia does and has responded to threats. Not only that other countries do respond to the situation too all in their own ways and that is making the skin of the orange on planet Earth slide about in unpredictable ways diplomatically. We have to have the very utmost caution and throwing a bone into the situation, ie what we did here and then was not the best choice at the time. Does help build another statement into the middle ground that potentially rebuilds the prospect of a middle ground that can then produce peace.
It's with this thought in mind that there is the possibility of hopefully talking back this war back to peace making. The Ukrainians being given the means to militarily protect themselves is not enough to stop the situation from being worse for everyone, it seems to me that the truth, all of the truth presented and explained is all that can help to see the whole situation in a better way for all to perceive. I can assure you. I'm not in the least bit interested in dying in a nuclear war due to the fact that there are people in jobs that are maintaining the childish position of it's all your fault, no it's yours, no it's yours, no it's yours between nuclear powered countries. That is not diplomacy that is in any way better than the type of diplomacy that happens in schools where the voice of reason from the teacher is the only protection from keeping small adults from behaving in ever more unrepenting ways towards each other. Whilst it's absolutely clearly evident that there is a very real risk to countries other than Russia and Ukraine, the example of Poland is this. There is a very real risk to the worlds economy from this, the recession is the example of this. There is a very real risk to all gas and energy supplies, the Nord Stram pipeline is the example of this. There is a very real risk to all transport infrastructure the blowing up of the bridge in Crimea is an example of this, there is a very real risk of a much worse refugee situation, the 10 million that have left Ukraine are an example of this, there is a very real risk to the viability of the internet to continue, the loss of the internet to The Shetland Islands briefly could be an example of this. There is a risk to even the concept of a peace process being even possible at all, the bombing of the harbour is an example of this. There is a risk to a peace process being even viable, the bomb in Istanbul is an example of this. There is a risk to a peace process being even viable, my unanswered letters are an example of this, There is a risk to a peace process being even viable, my attempts to go to Russia and Ukraine in order to try and help with a peace process in the Summer were an example of this.
We have got to admit that unless there is a very good interjection that happens as soon as possible that I consider best includes these factors;
war is wrong for the people
The destruction of lights, of water supplies, of infrastructure the targeting of civilians, and doing so when going into the winter is as wrong as war can get. So too the damage to the bridge, the bombing of the harbour specifically protected under the grain deal. The combined actions of both sides is in a diminishing spiral that can only end by there being more good will and less, much less bad will in this war. Yet I do not believe that its possible for either the leader or Ukraine or Russia to be able to end this war alone. There is an 'underlying' narrative to all this that goes above the heads of people.?This war is considered to be a proxy war between The East and West and yet there is much more to this than is widely known. Whilst my agenda is to do all I can to end the war, there is a human rights issue going on below the surface that I believe relates to my situation. There is an extensive amount of information that is properly presented in the media could very much help end this war and help relations between West and East. This issue relates to the events in and around Ukraine and yet the issue is much more than that. In a nutshell, the issue relates to double standards and a massive hypocrisy that has occurred in the world. Whilst the West has been preaching to the East about human rights issues for decades, there was a massive human rights abuse in the West that occurred. The implications of this are so significant that the UK has been continuously trying to change human rights laws to it's own people in order to help try to allow the people that carried out this human rights abuse to be able to, for want of a better way of saying it, get away with it. It's done relates to this. We are all in it together relates to this', Brexit relates to this, and the first conversation with the EU after Brexit was to take the British people out of the Human Rights laws to which the EU flatly refused. John Major citing that, 'There was a fantasy in the long run up to Brexit' relates to this, so too does President Macron's statement that 'The liar left the stage the very next day.'
David Cameron, Ken Livingstone, Gordon Brown and Phillip Hammond leaving UK Parliamentary politics may have something to do with this and so too the murder of MP. David Amess, the poisoning of the Skripols, the blowing up of the bridge to Russia and the blowing up of the Nord Stream pipeline. The statement 'It's done' was cited from the Summer.?This was before the blowing up of the bridge which was at the end of September. There is evidently more going on than is known. Much of this I have ideas and theories about, though I cannot say for certain what exactly is going on. However, what I do know specifically is that peace roadmaps of recent years have been completely incorrectly represented and that as a result of that yes wars were stopped, prevented and exited from and yet the actual processes of recovery for many countries has been slowed or stopped, when in fact there could have been improvements to many countries most notably in the context of helping many countries adapt their systems to being much better for the environment, for food and water supplies and therefore better for the entire world. I know there has not been the full truth known about this and yet if it was known there could be just so many improvements in the world that are in the interests, short, medium and long term for all countries in the world. Effective peace making is the best, probably the only way in existence to enable man to be able to evolve in to a place that saves the economy by saving the ecology. By doing that, it enables the most pressured countries in the world to be able to much better cope with so many issues including refugees. There are going to be some short term economic gains to some companies through this war continuing and yet the actual cost of that is a recession.
The only way out of recession in the short term, medium term or any terms that is the easiest process to instigate is of there being much more in terms of collaborative diplomacy that's created in order to produce a more collaborative economy which can in turn help the people of Ukraine as well as Florida recover as much as the people of Pakistan and so many other countries from the effects of either climate or conflict
Russia obviously knows this, so the question has to be asked why would Russia make such an obvious error in it's statement? Well, if you were me it's very easy to be able to decode what Russia is actually saying.?There is more going on behind the scenes in terms of the full use and transparency of peace roadmaps what seems absolutely evident to me is that unless there is a real effort to make peace, then the situation for the world is going to get much, much worse before it gets better and it won't be getting any better either in our lifetime or the next three or four generations. That is how serious the situation really is. The fog in thinking that is causing government advisors anywhere in the world to believe that 'we can win this, they will lose this,' is the most deluded paradigm of thinking there has ever been in world relations. The reality has got to be grasped that anyone that thinks this is only between Russia and Ukraine is clearly wrong, this is more about two differing paradigms of thinking. One paradigm is the we are in charge of the world you will do what we say, no we wont'. The other paradigm, which is in fact the true paradigm is that we have only got this far due to the fact that there were win-win dynamics in peace making that occurred in the past between the most diverse of countries and it's that we need to properly discover, acknowledge and use as first base to progress world relations back onto more of a balanced win-win position through peace making and regeneration of the whole world's ecology all at once.
World leaders in a paradigm of 'we will win over them' are as deluded as it's possible to be whilst living in a world of nuclear weapons.' There level of thinking is the same as two homeless people struggling over a sandwich that was pulled out of the rubbish' There is not even a slim hope of a good future for anyone in the world that is dependent upon a construct called world economy, without there being the means to keep that economy going and that requires and I'm ok, your ok perspective, and the talking the whole situation back to a sensible position.
I do not know why there is resistance to peace making by either of the sides in this war. What I do know though is that Nostradamus relates very clearly to the situation going on today. He uses the word Mabus. May and Bus, ie the time that May went over to Boris Johnson who used a campaign bus as a backdrop to getting into 10 Downing Street is one very important part of a central issue that determines whether or not your or my future is to be one of more peace or more war. The link is to peace processes that I wrote that were a result of the instigation of transport, ie bus, trains, bikes, rickshaws, green transport in London. The cover up of the use of my work has led onto the cover up of peace roadmaps.
The fact is that if the big lie in the middle of world politics persists in terms of peace processes, then the best chance and hope for their to be success with peace making is really not much better than the benefits obtained by big society. Ie it was completely incoherent. Peace roadmap making today is a very involved and complicated political science where there is not even a single book written on the subject explaining fully how the peace that exists today in your world was actually obtained and maintained between so many rival countries. It's a dereliction of duty by any leader, media representative to not want to know or discuss how peace has been maintained. All I know from writing these peace roadmaps and seeing them function and work mostly in a very effective way, a way more effective than how any other peace roadmap methods have worked. All I can say is this is a very, very specialist skill and that yes, there are risks towards me, I know there are. What I believe though is that if something did happen to me, then it's true to say that the most important branch of political science in exitance for helping the world keep calm enough to be able to carry on much longer could be lost.
The entire concept of win-win through peace making is vitally important for just keeping things going in my opinion. If there was more understanding of this new branch of political science then there would have been many more statements made Internationally towards a more win-win peace making perspective being obtained in the thinking of various or many countries and from there, there would be positive pressure both from the West and the East to want to fully resolve differences and find ways to shift the axis of the world in the direction where man is still in control of the environment and the environment is not in control of us and the geo-political choices made as a consequence of us simply not being able to agree to a win-win format that produces the component parts to being able to have what is really a future very much worth having.
An Independent peace strategist, myself provided the original peace roadmap that was written to start the diplomacy between the USA, North and South Korea. The same peace process that President Putin referred to when he said, 'The peace process for talks between North and South Korea is the best hope for successful negotiations with Ukraine'. After that statement was made I contacted the UK government various times to try to obtain support from the government. I went to my local MP's office twice. I wrote to him and another MP, the MP from Plymouth, a former veteran in Afghanistan. I spoke to the Foreign office, I wrote to the BBC. I spoke with The Ministry of Defence. I wrote to the Prime Ministers office, Boris Johnson. I tried everything I could to obtain any acknowledgment or support to go to Russia and Ukraine officially as I knew that it was my peace roadmap that was being referred too. I could not get an answer.
I tried even to go to the police twice. I spoke with one police officer at a main centre for policing near Weston Super Mare. He did not know how to respond other than to bring two psychiatric nurses. They interviewed me for a few minutes and I told them that I too was qualified in three fields of therapy. After a few minutes speaking with me, they said that I was fully well. The policeman later explained that he did not know how to deal with the issue as he is more used to dealing with day to day policing and that the issue was not the remit of the police.?
Without any help or support, I knew that it was my peace roadmap work being referred too yet the government under Boris Johnson would not acknowledge my work. Why? Firstly, my previous strategy work had found answers to help treat COVID19 before science had a vaccination.?These findings were recognised by a medically trained MP. They were also later confirmed as being true and legitimate by Edenborough University findings and findings from Imperial College in London and other parts of the world. 2. Boris Johnson built his career by copying my work as Mayor of London. This is together with Tony Blair, Gordon Brown, David Cameron and others. So in order to cover up corruption of individuals at the top of government not only was legitimate science that could have saved thousands of lives covered up whilst they partied. There were people in government profiting from vaccines. What's more, whilst the public were in lockdown, fearful of going outside due to what the government were telling them. Boris Johnson had information that enabled them to realise that if they got Covid they would be able to treat the virus naturally and effectively. This could be the reason why they most likely had no fear or concerns themselves in breaking social distancing rules themselves and partying.??
So in the Summer of this year, whilst I endeavored?try to obtain information by travelling that could enable there to be a peace roadmap written, using the same methodology that Russia had said was the best chance for successful negotiations with Ukraine. Even without the help and the support of the government I bought a visa for Russia and intended to travel there and to Ukraine in order to be able to write a viable peace roadmap. I took a flight to Turkey and the day before I was due to fly to Moscow, I was involved in a motorbike accident. The circumstances surrounding this accident were suspicious and the accident was very serious. I rolled out of the way of an oncoming vehicle that was travelling at approximately forty miles per hour, with one second to spare without being run over.?
After the accident I had injuries to four of my limbs. I was cut and bruised over a significant part of my body. My left arm will never fully recover from the accident. I had had communications both before and after the accident that made me realise that I was being stopped from travelling to use the peace roadmap and negotiation method that had been cited.?
I have good reason to suspect that the statement made by Liz Truss, 'it's done' could have happened at the time of this 'accident'. I believe that Boris Johnson's government attempted to murder me in order to prevent a peace process from being successful between Russia and Ukraine.?I don't know this for certain, but what I do know is that there has been a campaign for most twenty years, copying incorrectly representing my work. The pressures on me to tell the truth cannot be influenced by any one side or other as I have had so many pressures from contradictory sides, that all I can do is tell the truth and hope that there is at least one other person on planet Earth somewhere that is intelligent and wise enough to realise that the whole good future of humanity in the context to all ge-political relations, in the context of environmental pressures is so incredibly close to being lost forever, unless there are very wise actions taken that help talk the type of 'progress we are in today' into a position where win-win in diplomacy is perceived clearly as being the only good option and choice that really there is today.
Boris Johnson by witholding information on natural Covid treatments that he may well have used himself, by lying to the public from his first term as mayor in the context to the work he presented as his own, ie Boris bikes and many other concepts. By talking up war with Russia as Foreign Minister, by witholding information on peace roadmaps and peace processes that Russia helped mediate, ie in the context of The Korea's and Syria.?The implications of these wrong choices made then not only by him but by others is taking the world almost into a position of no return.
By provoking Russia at the same time by carrying out press conferences at a bombing command centre in Kent. by refusing to acknowledge the peace roadmap method being referred to by Vladamir Putin and used by President Trump, even though it's authored by a British national, then being aloof towards peace making, whilst at the same time trying to take away the rights of all British people to be able to protest. He is responsible for his involvement in not only one but two genocides, one against the Ukrainian people by perpetuating the war and simply supplying weapons and yet this is taking attention away from his previous genocide on the British people which is from him witholding vital information that could have saved many peoples lives. This is whilst his cabinet had previously talked of euthanasia, this is in conjunction to him sending infected people with the virus around care homes and then even after that refusing to meet with the people's families.
All I can say is that Uk politics has been is a position that has not been good and by maintaining the notion that everything has been and is ok whilst there is a war going on just a few countries away and continuing the paradigm that it's just about an invasion this year of Ukraine, is not making the situation any better at all. What can make the situation better is to work instead on mediation. If the invasion paradigm is the only truth, then why were so many people from those regions trying to leave for Russia by the tens of thousand? If it's the interests of the people of Ukraine that are considered to be the most important in the resolving of the entire issue then it's better to have a more complete and fully honest conversation about each and every aspect of what has really caused the war and is obstructing in any way an effective peace process as soon as possible. Not doing so is holding back potentially progress in every country. Holding back any information on peace processes is leaving in the open a chance that everything about this war could get much worse rather than much better.
Progress generally happens in many small incremental steps and then there is a significant step upwards. From horse and cart to car, to electric car, from television to video to computer, from telex to fax to internet. The same can be possible in reverse, except for, if there is a reverse today with all the factors above considered then the stap downwards in development would be at least pre-electrical. Imagine having lived half of your life in a modern world of computers and then taken back to a time pre electrical. That is the not only a prospect but a certainty unless man gets much better with peace making as EMP (electro magnetic pulse) technology effectively ruins the electrical grid and all electronics.
What I will finish off by saying is that the true knowledge and information in the context of peace roadmaps and peace processes together with the incorrect and illegal copying and use of political strategy work and then the lies, deceit, cover up of all of this MP's know only some of what's actually occurred.?Yet, if they maintain a paradigm where none of them are interested then I fail to be able to perceive a way out of a decline in the worlds relations that may not recover. Yet, paradoxically have to recover in order for there to be anything like the best diplomatic relations there have been since 2017.
A failure in peace making is a failure in climate, drought, famine. It's a part of economic risk that is based upon any one of anything between five to fifty countries being put into a position by other countries of a 'you wouldn't dare' scenario. That is incredibly foolish when the full perspective is considered that with the ecological changes occurring in the world, there is a scenario that we are getting ever closer to that seems to suggest that some countries may consider they have no other choice. We have got to look at our own best chances and hope in this world today from the position of survival. That in an interconnected world is not just survival of the fittest but of the most communicative. The most diplomatic, the most aware of the needs of other people. No country can function without water. Trees generate water, via cloud cover. Replanting the planet is a plan for the survival not only of one or two countries but of all countries. If there is no water there is no peace, if there is no peace abroad there is no effective economy anywhere, if there is not that then there is only an increase in terms of the problems, all problems.
In order to be able to have a methodology, a philosophy that is relevant today that helps answer all of these issues simultaneously is so complicated, it does seem like there is nobody else that has produced anything even similar or as extensive or as well tried, tested and proven to be able to work. Yet with my only media outlet really being LinkedIn, without having help and resources there is a situation being created where there is an effort to actually stop progress. Progress in the 21st Century has got to factor in peacemaking, cost of living crisis, famine, drought and adaption to the issues creating these interconnected factors. There is no way to procrastinate on instigating answers that can be effective enough on such a scale any longer.
Liz Truss taking up office as Prime Minister would have access to information she would have never seen previously. This would include the report of 'The integrity Initiative'?This is the document that Hillary Clinton cited publicly to Boris Johnson when he took up office as Prime Minister should be made public. If he would have made that public, then there is no chance that there would be a war in Ukraine today on the scale that it's on.?
Why? It would have been publicly known that in 2017 the actions of Russia had saved the world twice from a major war, once in the Korea's and once in Syria.
?Russia, saved Nato in Syria by mediating between Turkey, Israel and Syria. This was together with Mike Pence, the peace roadmap they were using for this was written by a British national, myself. This is where the term Buffer Zone for peace making purposes first became used.?That and many other aspects of that peace roadmap helped save the world from a major war and whilst Russia was the central player in that whilst the Allies were pulling out, the full explanation of this has been left unknown as a result of The Integrity Initiative report not being made public and myself being blacklisted from being represented in the Uk media, even though my peace roadmap work has helped the UK and the world many times.??
This requires the capacity of both people. What's clearly evident though is that the more the losses to the Ukrainian people, the more so there with be more Russian people opposing the war in Russia. What the miscalculation is by Russia is that the Russian people do not 'hate' the people of Ukraine, they perceive them as being 'the same people'. Even those in Russia that support the war, many of those people feel an affinity to the people of Ukraine and yet it's the government policies of one side or another that the people do not like.?
What is so different between the 20th and the 21st Centuries is that people in one country relate better to people in other countries frequently more than they feel an affinity to their own government sometimes and that is the same the world over. So an attack on people by any leader is in some ways an attack on many or all the people in the way in which this is perceived Internationally.?
You can be a part of the answer, to a question that spans all countries today. It's a fact that people are on the side of others that can be the best hope and chance for the future. The pandemic proved that more cooperative communities are really possible. We all for two years practiced thinking in terms of both the self and collective interest simultaneously. The pandemic ended and many reverted to thinking again more in a less collaborative way. Yet, the recent years have proven that there is a combined gain to be obtained by people helping each other. I believe that with all factors considered the best path out of recession is peace making and if there are better levels of cooperation between the leaders of countries then with the recent experience of recent years by many people thinking both in terms of individually and yet also collectively too that capacity can be used in order to help the country, the world as well obtain a new normal that is achieved by there being broader perception about the need to work together better for the benefit and interest of all.
In terms of competing countries. The time for doing that has to a very significant level been progressed beyond there is either a way to be able to see that there have been mistakes made on all sides and that by being more honest about those there is a way to progress back into mediation in a better way. Similarly within countries if it's seen that leaders of countries can better resolve their differences, and therefore help glean the economic gain for their own countries not being in any form of conflict then that can create a sense of optimism that the new normal can be better than what was previously in enough ways to generate a bit more optimism, that then helps people, companies and organisations have more of a way of thinking that progress is possible both individually and collectively and that by having that paradigm it's then possible to liberally apply, some labour to helping conserve better the green as well as the blue planet.
Generally speaking if leaders of countries are less able to agree between themselves in a world of more issues than ever that require agreement, then this sets a standard of thinking in people. The truth is that there are many low tech green technologies and methodologies to greatly increase food production whilst also better helping and supporting the environment. My work in the desert for fourteen years can be used to regenerate land that today is considered of almost no use to food production in ways that help restore nature and provide incomes simultaneously. That is the very best answer to the refugee situation in the world. That together with the best types of peace process that can be obtained. By having both peace processes and answers for refugees, humanity as a whole produces a sense of capacity when dealing with the ever perpetuating issues occurring Internationally that affect countries then individually.
The best and most useful of all technologies in the world was produced not by debate, not by the presentation of some facts, these advancements were produced by hypothesis and by their being a receptive mindset to enable there to be progress. In my opinion, it's the same in politics and geopolitics. Having a hypothesis that can be presented, considered, used applied and discussed and instigated fully in one country can provide a viable template for much of the world to be able to extrapolate from. Yet, the process to be able to do that, requires that there is the chance for intelligent discussion. The chance for presentation.
There is a plan to save the planet from wars, from the effects of climate, drought, famine, economic crisis. Yet to get from where things are today to there requires more conversation about how this can theoretically be possible, derived from evidence, derived from past references and case histories. There simply needs to be more open discussion and more acknowledgment that the issues today are much more complicated than ever before and the best option to being able to progress beyond those is more awareness of actually how fragile many balances in the world actually are especially in peace making. Great peace making today can form the foundations to economic recovery that can form the foundations to ecological recovery that can then provide the foundations to recovery of lands where refugees are originating. Having worked with people who were friends of refugees and also having met and spoken with refugees myself there is one common theme almost all of them would sooner be in the countries they are from if the conditions were better. By ecological restoration it's possible to make that a reality. The interconnected answers combined as presented in the form of a hypothesis can simultaneously answer so many of the questions and issues that MP's discuss and debate. It's more productive to debate about a possible answer than only evident problems. By doing so there is then the chance to be able to generate more win-win answers and these are what's needed in a world where people are increasingly having to compete with the changes that the Earth is generating.
If human systems are seen more like ecosystems, where cooperation reduces cost and this then increase capacity that what is considered the vast global issue of climate and all it's related aspects can become a more easy to answer situation.
In terms of diplomacy and peace making between Russia and Ukraine, there are no clear answers now that answer everything, this requires a peace process, this requires peace roadmaps that are produced from ideally conversations with all sides. That is what I was hoping to do previously. Time is not on our side for peace making. The biggest wheat producing region for much of the world is not going to produce a harvest if the war continues, the loss of such an important part of the worlds food supply chain will cause the cost of all food to increase exponentially if we are not careful next year. The best way to counteract this certainty that also Nostradamus referenced in The Lost Book images is for there to be new systems of food production used that are also ecological. Aquaponics, EM1&2 and many other potential answers. If this is not factored in today, then the world is setting itself up for a famine in the very near future.
Recession and recovery is the most common trend that most countries have experienced in the past one hundred years. However, recession, leading to depression happened before. There have been and are links to economy and war and there can be the consideration that the improvement to lifestyles in many countries in the 1950's and 1960s, 1970's was due to the ending of the second world war. It was linked in fact to the increase in mechanisation of production and other factors too such as an abundance of materials and resources. Now we are in a completely different era and situation where there are not seemingly 'endless resources' .There is in fact the opposite, there is a reduction in resources, and their previous use is causing significantly the economic losses of today. So this notion that some will be ok, others not by looking at the world from a simplistic capitalist paradigm only is limiting thinking in terms of all risks.
Quite simply a peace process that works so that there is an open conversation between leaders that represents all the interests of all the people in Ukraine, does consider all aspects of the issues that have led to this war. Does generate answers for there to be an economic recovery as a result of this for Europe as a whole. Is much more likely to help there be recovery from the recession. It's far more likely that this recession will not go into depression or famine.
What the UK has to consider is that it's prime minister Rishi Sunak is the best most highly qualified and experienced economist ever to be in office in the UK. He understands the city, high finance, and has more wealth than any other prime minister and yet he is failing to keep the UK out of recession. If he can't keep the UK out of recession, then nobody can, right?
Wrong. It's the people together, the country together that have far more economic capacity than the prime minister when working more cooperatively together. yet how to create the economic infrastructure to be able to enable that to be a possibility requires having a really good understanding of collaborative economy and strategy. This requires the type of thinking that puts people, economy, ecology together in ways that have never been considered possible before and by doing that a biproduct of that is that the worst affects of the cost of living crisis for many people can be substantially reduced, that then provides them with some more spending ability that then enables then to economically help others a bit more synergistically. The micro finance economy is worth billions today, crowd funding economy is worth trillions, the internet economy is worth much more than that. The upcycling economy has not even been properly invented yet, and yet that can be worth billions too and all benefit the country the most, the country that begins an upcycling economy. The cost of housing, the cost of construction the cost of building materials is always on the increase these days, and yet an upcycling economy can bring the costs down of all of these by potentially up to 1/3. The way to accomplish this is all in the cleaver design and development of recycling facilities. This reducing massively the cost of imports and the better use of resources that are already here. British resources, used better to build a better economy from the ground up. Whilst doing so generating new incomes to help regenerate land in the UK and abroad helping to answer many other International issues simultaneously. Anyone that thinks the UK has a refugee problem is correct, so too does Europe and so too does the world. We don't generate the answer to all that in any way better than building bridges in terms of understanding, know how and opportunities.
The simple truth of today is that the world's problems are so complicated that the easiest way to start to answer them is totally counter intuitive when first considered. The best way to answer any one issue is by enabling the answering of other issues to be combined within the answer. The more complicated a peace process can be designed to be, the better it is for answering many more questions together.
The best peace process that can be created begins with one side saying to the other, there is something about what you are saying that makes sense, lets consider properly and fully if there is more to be able to agree upon. The proposal presented by President Zelenskyy in Bali, it would be good if there was either publicly or privately either a conversation or a counter offer. If there was not that then it would also help mediate peace if there was an effort made to recognise the peace roadmaps of previous years and a better conversation on these as to how and why they worked and how they can be improved today to create more win-wins, therefore more opportunity, mutual trade opportunity that also helps factor in aspects of an economy for the natural regeneration. A peace process could also be advanced by private meetings with both sides to consider what they are prepared to cooperate with, or to include the fact that not all the people on both sides of Ukraine do think alike. How to represent better the choices of all.
I don't know exactly how it will be possible to obtain peace between Russia and Ukraine and yet I doo know that unless that goal is achieved soon there is a world that is increasingly in distress from not enough answers to not enough issues being instigated fast enough. If the best 100 ecological answers were massively supported and helped to progress then there would be more evidence that improvements in the world are really possible. From there, there is opportunity, from there is the chance for there to be more unity,
In this document there are speculations, I don't have all the information on much of this. I'm simply having to write this from the perspective of intuition as much as facts. What I do know for certain however, is that every peace roadmap I have written has been from the perspective of knowing that an overly competitive world in terms of people is what the past was made up of almost completely. From there the world either goes to being more and more competitive with ever depleting resources and ever greater problems or there is the consideration made, that we either cooperate our way into sustainability of compete ourselves into what amounts to ever greater collective failure and possibly the failure of everything that does maintain the quality of existence that we are used too in the modern world.
Whilst there are risks to many countries from other countries. The biggest risk of all is not being honest when considering how peace was obtained in the past, when so few people using their best consideration and judgement at the time considered that peace wasn't possible. Luckily for all they were proven to be wrong. If we build upon a pattern of peace making in the recent past, there may be a way out of this which is good for all. having a determined belief in the process of being able to make a peace process, having representation of that known and considered between differing sides is a good place to continue.
Peacemaking and the chance for peace making is a side that more people really need to represent and be on. If we don't put more effort into doing peace work properly today then there is a chance in future a way of life in many countries could change for the worse. Simply having a them and us paradigm creates a win-lose paradigm of thinking, that when responded too then evidently generates a lose-lose paradigm. One year into this war how many countries in the world are in a better position today than one year ago? None. Without effective peace making the world is in a downward spiral and that is true whether you look at the world in terms of either economy or ecology.
Recession is over seemingly only if the war is over. The concept of more taxes and reducing services in the UK is not going to answer the issue of the recession, no chance. There needs to be a collaborative economy that does factor in everyone, especially those most affected by the reductions in services. A new socio-economic blanket that prevents more people falling any further into food, fuel, housing cost of living crisis, which has to be called out as being potentially the foothills of what could become famine if a loaf of bread next year starts to cost £5 due to the fact there has not been effective enough peace making represented enough today and in the years from 2017 until today.