Intimate Prayers of Living Faith …

Intimate Prayers of Living Faith …

Jonah 2:1-2 ~ From inside the fish Jonah prayed to the Lord his God. ?He said: “In my distress I called to the Lord, and he answered me. From the depths of the grave I called for help, and you listened to my cry.”?

Abba Father good morning ~ This prayer of living faith by Jonah in the belly of the fish deep within the ocean depths. From the darkest of dark teaches our life to intimately pray to The Lord Our God from anywhere. At any time. In any situation. No life is ever so far lost. So far into darkness. So embedded within sinfulness that an intimate prayer of true-repentance. A cry for help will be heard. Listened with compassion. Answered with living hope. Our Living God heard this intimate prayer from deep within the heart, the mind, the soul of Jonah at a time of extreme darkness, overwhelming distress, real uncertainty. Listening, responding, faithfully rescuing Jonah from the ocean depths. All while releasing his entrapped life of distress isolation within confinement of the fish. Breathing living hope into Jonah’s life; hearing a cry for help within a truly-repentance prayer. This same Living God hears our intimate prayers within this very moment. Knows are personal hurts. Feels our personal pains. Loves our life preciously, unconditionally, intimately. Live again reassured my friend. The living bible teaches we can never be so far away, so lost in darkness, so deep in sinfulness that this Amazing Living God will not hear our intimate prayers. We can pray from deep within our heart, our mind, our soul anywhere, at any time, in any situation. We don’t need to have our life in order, cleaned up, or refocused to call out in prayer. It’s absolutely never too late. Our predicament is never too difficult. Our sinful life is cleansable, redeemable, restorable. Wherever we are. Our life is never too confining that we cannot be released. The Lord Our God reaches down into our life. Meets our life in the darkness right where we are within hardships, struggles, trials, temptations, uncertainties. Real life living within life’s brokenness embedded with overpowering fears, anxiety, depression, isolation. Within our greatest needs. Most hurtful times. Desperation of weariness. Live reassured Our Living God is always there. Reflect upon this intimate miracle provided Jonah within a moment of distress. A miraculous miracle transforming what appeared to be certain death. A spectacular miracle of deliverance. A moment where living hope breathed new life into hopelessness, agape love embraced isolation, sacrificial forgiveness released confinement, an ebbing away life engaged everlasting life in heaven. No matter where we are ~ we always have living hope. No matter how dark it appears ~ there is always light. No matter how confined we are ~ there is always freedom. No matter how far our life feels away from The Lord Our God ~ there is always life-changing undeserved grace. We can turn around within any moment, never looking back again. Actively letting go of our entrapping sinful past attempting to ensnare. Remember, the ways of this world might say you have gone too far. Did way too much. There is no hope for our life. Never forget the ways of this world is living within satan’s darkness, hopelessness, isolation, untruthfulness, ungodliness. It might appear to have it all together ~ but be reassured the living bible teaches it will all perish. Undeserved grace is living within living faith believing, accepting, trusting, following within Our Living God, Our Lord Christ Jesus, Holy Spirit. It is actively living a life of intimately breathing free-gifts of cleansing, redeeming, restorational undeserved grace absolutely un-earnable, un-purchasable, un-creatable. Life-changing anointed gifts engaging life’s brokenness within living hope, agape love, sacrificial forgiveness, everlasting life in heaven. Remember, Our Living God loves our life. Treasures our intimate friendship. Desires our fellowship. Delights with joy in our prayers from deep within our heart, our mind, our soul. Living faith is letting go of our past. Believing in the unseen. Living within trusting hope. We always have a choice, a decision, a way of life to choose. We can live from the depths of the ways of this world living confined forever. Or willingly pray with intimacy of living faith within God the Father ~ God the Son ~ God the Holy Spirit. A pray of true-repentance breathing new life within life-changing gifts of undeserved grace. The living bible is very clear. Everyone who calls on the name of the LORD will be saved from the depths of life’s brokenness. Ponder if you must with utmost urgency. Don’t miss God’s powerful undeserved grace actively breathing everlasting life in heaven into this world’s brokenness. Heaven is real. It’s live-able within this very moment. Live-intentionally, slow-down, look-around, be-still, actively breathe everlasting life in heaven thriving within God the Father ~ God the Son ~ God the Holy Spirit.?

Father ~ Thank you for hearing, listening, and rescuing me. Faithfully answering my intimate prayers with living affirmation. Living hope breathing protective blessing of anointed promises into my sinful life. Opening my heart, my mind, my soul to be overshadowed with precious gifts of life-changing undeserved grace. Free-gifts breathing intimacy forever. Abba Father ~ Help me actively engage you intimately everywhere. I desire to willingly-repent, intentionally-live, freely-breathe everlasting life in heaven within you forever Abba Father, Lord Jesus, Holy Spirit.

Michael J Zenner

Thank you Almighty God Yes In Jesus Mighty Name Amen.??????

Wilma P.

Retired transcriptionist

2 年

Trust God in every situation!

Jeremiah 33:3 To God be the glory for ever and ever Amen


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