Interview questionnaires: What they are and how you should answer them
Resume Mansion
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Employers use different methods to gauge your qualifications during the hiring process. Some employers go straight for the job interview while others prefer to use an interview questionnaire first. Understanding the purpose of an interview questionnaire will help you answer the next one better.
What is an interview questionnaire?
Interview questionnaires help employers gain additional knowledge about a candidate’s qualifications before meeting them during a job interview. They contain a set of pre-prepared questions that a job seeker must answer before attending the interview. An interview questionnaire serves two purposes; helping a hiring manager decide whether they want to meet the job seeker for an interview, and helping them guide the conversation during an interview.
What kind of questions can you find on an interview questionnaire?
An interview questionnaire typically contains questions that cover four major areas:
What are some questions you will find on an interview questionnaire?
Now that you know which areas of your career you will be questioned on through your interview questionnaire, it will be helpful to know the kind of questions that will come under each area. Here’s a set of questions our experts think you should prepare for:
Questions about your background
Questions about your skills
Questions about your work experience
Questions about your work availability
What should you know before completing your interview questionnaire?
If a hiring manager ever sends you an interview questionnaire to fill out before you attend an interview, the following tips from our career experts will be very helpful for you:
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