Interview with Svetlana Molodchenko

Interview with Svetlana Molodchenko

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What led you to become an illustrator?

It's a long story. To begin with, I have no art education. I graduated from an institute in Moscow with a degree in chemical engineering. But I never worked in this specialty. For many years I worked as a designer in publishing houses and advertising agencies. At some point, this was not enough for me and I took up illumination, first as a hobby, and then gradually it grew into my main occupation. In fact, I've always been interested in book design. Especially old books, manuscripts - "picture books", with their handwritten text, miniatures, initial letters and ornaments. I was fascinated by them, their beauty, harmony, strength. Because they "breathe", they are alive, they feel the presence of the artist who created them, his talent, diligence, patience and love. When I look at such books, I feel a sense of admiration and respect. In 2012, I started drawing my own initials. And I realized that I had finally found a better way to express myself. For a long time I did not dare to turn drawing from a hobby into something more. And to the best of my ability, I filled in the gaps in art education, and at the same time in history. Medieval illuminators, William Morris, Herman Zapf - these are my strongest impressions, my inspiration and stimulus for work. And, of course, books, many and different; as well as exhibitions and lectures. Gradually, my professional skills as a book designer and artist combined in the work of an illustrator. That's how I became an illustrator. In short, I am convinced that books should have beautiful illustrations and covers, they should be pleasant to pick up and interesting to look at.

Where did you grow up?

I was born and raised in a small town in Belarus. Belarus is now an independent state, and during my childhood it was one of the republics of the USSR. There were three large chemical plants in our city. All my family members worked in these factories. Therefore, I also decided to become a chemical engineer. Now I think that this was not the best decision.

Do you have a childhood memory relating to art that you hold dear?

I drew like all children, maybe a little better. But I didn’t just draw, I was able to very successfully place everything on a sheet (now it is called design), which was noted by teachers at school. In high school, I was often asked to draw a poster or wall newspaper, or paint the walls in the biology classroom.

Where do you live now and what drew you there?

I currently live in Yerevan, Armenia. A couple of years ago, I could not have imagined that I would be here. But the political situation in Russia changed on February 24, 2022, when Russia launched military operations against Ukraine. This forced our family to leave Russia.

Describe your studio for us.

Now my studio is part of the living room. When we first arrived, there was nothing here, and my husband helped me make a new workplace. Now I have two tables: one is for drawing, where paints, brushes and other tools are located; on the second table is a computer, scanner and printer. The big advantage of my current studio is the huge windows and a balcony overlooking Ararat and all of Yerevan. In front of the windows, in the morning and in the evening, swifts whistle. But I really miss my bookshelves.

Do you have a studio pet?

Yes, I have a cat, whose name is Lucy. She is very delicate and does not allow herself to walk on my desktop.

Who or What is your biggest inspiration?

Calligraphy, ornaments, marginals, alchemy, bestiaries, botanical atlases, heraldic symbols and coats of arms, architecture and engravings along with medieval and renaissance artists Joris Hofnagel, William Morris and Hermann Zapf are all endless sources of inspiration. Mira calligraphiae Monumenta and The Book of Kells are the books that made the strongest impression on me.

If you could collaborate with another artist or creative of any genre, living or dead, who would it be?

William Morris is an artist and designer, art theorist, poet and translator, founder of the Arts & Crafts movement, founder of the Kelmscott Press publishing house. His ideas of searching for meaning in every image, the synthesis of various types of creativity and crafts, man-made art are very close to me. Making books or painting ornaments with him would be amazing!

If you were funded for a dream artist residency, where would you go, and what would you create?

Oh, if I had the opportunity, I would go to Italy, to some small medieval town, with the opportunity to travel sometimes to Florence and Rome. I would make a handwritten illuminated book there.

If you had to write your own epitaph in one sentence, what would it say?

Better late than never.

What’s your favourite way to spend a day off?

I love walks very much. It can be walks around the city or in nature. Most of all I like the mountains and the sea, and even better if the mountains and the sea are together. To have wind and space. But I also really like walking in the forest or in the park. Now my husband and I live in Armenia and this is an incredibly beautiful country. Taking the opportunity, we travel when the time comes.

What's your most prized possession and why?

The most valuable thing for me is my family and my friends.

Do you adopt any environmental habits/practices to be more sustainable?

Environmental issues concern me very much and I try to do at least what I can - sort the garbage, do not use plastic bags, use canvas bags. But I see that the poorer the country and the people living in it, the more difficult it is to solve environmental issues.

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What was your favourite assignment ever?

One day I received a letter from the founder of ARK Playing Cards. He suggested that I draw a deck of cards. The assignment sounded absolutely fantastic - draw whatever you want in your own style. It was a dream order! I really like old manuscripts and ornaments, and I wanted to do something similar. It was the thought of “The double portrait of the Dukes of Urbino” that inspired me. This is the pair profile of the Renaissance by Piero della Francesca, depicting the Urban Duke Federico da Montefeltro and his wife Battista Sforza. It is one of the most famous works of the Italian Renaissance, which is stored in the collection of the Uffizi Gallery in Florence. Therefore, on the cards I portrayed men and women in profile so that they always look at each other. And if you put the cards side by side - they add up to one picture. In life, as in the game, relationships are very important. It can be rivalry or union, friendship or intrigue, but the attention of the ladies is always important for men! These cards are the world of kings, queens, warriors and legends. Also I really like the renaissance architecture. Shortly before this, I was in Florence and this served as an additional source of inspiration. I depicted the heroes of the cards framed by arches, as if on a balcony, and in the depths, there was a dark background in the form of a floral pattern - maybe it is a carpet or tapestry. The clothes of kings, ladies and jacks are made in the style of the Renaissance. For each suit family, its own coat of arms was created with a heraldic animal, also depicted in profile. And the aces-coat of arms, and the ornament for the card shirt, and the box are architectural elements using the sgraffito painting technique. And for cards with numbers, ornaments in the style of filigree were drawn. Before starting work, I thought what would be color solutions. There are standard colors for cards - black and red, and this must be taken into account. I wanted the images not to be colorful, but to convey a sense of nobility and sophistication. Therefore, at first, I thought to make them black and white, like engravings. But in the process, I changed my mind and performed them with light sepia, adding red and blue elements of clothing and jewelry for emphasis.

Who is your art hero?

John Stevens.

If you were not an illustrator, what would you be?

Restoration artist.

What’s the best advice you’ve ever been given?

Quit your office job.

If you could visit anywhere in the world, where would you go?

I really want to visit many places and I don't know where I would start. Probably it would be the fjords in Norway.

Have you any hidden talents?

Rock climbing and cooking.

How would someone who knows you well describe you?

She is sensitive and attentive, and a bit of a workaholic.

What is your go-to comfort food?

Fresh bread - freshly baked soft and fragrant bread with a crispy crust, and a little more butter - there is nothing tastier than this!

What was the last exhibition you saw and loved?

Museum Matenadaran in Yerevan. This fantastic place is a collection of ancient manuscripts. It was my dream to get here for many years, and now we live nearby and I can go there at any time. This is one of the largest repositories in the world - a unique collection of ancient manuscripts, which began to be collected in the 5th century; manuscripts are not only Armenian, but also Greek, Persian, Syriac, Byzantine, Georgian, Slavic; and incredibly beautiful samples of miniature painting, translations, scientific treatises, maps.

What is your favourite book?

The White Guard by Mikhail Bulgakov.

Is there any random thing you consider yourself an expert on?

I am an expert in making cheesecakes.

What is your favourite quote?

Kurt Vonnegut: What is it artists do? They do two things. First, they admit they can’t straighten out the whole universe. And then second, they make at least one little part of it exactly as it should be. A blob of clay, a square of canvas, a piece of paper, or whatever.

What career advice would you give your younger self?

Listen more to yourself and to your own aspirations.

Do you have any tips/advice for other illustrators?

Believe in yourself. Do not stop. Do not hurry.

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