Interview Tips #1- Ask about the role
In the past I have posted a couple of suggestions on interview related questions to be prepared to discuss. They included “Why are you looking” from February 2023, “Why are you looking-Part 2” from March 2023 and a detailed post on various key questions to ask during an interview from May 2023.?
Today I would like to start a series of posts that are focused on “Interview Tips”.? I am hoping that you can utilize these suggestions to enhance your interview experience and get the very most out of each and every interview-
#1 Ask about the role
Most people going to an interview have read the job overview and have a fairly decent idea of the position.? The reality is that most job descriptions are not written by the person doing the hiring, they are written by someone in Human Resources, an administrator or other.? In the unlikely event the description was written by the hiring authority, it was written using a template and may not have the detailed and nuanced information one would likely want to best understand the position.?
It is for these reasons; I ALWAYS suggest to folks I am working with to ask about the job. Below is an example of how to do it in an effective manner.
AFTER breaking the ice with the initial introductions and small talk:
YOU “I read the job description and believe I have a general understanding of the position but I wondered if you wouldn’t mind taking a moment to describe the role from YOUR perspective as well the type of person you believe would be successful in this position?” –
Asking this question will allow you to get feedback directly from the person doing the hiring and supervision of the role so you can speak to what they say the role entails versus what you think it involves, big difference.
I like to tell folks this is like asking the teacher for the answers to the quiz.? It allows you to clearly understand what to speak to relative to your background and accomplishments as they pertain to the role and responsibilities you just heard. ?There is no misunderstand throughout the course of the interview when you can be laser focused from the beginning of the discussion.?
Don’t forget, have fun and enjoy the process!