Intraoral Scanner: Three Major Imaging Technologies and Product Choice
We provide easy-to-use intraoral scanners and digital solutions to help dental professionals make confident decisions.
Ever since German brand Sirona coined the first intraoral scanner some 30 years ago, this specific type of equipment has gone through decades of technological iterations and found its way to fit into different dental clinics as a result of improved functionality and faired price, becoming almost a must-have in a dentist's toolkit.
Nowadays, mainstream models of this device that dominate the market are mostly developed following three different technological trajectories.
Intraoral scanners featuring this particular imaging method include the TRIOS series by 3shape, the Element series by iTero and Sirona’s Primescan. These models in general display a high level of accuracy and decent data quality. On the flip side, they are usually large-sized, power-consuming and can be quite costly. They also differ from other models by having a handful of optical gadgets installed inside, which are performing back-and-forth movements while in use, making distinct sounds akin to those of heat sinks in computers. The existence of these parts also gives rise to much concern about their reliability.
Scanners employing this technique include the Planscan and Emerald series by Planmeca, CS 3600 and CS 3700 presented by Carestream Dental, Medit’s i500 and AS 100 designed by Alliedstar. They manifest solid functionality with a more affordable price point while still facing challenges such as unsatisfactory performance at scanning shady areas such as interproximal parts and embrasure.?
Although marking only a small proportion of the market, there are still plenty of models developed from Stereo Vision technology, such as Virtuo Vivo from DentalWings and Condor scanners. Despite being small in size and low in consumption and price, some scanners of this type usually require an extra step to spray powder over the object before it’s scanned. They are notable for a below-average handle and tip size and having an appearance similar to an intraoral camera. During scanning, users are supposed to maintain a certain distance between the tip and the teeth for efficient impression acquisition.
Serving as the gateway to digital dentistry workflow, intraoral scanners' full power lies in its accuracy, efficiency and using experence.?Despite a three decade history of technological development with many improvements achieved in the industry,there is still a handful of issues that contemporary IOS technology needs th address to enhance its overall functionality.
Even?for?just?a?glimpse?of?the?IOS?market,?it?is?not?hard?to?find?a?bunch?of? self- proclaimed?high?accuracy?from?many?manufacturers.?
However,?due?to?the?lack?of?standardized?testing?method?and?principles,?the?accuracy?statistics?are?acquired?in?a?somehow?biased?way?in?order?to?obtain?desirable?outcomes.?The?fact?that?these?tests?were?conducted?in?a?way?that?used?plaster?dental?models?for?testing?also?raises?concerns?about?how?the?products?will?perform?when?applied?for?intraoral? scanning.
Though IOS has grown globally, it still poses quite a challenge for many first-time users. Deftness with the device and corresponding software requires much time and effort, while the data obtained can be underwhelming if not operated properly, which will surely bring much trouble to clinics, labs, and patients.
Apart?from?a?constant?need?for?calibration,?many?IOS?models?can?be vulnerable?in?the?sense?that?they?are?irresistible?towards?drops?and?collision.?That?said,?users?will?have?to?pay?extra?care?and?attention?given?that?it’s?such?a?frequently?used? and?handheld?device?that?wear?and?tear?are?almost?inevitable.
All?of?the?issues?discussed?above?can?be?frustrating?aspects?of?an?IOS?impeding?users?from?having?a?smooth?scanning?experience.?Hence,?when?choosing?one?for?your?own?clinic,?it’s?always?a?smart?move?to?consider?corresponding?factors?and?avoid?picking?a?model?that?is?unable?to?satisfy?your?basic?needs.?Technological? maturity?of?the?brand?is?another?relevant?facet?for?a?successful?selection.?As?a?hightech?product,?IOS?needs?continuous?upgrades?towards?its?algorithms?and?hardware?to?meet?the?diversifying?demands?from?modern?clinics?and?streamline the?entire?workflow?of?digital?dentistry.
Usually, clinical applications like dental restoration and implants are most demanding of ISO’s accuracy and robustness. If you are looking for a product mostly used for these two treatments, TRIOS 3/4 by 3ShAPE, Primescan by Sirona, AS 100 by Alliedstar are all excellent options. Compared to other models, these scanners have relatively full-fledged system design, and up-to-date algorithms, displaying solid accuracy and stability.
If you are searching for a scanner for orthodontics only, then those adopting confocal technology and structured light technology can be good choices. At the same time, stereovision-powered models may still be disappointing even if orthodontics does not have strict requirements. It is noteworthy that scanners employing confocal laser scanning are mostly from upmarket brands, while products fueled by structured light technology like CS 3700 by Carestream, Omnicam by Sirona, the Emerald by Planmeca, and AS 100 by Alliedstar offer more economical and equally satisfying options.??
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