Interview Paper Final Submission

Interview Paper Final Submission


Interviewing Larry Hemmingway, a Juneteenth Leader, is a remarkable experience. It is an opportunity to aid in understanding more about the Juneteenth holiday that commemorates the emancipation of enslaved individuals in the United States. It is a chance to bring awareness to the Juneteenth holiday while understanding what the holiday means. It will help more people know the true meaning behind Juneteenth and embrace the holiday with pride.

Reasons for Interviewing the Particular Person

I chose to interview a Juneteenth leader and get to learn more about this particular group. Juneteenth is a celebration that holiday for the African American community to celebrate the end of slavery in the U.S that has recently been made a nationwide holiday. The holiday is referred to as Freedom Day, Black Independence Day, Jubilee Day, and Emancipation Day (Juneteenth factsheet, 2021). Interviewing a Juneteenth leader is an incredible experience that will enable me to gain first-hand information about the holiday, its rich history, and its relevance to modern-day society. Juneteenth will forever remain a symbolic date representing African American freedom even though the emancipation proclamation came two and a half years earlier, on 1st?January 1863. It is interesting to learn that this holiday has gained awareness in recent years due to activities that strive to push for state and federal recognition. Juneteenth is the 11th?Federal holiday that became official on 17th June 2021. It is the 1st?holiday to be added to the Federal holiday list since the recognition of Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr's birthday in 1983.

Challenges Faced by Members of the Specific Group

For years, numerous southern black communities were forced to celebrate the Juneteenth holiday on the outskirts of town due to racism. It forced the Juneteenth groups to buy lands in the city to celebrate their holiday for their safety (Combs, 2021). As a result, these parks were referred to as emancipation parks. Another challenge that the members of this group faced is the decline in the Juneteenth celebration due to the civil rights movement's rise in the '60s (Combs, 2021). For a long time, Juneteenth was only celebrated by the African American communities in selected states. Texas was the 1st?state to declare this holiday as an official state holiday in 1979. Other 46 states, including, California approved its recognition in 2003 (Wolf, 2020). It took a long time for the importance of this date to grow and become recognized due to black people's migration. It is because this group faced challenges due to the public space segregation laws and other imposed customs. These nation's founding principles were merely ignored due to the widespread racial hierarchy and this national holiday reaffirms the essence of freedom and equality to all.

Effective Strategy to introduce this Specific Group to Individuals who have only Experienced a Limitation in their Cross-Cultural Experiences

Introducing the Juneteenth group to people who have only experienced a limited in their cross-culture experiences is an uphill task but not impossible. The first effective strategy I would take would be to explain the detailed history of this group. Since most people often seek proof, people need to check out the National Archives and see the original Juneteenth general order. It is a chance to check out numerous nation's most vital records relating to African American history and civil rights (Davis, 2020). General Order 3 issued by Maj Gen Gordon Granger was crucial in expanding freedom to enslaved individuals. It is an opportunity to become more educated about the African American culture and learn about the oldest ever known celebration that commemorates the end of slavery in the U.S.

Another strategy I would take would be to educate people with limited cross-cultural experience on the importance of giving the descendants of communities that suffered centuries of state-sanctioned violence and broken promises of restitution (Johnson, 2021). It is a chance to walk away from the past and present white supremacy entanglement and strive to offer closure to these descendants and celebrate with them on this national holiday. Embracing a multiracial government and workplace is a chance to widen people's experience who have only gone through a limited cross-cultural lifestyle. It is a chance to walk forward away from tyranny and embrace equality, equity, and diversity for all.

Handle a Situation in which Someone Made a Prejudiced Remark in Workplace

I find dealing with prejudice to be psychologically and physically demanding. Avoiding such a remark is not the option all the time. It is essential to note all the stereotypes at my workplace. When someone makes a prejudiced remark, it is vital to understand where they are coming from and learn why they take such a stand. I would explain to the person that prejudice is often intertwined with various variables including, the direct health consequences of prejudice.

Handing this situation would involve informing the person that their prejudiced remark can contribute to loneliness, depression, and anxiety. Regular prejudiced remarks can lead to self-stigmatization. It is prudent to intervene and advocate for the person or people to who the prejudiced remark was directed. I will delegate the case to ensure that the issue does not repeat itself. There should be equity and embracing diversity in the workplace, and nobody should feel like a lesser person.

Advocating for Traditionally Underserved Communities with Individuals Who Don’t see its Value

Advocating for the traditionally underserved communities with individuals who do not see its value is a chance to build a relationship and reduce the tension that crops up due to demand action-oriented social change (Warren et al., 2018). I plan to advocate for the traditionally underserved communities as an individual by working with the marginalized populations and connecting with them at a personal level. It is a chance to understand the needs deeply and can explain them better to other people who do not see value in them. I plan to find ways to rethink questions of fairness in knowledge production. There is a need for power balance between the researchers and participants, especially while working with socioeconomic gradients, to ensure the benefits of the traditionally underserved communities (Fiske et al., 2019). Embracing this plan will ensure there is no distrust of the research process and, there will be more beneficial and translatable outcomes for the specific traditionally underserved communities.

Another way to advocate for traditionally underserved communities is through bringing up the monetary aspect, which deserves special consideration. It is vital to note that financial conditions can compound several barriers like time availability, computer access and thus make it even challenging for people to see the process's value of helping the underserved communities. Finding the underrepresented communities and engaging them in the advocacy process is vital. It will lead to better implementation of the inclusivity process (Kozan & Blustein, 2018). Other people who do not see value will see the efforts during the contribution and possibly change their stand.

Another plan would be to embrace a collaborative approach with the group. It will aid in understanding how the traditionally underserved community organizes work from their viewpoint. It will act as a surety that their voice holds a prominent position and people are willing to listen to their plight (Warren et al., 2018). Sharing drafts of case studies with people who do not see value in advocating for underserved communities is an eye-opener. It shows appreciation for research done and the need to seek out more information on the benefit of community-engaged research


The interview process aims at understanding how the Juneteenth leader has promoted the holiday and know what this new holiday truly means. I find the project eye-opening as the Juneteenth group has passed through numerous adversities and never gave up until the realization of the holiday as a national celebration. It is worth the fight and aid in commemorating the end of slavery in the United States. Besides learning about the challenges that the group faced, it is notable that prejudice still exists and, every person has a role to play in ensuring the vice does not escalate. More people need to become aware of Juneteenth history and the reason for its celebration. It is vital to remember all the traditionally underserved communities and devise ways can help them in the best way possible.


Combs S, (2021). Juneteenth is the newest federal holiday. Here’s what it celebrates. Retrieved from

Davis M. (2020). National Archives safeguards Original ‘Juneteenth’ General order. Retrieved from

Fiske, A., Prainsack, B., & Buyx, A. (2019). Meeting the needs of underserved populations: setting the agenda for more inclusive citizen science of medicine. Journal of Medical Ethics, 45(9), 617-622.

Johnson, D. A. (2021). Juneteenth & Transitional Justice: A National Reckoning. Chicago Policy Review (Online).

Juneteenth: Fact Sheet- Federation of American Scientists. (2021). Retrieved from

Kozan, S., & Blustein, D. L. (2018). Implementing social change: A qualitative analysis of counseling psychologists’ engagement in advocacy. The Counseling Psychologist, 46(2), 154-189.

Warren, M. R., Calderón, J., Kupscznk, L. A., Squires, G., & Su, C. (2018). Is collaborative, community-engaged scholarship more rigorous than a traditional scholarship? On advocacy, bias, and social science research. Urban Education, 53(4), 445-472.

Wolf J, (2020). How embracing Juneteenth’s meaning could help the U.S. face its racial justice challenges. Retrieved from


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