Interview with a Renal Technician

Interview with a Renal Technician

To celebrate the first ever Renal Technicians Day we wanted to hear from a Renal Technician themselves! The best way to honour the amazing work they do for their patients is to learn about their role and what is takes to do their job. I spoke to Senior Renal Technician, Elizabeth Elworthy, about her commitment to the role and why she loves working for Bionical as a Renal Technician.

Hi Elizabeth, to start off I’d like to learn about what interested you in the Renal Technician Role?

I had been working as a health care assistant in domiciliary work for a few years and also have experience with medical care due to my disabled daughter. I wanted to make a step up in my career and when I saw the Renal Technician vacancy it sounded interesting and a perfect fit to start a new chapter in my work life.

So, what would you say is the best part of your job?

The best part of my job is knowing that I'm making a difference to people's lives, the patients we see are very sick and helping in the way we do gives a tremendous help to their daily lives.

And what would you like people to know about your job?

Every day as a Renal Technician is different, but when you hear good news such as a patient has had a successful transplant and the appreciation from the patient and Renal units it makes you feel valued and gives you such a pleasure. Bionical is such a supportive company, and the managers are always there to respond to you with any queries and you can talk to them at any time.

And finally, what would you say to someone thinking about becoming a Renal Technician?

Being a Renal Technician is very rewarding and requires a lot of care and attention to detail, patient care is 100% the forefront of what we do, so if you want to be a Renal Technician it is imperative that you have a strong, caring attitude and have a keen interest in patient care and wellbeing.


