Interview Tip: Always sell yourself
One thing that candidates tend to forget is that when they are interviewing, they are selling themselves to the employer. Any good sales person will realize this, but the worst thing is that when you are interviewing for a sales role, you refuse to sell yourself. Listed below are some things that employers look for when making decisions to hire or not:
1). How you are performing in your current role. Anything can be spun in a positive light. If you are not meeting your goals, that's ok, but what are you doing to learn from those mistakes? Are you at least close enough? Turn excuses and blame to learning moments. If you could go back in time, what would you do differently?
2). Do you work well with your Manager, leader or co-workers? If there is conflict where you currently are, no one wants to hear you complain about it. How do you resolve such conflict when they happen? Because they will happen again and no one likes a complainer.
3). Do you continue to hone in your craft, learn new things, and make your team better? This is very important as no leader wants to be the one to tell you exactly what to do or what you should be learning. Taking initiative is very important here because it will only benefit you in the future.
4). No leader is going to motivate you. You need to be able to do this on your own because it is a mental challenge to motivate others to succeed. If you rely on your Leader/Manager for motivation, you will be left behind. You need to want it enough to succeed and no one will give it to you except the person in the mirror.