Mike Hearne
Luxury Realtor - The Agency Oklahoma | Host of the This is Oklahoma Podcast | TedX Speaker | Welshman | Golfer
Last night myself and Blake interviewed legendary golf author Tom Coyne.
Tom has written 5 golf books:
Paper Tiger
A Gentlemans Game
A Course Called Scotland
A Course Called Ireland ( where he walked the entire coast of Ireland from course to course!! )
And his new book which will be released Spring 2021 called A Course Called America.
Tom is the Senior Writer for The Golfer Journal ( AMAZING PUBLICATION ) @golfersjournal
Regular writer for Golf Magazine, Golfweek, Sports Illustrated, The New York Times, and numerous other publications. He currently lives in Philly and is an associate professor of English at St Josephs University. Just to give you some context of the level this guys at.
If you don't like to read and want to watch some of Tom's adventures you can watch his youtube series on his channel called "Links Life" where he's documented playing many of the courses for his Course Called America Book. 250 courses in 8 months traveling across the country. He set out to play every single US Open venue. One of those in Oklahoma at the course in Tulsa called Southern Hills. ( This was the only tie he has to Oklahoma and a worthy reason to have him on the podcast ) IN MY OPINION.
A few of my favorite questions Tom answered were:
Most underrated golfing region?
Wisconsin.. which I was very surprised at but after he reeled off the courses up there is quickly made sense. So many greats within an hours drive. Courses like Whistling Straights ( 2021 Ryder Cup Venue ) Erin Hills ( US Open venue ) for example.
Biggest surprise?
Tom invited guests to jin him a long the way and one of his biggest surprises was a guy who joined him in LA. Not looking like your typical golfer, Tom describes this man in a x large shirt, baggy shorts, long socks and a Grateful Dead hat on only to watch him birdie the first four holes of the day.
Knowing that Tom also played with some people who most non golfers laugh at because of home pompous and stuck up golfers can come across the the general public. Especially the old white, pinky out, cliche country club member who wears a logo'd short everywhere he goes and would verbally destroy you for not tucking your shirt in while playing the game of golf.
After listening to Tom tell stories about this experiences raveling the states for 8 months, 250 courses. The people he met, the golf community he's been welcomed into. I asked him about the future of golf in the US and how golf in the states compares to golf in the UK.
Tom said that its in good hands for the most part, but definitely the states needs to take more of what the UK does in terms of opening up the more exclusive courses to guests. For example, you can play any golf course in the UK. ANY ONE! If you want to play St Andrews and make the same famous putts from history. YOU CAN DO THAT. But can you play Shinnecock without knowing a member or selling a body part? NOT A CHANCE!
Tom explained that because these courses in the UK allow guests to play it keeps the membership rates low allowing more people to play the game. For example, as a visitor you may pay $300 a round but the member only pars $1000 for the year. My membership at my home club in Wales before I came to the states was less than the average country club monthly cost here $300. And Oklahoma is CHEAP compared to other states.
I'm not saying all the country clubs should open their doors and welcome everyone in with open arms. But there could be a few days a month where guests may enter a lottery system to play the courses.
I don't think this will ever change. Sadly. More can be done, it won't be but more can be done.
Tom also shared some hilarious stories of the best 19th holes. I asked him what the best Bar & Grill experience was "Golf Hang" A lot of clubs try to pride themselves on their golf hangs. Whisper Rock the course in Arizona is the only one I'm really familiar with and its brilliant. However, Tom told about as much as he could tell us about one club where you have to wear a jacket every time you enter the club. But thats about all you have to wear. According to one members story which may or may not be in his new book.
After we signed off with Tom myself and Blake geeked out like kids after meeting Santa. It was such an awesome time chatting with tom about his stories, travels and memories. To close Blake asked him about his current golf game and when the last time he played was.
Tom is a 2 h/capper and because we recorded on Tuesday he didn't play Tuesday but he hit balls. Hi didn't play Monday because his course is closed on Mondays. However, he did say that he was playing Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday to which I almost told him to F*** O**. Oh the live of a golf writer / English Professor in quarantine.
Very excited to read Tom's new book and one day play an emergency 9 with him her in Oklahoma.
Go follow Tom on social media @coynewriter