#InTheNews: 10 Highlights this week re. #sustainable #travel #tourism & #development
Earth Changers
Life-Changing Places with World-Changing People for Extraordinary Experiences with Purpose.
1/ #Climate: Hot air as #carbon market regulates to supply & demand of real #impact of #offsets: #Carboncredits deemed ‘worthless’ & could make global heating worse if used for #offsetting https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2023/aug/24/carbon-credit-speculators-could-lose-billions-as-offsets-deemed-worthless-aoe #emissions #co2
2/ Climate/#Destinations: The message from #Ecuador is clear: people will vote to keep #oil in the ground https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2023/aug/24/the-message-from-ecuador-is-clear-people-will-vote-to-keep-oil-in-the-ground #amazon #rainforest #sdg13 #fossilfuels #nature #wildlife #sdg15 #conservation #lifeonland
3/ #Communities: ‘Our worst fears exceeded:’ 80% of #Edinburgh #selfcatering in #city may close if #tourismtax levied https://www.heraldscotland.com/news/23738243.anger-edinburgh-tourism-plan-will-close-self-caterers/ #Scotland #AirBnB #visitoreconomy #accommodation #SDG11 #cities
4/ Communities: This #European Island Has A Subversive Way To Keep #Tourists Away https://www.forbes.com/sites/laurabegleybloom/2023/08/24/this-beautiful-european-island-has-a-clever-way-to-keep-tourists-away/ #overtourism #massificacioturistica #balearics #mallorca #majorca #valuenotvolume #TBL #sustainability
5/ #Culture/#Conservation/#Destinations: #Turkey’s #natural & #cultural #heritage is being destroyed for financial gain, lost for future generations https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2023/aug/21/outrage-at-plans-to-develop-turkeys-cultural-heritage-sites #history #development
6/ Climate: #Tropical #forests face ‘massive leaf death’ from #globalheating, study finds: not just a local people issue, but global. https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2023/aug/23/tropical-forest-face-massive-leaf-death-global-heating-unable-conduct-photosynthesis-study #trees #forest
7/ Climate: #Mountain treelines are rising due to #climatecrisis, study finds. But what are the implications? https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2023/aug/19/mountain-treelines-rising-climate-crisis-study #sdg15 #lifeonland #mountains #biodiversity
8/ Conservation: A whole life in captivity :( > ‘She is finally home’: activists mourn #Toki’s death & find meaning in rare #whale meetup https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2023/aug/20/toki-death-activists-mourn-orca #orca #orcas #whales #cetacean #cetaceans #sdg14
9/ Climate/Destinations: Changing weather & #water: An #Arizona #malbec? How the arid state became America’s newest #wine country https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2023/aug/22/arizona-wine-industry-drought-climate-crisis #water #WorldWaterWeek2023 #worldwaterweek #usa #sdg2 #agriculture
10/ #Community: "there is always an open door somewhere" > the man who visited every #country in the world, without boarding a #plane (tho his gf flew to him 27 x, it wasn't about carbon) https://www.theguardian.com/travel/2023/aug/16/take-the-high-road-the-man-who-visited-every-country-in-the-world-without-boarding-a-plane #experience
ps. We support net #positiveimpact #tourism which is vitally global. But we're also happy to support totally unnecessary carbon #emissions. Are you? >#Billionaires are destroying the climate with #privatejets. It's time they pay up. #taxprivatejets https://share.eko.org/815123521t?referring_akid=125201.2284386.jdfN2p&referring_source=fwd #eko