Interview with Noboru Kagawa, JSRAE - 18th EU Conference - Galileo TV
Centro Studi Galileo
Training & Certification Leader | Refrigeration, Air Conditioning, Renewable Energies
Milan, 6-7 June 2019: the global leading experts and the representatives of the major HVACR Associations gathered for the 18th edition of the renowned European Conference. The event is co-organised by Centro Studi Galileo with the prestigious collaboration of United Nations Environment (UNEP) and the International Institute of Refrigeration(IIR), under the auspices of the Italian Ministry for the Environment.
In this frame, Centro Studi Galileo presents a series of interviews on highly topical subjects, such as the latest technologies available in the sector, international regulations, new alternatives and much more.
We are sharing today within our network the interview with Prof Noboru Kagawa, past President of the Japanese Society of Refrigerating and Air Conditioning Engineers - JSRAE.
An event which started 36 years ago, the European Conference has now reached its 18th edition. Almost forty years of strong and fruitful exchanges among all the major players in the sector contributed to a successful congress, marked with relevant interaction and debate among the 300+ participants, an event which has been established as the reference point for Europe’s HVACR sector.
On 6-7 June 2019 the Polytechnic University of Milan welcomed leading global experts, both from an institutional background - such as United Nations Agencies (UNEP, UNIDO, FAO), the European Commission and Parliament, international Government bodies and Associations (NOUs, AREA, ATF, EPEE, EVIA, ASERCOM, AFF, AHRI, ASHRAE, JSRAE) - and from across the industry, confirming CSG’s ability to draw technological and high-profile contributions, guaranteeing integration among all key players. To read more: