Interviews from Kubecon # 1 (2015)
Near the end of last year I, along with over 9,000 of my closest friends, attended Kubecon in Salt Lake City.? It was a fantastic event and I was blown away by the depth and breadth of the show.? What particularly stood out was how far the conference had come since its humble beginnings nearly 10 years ago.? The first Kubecon, which was held at the Palace Hotel in San Francisco, took place on November 9th and 10th in 2015. It was a great event but I had no idea that it would expand into the multi geographic mega-event that it has become.? As far as I knew at the time,? I was attending a cool, one-off gathering of several 100 people, focused on this brand new technology, “Kubernetes.”
If you want to get a feel for the people and the technology being shown ~10 years ago, check out the following playlist made up of eight short interviews Kubecon 2015 - 8 interviews
Playlist speakers and topics