#InTheNews: 10 highlights this week re. #sustainable #travel #tourism & #development
Earth Changers
Life-Changing Places with World-Changing People for Extraordinary Experiences with Purpose.
1/ #Climate: So, in all #destinations & homes then? > [#climatecrisis #impact is] "in #Europe, most of #Asia, central & eastern North #America, & parts of #SouthAmerica, #Africa & #Australia" >Central Europe braces for further flooding as swollen rivers continue to rise https://www.theguardian.com/world/2024/sep/17/central-europe-flooding-rivers-storm-boris #sdg13
2/ #Conservation: More than 80% of #EU #marine #protectedareas are ineffective: Activities like mining, dredging & bottom trawling in most #MPAs mean #environmental targets will be missed. #Slovenia is best (but barely coastal) https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2024/sep/13/more-than-80-of-eu-marine-protected-areas-are-ineffective-study-shows #sdg14 #lifebelowwater
3/ Conservation/Climate/#Community: #NationalParks & other #protectedareas often fail to conserve #Earth’s #forests, research finds https://theconversation.com/national-parks-and-other-protected-areas-often-fail-to-conserve-earths-forests-research-finds-237567 #sdg15 #sdg11 #PAs #forests #deforestation #wildfire #fires #communities
4/ Community/#Commerce: Are #Amsterdam’s Tourism-Taming Efforts Scaring Off Wealthy #Travellers? Is there "incorrect assumption that guests willing to pay for a 5-star #hotel will simply overlook these higher tax rates" & other #impacts? https://robbreport.com/travel/destinations/amsterdam-tourism-tax-1235841191/
5/ Climate/Commerce: ‘You basically have free hot water’- how #Cyprus became a world leader in #solar heating - including for close to 100% of #hotels for tourism https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2024/sep/20/cyprus-solar-thermal-heating-water-rooftop-renewable-energy-climate #solarenergy #cleanenergy #alternatives #sdg7 #energy #mediterranean
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6/ Conservation/Climate/Commerce: #Rewilded sugar plantations sound rather nice! > #SaintKittsandNevis Codifies Commitment to #SustainableTourism, "we must protect our tourism products so that locals & visitors can enjoy them for generations to come" https://www.travelpulse.com/news/destinations/saint-kitts-and-nevis-codifies-commitment-to-sustainable-tourism
7/ #Culture/Community: #Responsible tourism also includes #guest behaviour - & travel companies should educate them in advance > Good manners become collateral victims of #masstourism in #Japan https://english.elpais.com/travel/2024-09-15/good-manners-become-collateral-victims-of-mass-tourism-in-japan.html #sdg12
8/ Culture/Commerce: How #AR Is Impacting The Tourism Industry (& #responsibletourism) https://www.forbes.com/councils/forbestechcouncil/2024/09/17/how-ar-is-impacting-the-tourism-industry/ #VR #tech #heritage #education #sdg4
9/ Conservation/Community: How scientists debunked one of #conservation’s most influential statistics about #biodiversity & #Indigenous peoples: but bad data can undermine the very causes it claims to support https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2024/sep/13/indigenous-factoid-nature-80-percent-false-biodiversity-aoe #sdg15 #nature
10/ Conservation/Community: ‘We #empower ourselves’: the women cleaning up #Bolivia’s #LakeUruUru https://www.theguardian.com/global-development/2024/sep/18/bolivia-lake-uru-uru-indigenous-women-clean-water-mining-urban-pollution-totora-reeds #Endangered #habitat #Pollution #plastic #Plastics #Wildlife #Andes
10+1/ Culture: 3 things together I never expected to read as a partnership... > #RioTinto x #UNESCO & #SustainableTourism in #Mongolia for #Cultural & #GeoHeritage https://www.unesco.org/en/articles/unesco-rio-tinto-partnership-spearheads-sustainable-tourism-mongolia #minewash?
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