Interview with Maximillien de Lafayette + Times Square Press

InterviewInterview with Maximillien de Lafayette + Times Square Press?for 2 publications. ?AMERICAN PSYCHIC + MEDIUM MAGAZINE and ?UFO + SUPERNATURAL MAGAZINE?

Q: How would you define yourself? A psychic, a medium, a healer, a high priestess

Melissa: I am Priestess on the path of the (Dark) Goddess, who is also a psychic, medium and energy worker, I feel everything I do, comes through the experience of being on the path of the Goddess.I believe that the origins of the unknown (mystery) ?that creative people seek, which ?includes?psychics,mediums and energy workers, is feminine?in nature.

Q: Is there any relation between the occult and the world of extraterrestrial

Melissa: Yes, I believe humans come from?extraterrestrial sources. There are infinite universes and star systems that we are beginning to learn about and acknowledge, although they have always existed. ?A lot of information supports ?the influence of ?extraterrestrials on human experience.including advanced systems of knowledge, healing, inter dimensional travel, working with Colors, codes, symbols??When you look at periods of?rapid human?advancement , technologies and breakthroughs in many areas?,they?happened far faster than humans appeared to?evolve, especially??in areas ?occult, magic and Shamanism. These systems are based on receiving knowledge from

beings in other dimensions.I believe there has always been a connection between the occult and extraterrestrials. They have given us lineages of?knowledge ?that?has been?searched for by?many wanting?advanced understanding to that which is hi

Q: Do you believe in parallel universes and multiple dimensions?

Melissa: Yes. I feel that we live in universes and?multiple dimensions that are like?concentric circles that flow and merge into each other, but also have their own energy and identity. Some physicists have described parallel universes as being as close as nanometers , thinner than a hair, away from where we perceive our own dimensions to exist. I feel that is why we have dreams and astral travel - to be able to access and travel to these parallel universes and multiple dimensions.

Q: Where do the spirits come from

Melissa: Spirits come from source energy, the big bang and exploding stars. They come from energy and light that is released from all living beings at the moment of physical death. Everything that lives and dies has a spirit, including plants, animals humans, the land, the stars and ?Oceans. Shamans, psychpomps and Mediums can see and feel the Spirits of beings who have died and can travel to?where Spirits come from. You can see and feel the Spirits of living beings through their astral bodies and Chakras.

Q: Some have said that the human mind has its own dimension. Others believe that all of us have more than one mind; one physical, and one supersymetric which belongs to the astral world? What is your take on thi

Melissa: I believe that the human mind is multidimensional , like Chakras , Astral or light bodies.The human mind has its own dimension?referred to as physical mind or 3D mind. Maybe you could call it the conditioned mind.The mind is also fluid , multi dimensional and belongs to the astral world. If we exist in many dimensions simultaneously ?it makes intuitive?sense that we have many minds?capable of many perceptions and?experiences including connections to the astral world and star systems

Q: You are a Feng Shui master, having said that what tangible evidence do we have that a mysterious invisible energy can be detected through Feng Shui, and if in fact, such energy exists, does it affect our daily life, where we live, and our health?

Melissa: In Feng Shui, we work with CHI, or universal life force. Chi expresses itself in ?infinite ways, Color, Light, Seasons, expressions of Yin and Yang, organs and organ systems and qualities of Chi. ?In the same way Acupuncture or Chi Gong strengthens and auspiciously directs the flow of Chi in your body, Feng Shui auspiciously directs the flow of Chi in?environments. We?work with a Bagua or sacred energy map. This is overlayed on a?space and shows ?where energetic imbalances are occurring. We work with Intention. Feng Shui adjustments, ?sacred, secret transcendental and practical cures. These ?help people create?success related to all 9 areas of the Bagua: Family, Wealth, Fame, Relationships, Children Creativity Future (all one Gua), ?Helpful Friends , Career, ?Knowledge and Spirituality, Health.?

We work with Shamanic principles ?that??connect the?Cosmos and Earth with humans as transducer. Feng Shui mirrors our lives. It is also multi dimensional. I have seen amazing things happen from a law?firm bidding on and ?getting a $40,000,000 contract, to peoples health dramatically improving, to?selling a home that wasn’t?selling for a long time. ?A girl started her own art gallery when?? her parents?were?making it really hard for her to succeed ?It became very successful and she was super happy. There are many examples.

Q: So, you arrange furnitures, change colors, and do other things to bring good energy to our homes? In other words, your Feng Shui methods could bring a good health, a brighter future, and possibly prosperity to businesses?

Melissa: What you are describing is accurate. They are called practical adjustments. Repositioning furniture, painting, working with Color, renovations. These work beautifully on a practical leve

When you add the?transcendental aspect of Feng Shui, which starts with Intention , Shamanic principles of working with energy and symbol??and transcendental ?cures, you experience a much deeper level of what is possible, and deeper transformation and success. Yes! Feng Shui creates good health, a brighter future and?Wealth and prosperity to businesses. It improves all areas of life contained in the Bagua with excellent outcome

Q: Have you ever encountered entities from other dimensions? Extraterrestrials?

d : A couple of years ago, I was sleeping. A huge blast of White light filled my room, and I was levitated off of my bed. I felt frozen.The next thing I remember was standing looking out my window which is all the way across from where my bed is, in a different room. I couldn’t figure out how I got there, or how long I had been standing there. After this, I began?spontaneously painting water color pictures of people having?contacts with ET’s (NOT abductions). My psychic abilities, desire to know about Atlantis, Lemuria, past life regression and a deeper interest in physics, ?got amped. I started ?seeing and working with Color in amazing new ways. I also wrote a children’s book about a little girl who meets a friendly ET who shows her the universe. Something definitely happened.

Q: What is the most important message have you received from multidimensional entities?

Melissa: That we all come from the Stars. That as Light Beings, we came here by choice to teach and to share knowledge and information of??an advanced nature ,to people who are having a human experience.We are free and sovereign, We need to see and learn this because it would ?change everything and allow us to advance faster and more freely. There are many paths to healing, energy work and ways to communicate with , and travel to other dimensions. As our?understanding of this becomes vaster, our vibration as a species will raise intensely, so we do not see ourselves as separate?from?where we come from or ET’s as?“other”. There are many Light Beings among us now and have been since the beginning of time.?Time, as man experiences it. The work has begun The?work is in progress. This is the message.

Q: Why do extraterrestrials or unearthly entities attempt to communicate with us?

Melissa: So we can learn that we can travel from dimension to dimension as Light Beings and come back in human form. It is to teach us the mysteries of other solar and star systems through symbols that?become?star gates to other?lineages of knowledge, like the Sphinx, Stonehenge???the Chakras and crop Circle, They are always communicating with us. We just have learn what they are saying! They want us to understand so we can communicate with the

Q: How would you describe the afterlife?

Melissa: I have seen different visions of the after life in Shamanic journeys and dreams.One is that it is very bright, like silver mirrors.Everything flows like water. It is non physical. Energy can take different shapes- fractals, spheres. When shapes collide it is like seeing mercury hit a hard surface. It comes back together in it’s original shape.There are?beautiful humming sounds that?sound like music. Then there are sheets of Color like portals that bend and move like water you can ?travel through them to other dimensions. Sometimes, I have seen crystals cities with advanced?civilizations that look like Dubai. The crystals? receive Color, Light and energy that become knowledge for the beings who exist there. The beings are neither male nor female.I feel this may ? be a place I go back to between lives.

Q: Houdini debunked and exposed all the psychics and mediums of his time. He called them fraud! What would you say to Houdini id he was still alive?

Melissa: I would say to Houdini You ?seem like someone who wants to experience the infinite nature of existence beyond physical death. Your own death defying shows push the envelope between living and dying??You want to know what it is like to cross into the Spirit world and experience being in Spirit. You are trying to reach your Mom and she is around ?you, always trying to connect. but you don’t know if it is?real, You need to trust what you know is true. You are a powerful Medium too, with?knowledge ?of magic. You can use your knowledge to?teach others!

Q: If you had the power to change the world, what would you do? Well, let’s talk about the two most important changes you would bring to the world?

Melissa: I would bring back the original lost mysteries of?the?the Goddess as they were practiced and understood by every country and culture around the world from the most ancient days. This includes Shamanism.I would educate everyone from infancy on about our connection to beings from other universes, and how we come from these dimensions and universes?All we have to do is remember ?the amazing knowledge and lineages that have always been know to us

?Live without judgment of others and know that we are all?sovereign beings who are here to create and experience life in multi dimensional ways

Q: Do you have any particular message or advice to?light work

Melissa: Yes. Love your life and speak your truth . Always be the most amazing receiver and transmitter of information and awareness from?Spirit you can be. Be ego free and be grateful for all that you can become as a Light Worker, as you share what you know with other

Q: And to the general public?

Melissa: Trust your connection to Source however you experience it. Blast through fear, cynicism, doubt, until you know the real you. Seek?knowledge?and adventure, stay open to learning, and be open to being the most awesome you you can be.

Q: You constantly refer to “Goddess of this” or “Goddess of that”, “Goddess of the Mystery”, and other goddesses which are not found in any pantheon or mythology. What are you talking about, Melissa? And who is that mysterious Goddess you are connected t

Melissa: The Triple Goddess: Maiden, Mother and Crone, Dark Goddess, or?“She Who Gives Birth to Herself” way predates Olympian ?Greek and other documented world mythologies. There were many centuries and ancient?cultures?when God was a woman, and revered in Her feminine form.

? The Goddess?is known around the world by?infinite names and guises, based on culture and civilization. Early recordings of Goddess symbols, art and artifacts date as early or?earlier ?than?6,500 BC. Some research says 30,000 B.C. or earlier. ?The Goddess was intentionally, brutally and systematically driven underground by men who became powerful around the world. They installed their own deities, such as the Olympians Zeus,?Poseidon and Hades. Apollo, Hermes.These Gods were similar?in many cultures, and the process of subversion was the same. Even the Gods who came from the lineage of the Dark Goddess, Hephestus of the forge?Chiron, the half man half horse Centaur and Dionysus, God of Wine and ecstatic states were treated as less important.They still carried ?the memory and ancient?knowledge of the (Dark) Goddess and Her Mysteries: Agricultural?Mysteries, Blood Mysteries, Moon mysteries, Serpent mysteries ancient sexual ceremonies to awaken the sleeping serpents of Kundalini. mead created by Bee Priestesses to induce orgiastic emotion and vision, like?psychedelics. So the men who?taught Her Mysteries were subverted, just as they subverted the Goddess.

The?sovereign or free Goddesses who were worshipped?around the world?became mothers, sisters, wives, spinster aunts, and seducers of men and?consorts, rather than sovereign leaders. This happened at the same moment their mysteries, lineages ?rites and ceremonies were being driven underground. These are the Goddesses most people?learn about in mythology. Once you understand the symbols of the original Goddess, you understand many of these myths are stories about the wrenching of power from Goddess culture

to?hierarchal?male dominated societies, which stripped the power from the Goddess, culture and Mysteries. This is one of many reasons people may not know about the?“Goddess of Mystery” that I know.

She is there to share Her Mysteries with?all that seek Her. If people are interested, there are many excellent books and sources about the original and ancient Goddess. One is "The Language of the Goddess" by Maria?Gimbutas. She explores the most ancient Goddess civilizations?which includes many Goddess symbols that many people have seen, but may not know the meaning of. ?She also explores possible extra terrestrial contacts with Goddess cultures and priestesses who worked in sacred rites and ceremonies, by receiving knowledge from ET’s. Diane Stein has also written many books about the origin of the Goddess that are also excellent.

Q: Final question, Any regret in life? Well, let’s put it this way, what do you regret most in your life?

Melissa with Maximillien de Lafayette + Times Square Press?for 2 publications. ?AMERICAN PSYCHIC + MEDIUM MAGAZINE and ?UFO + SUPERNATURAL MAGAZINE?

Q: How would you define yourself? A psychic, a medium, a healer, a high priestess

Melissa: I am Priestess on the path of the (Dark) Goddess, who is also a psychic, medium and energy worker, I feel everything I do, comes through the experience of being on the path of the Goddess.I believe that the origins of the unknown (mystery) ?that creative people seek, which ?includes?psychics,mediums and energy workers, is feminine?in na

Q: Is there any relation between the occult and the world of extraterrestrial

Melissa: Yes, I believe humans come from?extraterrestrial sources. There are infinite universes and star systems that we are beginning to learn about and acknowledge, although they have always existed. ?A lot of information supports ?the influence of ?extraterrestrials on human experience.including advanced systems of knowledge, healing, inter dimensional travel, working with Colors, codes, symbols??When you look at periods of?rapid human?advancement , technologies and breakthroughs in many areas?,they?happened far faster than humans appeared to?evolve, especially??in areas ?occult, magic and Shamanism. These systems are based on receiving knowledge from

beings in other dimensions.I believe there has always been a connection between the occult and extraterrestrials. They have given us lineages of?knowledge ?that?has been?searched for by?many wanting?advanced understanding to that which is hi

Q: Do you believe in parallel universes and multiple dimensi

Melissa: Yes. I feel that we live in universes and?multiple dimensions that are like?concentric circles that flow and merge into each other, but also have their own energy and identity. Some physicists have described parallel universes as being as close as nanometers , thinner than a hair, away from where we perceive our own dimensions to exist. I feel that is why we have dreams and astral travel - to be able to access and travel to these parallel universes and multiple dimensions.

Q: Where do the spirits come from

Melissa: Spirits come from source energy, the big bang and exploding stars. They come from energy and light that is released from all living beings at the moment of physical death. Everything that lives and dies has a spirit, including plants, animals humans, the land, the stars and ?Oceans. Shamans, psychpomps and Mediums can see and feel the Spirits of beings who have died and can travel to?where Spirits come from. You can see and feel the Spirits of living beings through their astral bodies and Chakras.

Q: Some have said that the human mind has its own dimension. Others believe that all of us have more than one mind; one physical, and one supersymetric which belongs to the astral world? What is your take on thi

Melissa: I believe that the human mind is multidimensional , like Chakras , Astral or light bodies.The human mind has its own dimension?referred to as physical mind or 3D mind. Maybe you could call it the conditioned mind.The mind is also fluid , multi dimensional and belongs to the astral world. If we exist in many dimensions simultaneously ?it makes intuitive?sense that we have many minds?capable of many perceptions and?experiences including connections to the astral world and star systems

Q: You are a Feng Shui master, having said that what tangible evidence do we have that a mysterious invisible energy can be detected through Feng Shui, and if in fact, such energy exists, does it affect our daily life, where we live, and our health?

Melissa: In Feng Shui, we work with CHI, or universal life force. Chi expresses itself in ?infinite ways, Color, Light, Seasons, expressions of Yin and Yang, organs and organ systems and qualities of Chi. ?In the same way Acupuncture or Chi Gong strengthens and auspiciously directs the flow of Chi in your body, Feng Shui auspiciously directs the flow of Chi in?environments. We?work with a Bagua or sacred energy map. This is overlayed on a?space and shows ?where energetic imbalances are occurring. We work with Intention. Feng Shui adjustments, ?sacred, secret transcendental and practical cures. These ?help people create?success related to all 9 areas of the Bagua: Family, Wealth, Fame, Relationships, Children Creativity Future (all one Gua), ?Helpful Friends , Career, ?Knowledge and Spirituality, Health.?

We work with Shamanic principles ?that??connect the?Cosmos and Earth with humans as transducer. Feng Shui mirrors our lives. It is also multi dimensional. I have seen amazing things happen from a law?firm bidding on and ?getting a $40,000,000 contract, to peoples health dramatically improving, to?selling a home that wasn’t?selling for a long time. ?A girl started her own art gallery when?? her parents?were?making it really hard for her to succeed ?It became very successful and she was super happy. There are many examples.

Q: So, you arrange furnitures, change colors, and do other things to bring good energy to our homes? In other words, your Feng Shui methods could bring a good health, a brighter future, and possibly prosperity to businesses?

Melissa: What you are describing is accurate. They are called practical adjustments. Repositioning furniture, painting, working with Color, renovations. These work beautifully on a practical leve

When you add the?transcendental aspect of Feng Shui, which starts with Intention , Shamanic principles of working with energy and symbol??and transcendental ?cures, you experience a much deeper level of what is possible, and deeper transformation and success. Yes! Feng Shui creates good health, a brighter future and?Wealth and prosperity to businesses. It improves all areas of life contained in the Bagua with excellent outcome

Q: Have you ever encountered entities from other dimensions? Extraterrestrial

s?: A couple of years ago, I was sleeping. A huge blast of White light filled my room, and I was levitated off of my bed. I felt frozen.The next thing I remember was standing looking out my window which is all the way across from where my bed is, in a different room. I couldn’t figure out how I got there, or how long I had been standing there. After this, I began?spontaneously painting water color pictures of people having?contacts with ET’s (NOT abductions). My psychic abilities, desire to know about Atlantis, Lemuria, past life regression and a deeper interest in physics, ?got amped. I started ?seeing and working with Color in amazing new ways. I also wrote a children’s book about a little girl who meets a friendly ET who shows her the universe. Something definitely happene

Q: What is the most important message have you received from multidimensional entities?

Melissa: That we all come from the Stars. That as Light Beings, we came here by choice to teach and to share knowledge and information of??an advanced nature ,to people who are having a human experience.We are free and sovereign, We need to see and learn this because it would ?change everything and allow us to advance faster and more freely. There are many paths to healing, energy work and ways to communicate with , and travel to other dimensions. As our?understanding of this becomes vaster, our vibration as a species will raise intensely, so we do not see ourselves as separate?from?where we come from or ET’s as?“other”. There are many Light Beings among us now and have been since the beginning of time.?Time, as man experiences it. The work has begun The?work is in progress. This is the message.

Q: Why do extraterrestrials or unearthly entities attempt to communicate with us?

Melissa: So we can learn that we can travel from dimension to dimension as Light Beings and come back in human form. It is to teach us the mysteries of other solar and star systems through symbols that?become?star gates to other?lineages of knowledge, like the Sphinx, Stonehenge???the Chakras and crop Circle, They are always communicating with us. We just have learn what they are saying! They want us to understand so we can communicate with the

Q: How would you describe the afterlife?

Melissa: I have seen different visions of the after life in Shamanic journeys and dreams.One is that it is very bright, like silver mirrors.Everything flows like water. It is non physical. Energy can take different shapes- fractals, spheres. When shapes collide it is like seeing mercury hit a hard surface. It comes back together in it’s original shape.There are?beautiful humming sounds that?sound like music. Then there are sheets of Color like portals that bend and move like water you can ?travel through them to other dimensions. Sometimes, I have seen crystals cities with advanced?civilizations that look like Duabi. The crystals? receive Color, Light and energy that become knowledge for the beings who exist there. The beings are neither male nor female.I feel this may ? be a place I go back to between lives.

Q: Houdini debunked and exposed all the psychics and mediums of his time. He called them fraud! What would you say to Houdini id he was still alive?

Melissa: I would say to Houdini You ?seem like someone who wants to experience the infinite nature of existence beyond physical death. Your own death defying shows push the envelope between living and dying??You want to know what it is like to cross into the Spirit world and experience being in Spirit. You are trying to reach your Mom and she is around ?you, always trying to connect. but you don’t know if it is?real, You need to trust what you know is true. You are a powerful Medium too, with?knowledge ?of magic. You can use your knowledge to?teach others!

Q: If you had the power to change the world, what would you do? Well, let’s talk about the two most important changes you would bring to the world?

Melissa: I would bring back the original lost mysteries of?the?the Goddess as they were practiced and understood by every country and culture around the world from the most ancient days. This includes Shamanism.I would educate everyone from infancy on about our connection to beings from other universes, and how we come from these dimensions and universes?All we have to do is remember ?the amazing knowledge and lineages that have always been know to us

?Live without judgment of others and know that we are all?sovereign beings who are here to create and experience life in multi dimensional ways

Q: Do you have any particular message or advice to?light work

Melissa: Yes. Love your life and speak your truth . Always be the most amazing receiver and transmitter of information and awareness from?Spirit you can be. Be ego free and be grateful for all that you can become as a Light Worker, as you share what you know with other

Q: And to the general public?

Melissa: Trust your connection to Source however you experience it. Blast through fear, cynicism, doubt, until you know the real you. Seek?knowledge?and adventure, stay open to learning, and be open to being the most awesome you you can be.

Q: You constantly refer to “Goddess of this” or “Goddess of that”, “Goddess of the Mystery”, and other goddesses which are not found in any pantheon or mythology. What are you talking about, Melissa? And who is that mysterious Goddess you are connected t

Melissa: The Triple Goddess: Maiden, Mother and Crone, Dark Goddess, or?“She Who Gives Birth to Herself” way predates Olympian ?Greek and other documented world mythologies. There were many centuries and ancient?cultures?when God was a woman, and revered in Her feminine form.

? The Goddess?is known around the world by?infinite names and guises, based on culture and civilization. Early recordings of Goddess symbols, artand artifacts date as early or?earlier ?than?6,500 BC. Some research says 30,000 B.C. or earlier. ?The Goddess was intentionally, brutally and systematically driven underground by men who became powerful around the world. They installed their own deities, such as the Olympians Zeus,?Poseidon and Hades. Apollo, Hermes.These Gods were similar?in many cultures, and the process of subversion was the same. Even the Gods who came from the lineage of the Dark Goddess, Hephestus of the forge?Chiron, the half man half horse Centaur and Dionysus, God of Wine and ecstatic states were treated as less important.Theystill carried ?the memory and ancient?knowledge of the (Dark) Goddess and Her Mysteries: Agricultural?Mysteries, Blood Mysteries, Moon mysteries, serpent mysteriesancient sexual ceremonies to awaken the sleeping serpents of Kundalini. mead created by Bee Priestesses to induce orgiastic emotion and vision, like?psychedelics. So the men who?taught Her Mysteries were subverted, just as they subverted the Goddess.

The?sovereign or free Goddesses who were worshipped?around the world?became mothers, sisters, wives, spinster aunts, and seducers of men and?consorts, rather than sovereign leaders. This happened at the same moment their mysteries, lineages ?rites and ceremonies were being driven underground. These are the Goddesses most people?learn about in mythology. Once you understand the symbols of the original Goddess, you understand many of these myths are stories about the wrenching of power from Goddess culture

to?hierarchal?male dominated societies, which stripped the power from the Goddess, culture and Mysteries. This is one of many reasons people may not know about the?“Goddess of Mystery” that I know.

She is there to share Her Mysteries with?all that seek Her. If people are interested, there are many excellent books and sources about the original and ancient Goddess. One is "The Language of the Goddess" by Maria?Gimbutas. She explores the most ancient Goddess civilizations?which includes many Goddess symbols that many people have seen, but may not know the meaning of. ?She also explores possible extra terrestrial contacts with Goddess cultures and priestesses who worked in sacred rites and ceremonies, by receiving knowledge from ET’s. Diane Stein has also written many books about the origin of the Goddess that are also excellent.

Q: Final question, Any regret in life? Well, let’s put it this way, what do you regret most in your life?

Melissa: Honestly and happily, I don't believe in regret. Thank you so much for this opportunity!


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