Interview with Shane Smith
By Simon Cook
Shane Smith is a developer, a small business owner, a tech entrepreneur; and a backend developer who is also the co-organiser of the FrontendADL user group.
On Thursday 15 October 2020 he will be presenting at the FrontendADL October (Virtual) Lightning Talks - proudly hosted by the team at FrontendADL Dan Harris, Mat Pigram and himself.
In this interview he shares some insights about himself and his upcoming talk.
Can you tell the FrontendADL community a bit about yourself?
While the topics at this meetup are focused on front-end development and Javascript, I'm primarily a back-end PHP developer.
The main front-end framework I've worked with is Vue.js, and so when it came time to look into building a mobile app, the topic of this talk was a logical starting point.
What is the title of your talk?
Native Android and iOS apps, written in Vue?!
What is it about?
We will go into some brief details on how you can re-use your existing knowledge of Vue, to build an Android or iOS app - without needing to mess around with Java or Objective-C.
Who do you recommend logs onto this talk?
It is a short, 10 minute lighting talk - and you don't need any prior knowledge of Vue to benefit from what we're covering.
Anyone considering a mobile app in the future will find some value. You will leave with some pros and cons of building mobile applications with Vue, which should help you decide if this is a path you'd like to take for your own project.
How would your family describe what you do for work?
"You do computer stuff, right?"
What impact has COVID19 had on your working life?
Our office has transitioned more heavily towards working from home, with many attending the office only once a week.
What changes that have come from COVID do you intend on 'holding onto' after we return to normal?
Remote workers (interstate) are finding the increased reliance on video conferencing software to be a massive bonus - they feel more connected to the main office. Even if there is a transition back towards working in an office environment, I suspect many businesses will have learned how to use these tools more effectively in the meantime. And we'll all benefit as a result.
If you could wave a magic wand and change one thing to improve the life of software developers, what would it be?
I wouldn't. Having room for improvement is what breeds innovation - it comes from necessity.
Can you describe the Adelaide tech scene in 5 words or less?
Small city, big influence.
Thanks Shane
Sign up for this free event - hosted virtually on Thursday 15 October 2020 - now at
This event is proudly sponsored by the team at Encode Talent