Intimate relationships are like roses...
Zoe Bell ??????
The Alignment Wytch | Founder of The Mystics Temple | Wayshower | Author & Artist "For Those Ready to Remember Their Power" ~ Elevating Visionaries To SOAR ??
Relationships can be magical one minute and then quickly turn into 'Wars of the Roses.' They can take you by surprise, head over heals in love and then...smack bang you into WTF when one doesn't get their needs met. They have the potential to draw blood with their sharp thorns, callus words and no matter what happens the strong stem will shoot fresh buds to flower into another rose. They are resilient and no matter the wounds that are left, they have the potential to regenerate and heal.
It is vital as we evolve to all take responsibility for the water they are in, meaning the environment we each create with the ones we love. When the water becomes stagnant and stinky then step up and throw it out and give the stems fresh and clear clean water. The water is like your emotions and our emotions are our own to OWN. This also extends to the earth and soil that nourishes the roots, it requires puling out the pesky weeds with wise diligence. The most magical of gardens are those that are wild yet balanced with harmonious works of art.
When the petals become closed, broken or withered, then attend to the source (water) and also handle each stem with care so the new shoots can bud. They require daily loving attention and if you constantly throwing them out and replacing them for the freshly cut version, then you are missing the lessons of growth within the intimate relationship. The lessons are within self.
A mans heart cannot be forced open,
a woman's Yoni cannot be forced open.
She wants to get into his heart- and he wants to get inside her Yoni.
* Yoni is the sacred tern for the most vulnerable aspects of a woman and since this is linked in, I am unsure if the term Vagina, labia and clitoris can be mentioned.
Many roses (men & women) are feeling used, thrown out, broken, un-loved and wounded. I see this all the time, and yet the wounds that are calling out to loving attention and the one's within. It is never about the other. The learning is never ending, until you SEE the cause.
Many men have been forced to open up by dominating women and often it begins within the family home. Many women have been forced to open up by dominating men, and this may have happened in an environment where trust was broken. And in both cases sovereignty DISHONOURED, trust over-powered and NO ignored. This then shifts into ALL future relationships, becoming the 'people pleaser' to keep others happy, all ways to feel loved.
Relationships teach us what we are ready to heal and rise beyond, it all comes back to self. I work with both men and women and the journey begins with the relationship with self. Only then can this be explored in intimacy with their be-loved and this is vital in the Evolving relationship.
Many do not wish to hear this as they are trapped in their own inner spiral of inner suffering. Each breath being wasted by drowning in self-pity, buried in blame and suffocated in guilt within the shadows of shame. I say wasted, as there is a source within, that cannot be conceptuality understood... there is a potency of the you, that is being covered up by the past. I guide souls to be free of this, as life and the raw juiciness of intimacy is ready to be experienced.
This is a magical symbolism of relationships, I find pebbles grounding, as they teach patience, like a rock. Here are a few playful ideas:
- Be bold to dream, and courageous to pursue your OWN soul passions.
- Be courageous to express your truth and follow your OWN heart.
- Be the inspiration for you, and then inspire others around you.
- Be the change in YOU to harmonise all your INTIMATE relationships.
You can create your own, as there are more pebbles to put here (integrity, faith, love, forgiveness). Personally, less is more! The beauty about the pebble is, it reminds you of what is already within you and the less density of the past you carry, the lighter you become.
It takes courage to be vulnerable I love to hold space for both the masculine and the feminine. For the men it is a journey to begin honouring the wounded inner feminine and for for the feminine to begin to honour the wounded inner masculine. Both are butting heads and this is why I created two paths to journey apart and then together. In their own unique way, there is nothing else like this out there.
I am a rare breed, as an emergence of the masculine and the feminine, and this is what is known as the 'Sacred divine union within.' Meaning, the essence that flows through is pure and requires nothing external, it is self-regulating and I have the ability to dance within the realm of neutrality. There is a self-mastery of these forces to align with the laws of nature. I understand men as much as I understand women. I do not take sides, as I am both, and as a warrior I will fight & be the peace-keeper for both
Many in society are pretending that their relationship is great upon the surface, yet behind closed doors they are lost within what they do not understand. They wish to make it work, and with information over-load to can be confusing where to turn to. We are all roses, and no matter how many times I was left broken, crushed and left bleeding, I found my way out of the darkness to be the one that attends to my own stem. I am grateful for it all and I honour each souls with the deepest honour, love and respect that I have for self. After all, this was my training ground to be here now.
May this infuse inspiration and courage into your heart, to begin to attend to your own garden, and to honour the beautiful relationships you have in your life. May this inspire you to become curious to explore beyond the boring and mundane!
This may be, having the courage and self-love/respect to finally step away.
Lovelight & light-waves of love,
Intimacy & relationship Coach