Is The Interview Process Preventing You From Getting Hired?
Chief Freddie Fernandez
Passionately delivering Oral Boards training for fire and police. Earn your badge.
You can learn the strategies necessary to enter the interview with confidence. Start preparing to earn the badge today by downloading our Interview Guide Book.
Get plenty of sleep
Get up early and give yourself plenty of time to get ready
Give yourself extra time to get to the interview (accounting for possible traffic)
Arrive at least 15 minutes early
Shoes shined
If you to wear a station uniform or your class A dress uniform, then wear it.
If there is no indicated dress requirement wear a suit
Clean shave
No “fad” hair patches!
Don’t’ marinate in cologne
Conservative jewelry (small stud earrings, if any)
Conservative hair style (out of your face and preferably pulled back)
Easy on the makeup
Don’t’ marinate in perfume
Bring 5 copies of resume and OFFER to hand them out before the interview starts
Resume should be one page in length (exceptions for higher positions)
Don’t assume ANY of it will get read!
All pertinent information needs to be stated in your panel interview.
Beginning the Interview:
SMILE! and maintain eye contact
Strong, firm handshake
Don’t’ change your handshake if it’s a woman
Deliver a greeting statement: 15-30 seconds
Address the raters by “Chief”, “Sir”, or “Ma’am”
Wait to be seated until asked
Ask to move the chair if needed
Answering Questions:
LISTEN to the question thoroughly while slightly leaning in and maintaining eye contact
Pause for a moment and THINK!
Remember: Listen, Think, Respond!
SMILE as you begin (it’s almost always appropriate)
Answer should be no more than 2-4 minutes in length
Relate the question to the position and job duties
Give examples where possible of how you fit in to the organization
Be honest
Be passionate about your answers
Have a close to the question: “And that’s what leadership means to me.”
SMILE when you’re finished!
Video tape/ record yourself doing panel interview training
Become self-aware of your bad habits and STOP THEM!
Practice your panel interview skills
Show some passion and enthusiasm for the job!
Have your “tell me about you” memorized: 3-5 minutes
Have your departure statement memorized: 15-30 seconds
Bring in your favorite quote/story (SHORT!)
Bring out information from your resume – assume it won’t be read
Know how you would answer a wide variety of questions, especially about YOU:
Your strengths
Your weaknesses
Why you want to promote or get hired
Why you should be selected over other candidates
Reference agencies Mission and Vision Statements
Know the agencies motto and core values
Get cocky
Answer too quickly
Speak too low or too loud
Tell the panel how nervous you are
Spin in your chair
Name drop
Ah and um your way through it!
BS your way through a question
Use slang or jargon – be clear and concise
Ramble on and on and on
Ask if that’s what they were looking for or if you answered it thoroughly enough
Turn on the water works (There’s NO CRYING IN PANEL INTERVIEWS!)
Give a bunch of personal information in the interview
DON’T EVERY SAY “Wow, that’s a tough question…” or “Wow, that’s a great question…”
Ask to have every question repeated-once or twice is OK. More than that and the panel will assume that you are not a good listener.
Don't dwell on the past answers. If you feel like you blew it on a question, let it go and focus on your current question. At the end of the interview, they will usually as you if there is anything else you would like to add. This would be your chance to clarify an answer you gave that you were not satisfied with.
I help leaders cultivate mental resilience, redefine their impact and lead with purpose and passion. | Founder of Traummunicate (tm) | Co- Developer of an Award-Winning and Scientifically Validated Resilience Training.
7 年Great advice Chief!