INTINOR: ground-breaking NewsSpotter - KA-SAT Features released at IBC 2017
IBC 2017, Amsterdam, Hall 14, J14
INTINOR is showcasing the new KA-SAT "rainfade-adaptive" and "resolution-adaptive" features. Instead of "adapting by learning" which results in "ramping up in bitrate", INTINOR Direkt link encoders read-out the ViaSat modem to identify the carrier and its maximum upstream capacity in real-time. INTINOR encoders adapt directly to that "max. upstream per carrier" with no quality audio only...
...and there is even more...please see the picture above
Feel free to schedule a meeting at IBC (free passes available) or contact me for more information such as a "white paper" for KA-SAT usage with e.g. picture quality A/B comparisons.