On Wednesday 13 April 2020, Jason Bock from Magenic will be presenting to the ADNUG Community from his home in the USA.
To learn a little more about Jason his website is : and he is an active particpant on Twitter at
His talk, “Using the Compiler API in Real-World Scenarios” will discuss how .Net Developers have the ability to use the wealth of information Compiler provides on their code for inspection and modification.
To register for this FREE online event, go to
Can you tell the ADNUG (Adelaide .Net User Group) community a bit about yourself?
I’m a Practice Lead for Magenic ( and a Microsoft MVP (C#). I’ve been a software developer for over 25 years. I’ve also authored a number of books, such as ".NET Development Using the Compiler API", "Metaprogramming in .NET", and "Applied .NET Attributes", and I speak whenever I can at conferences and user groups.
Where do I find you today?
I live in Shakopee, Minnesota, USA.
What is the current COVID-19 situation in Minnesota?
Where I live, we have stay-at-home conditions, which are currently in effect until the 1st of May. I’ve been doing a lot of work-from-home for the last 5 years, so that’s not a big change for me.
What impact has COVID-19 had on your work/life?
It’s more been an adjustment for my kids. They are doing distance learning through the end of their current school year, and that’s been an adjustment for them, but they’re making it work.
Have you worked remotely before?
Yes, it’s familiar territory ??.
What’s your number one tip for working remotely? How do you maintain productivity – and sanity….?
If you can, have an area that’s your workplace, and get into a routine to start the day.
Being at home has its perks and can give you a flexible schedule, but keep on track with tasks and what needs to get done.
I’ll take breaks just to walk around a bit, and I also work out every day. Playing music also helps take my mind off of things.
Can you tell us about your talk?
It’s all about the Compiler API. It’s what powers the compiler that every .NET developer uses, and there are a lot of powerful features within.
The sad thing is, a fair amount of .NET developers don’t know what they can actually do with it. That’s why I do talks on it, so they learn what is possible and start to think about how they can use it.
Have you presented a conference talk remotely before?
Yes. My preference is to be in person as there’s an energy that I find isn’t quite there on a remote talk (and yes, I would love to travel to Australia to do my talk in person!).
Given the current COVID-19 situation, online conferences and user groups will probably be the norm for a while, so I’m adapting to these needs.
Who would you recommend logs onto to your talk?
Any .NET developer that wants to learn a bit about the compilation process in .NET and how they can use these APIs in their own applications.
What podcasts/blogs/TV shows are you into right now?
I don’t really follow any of these things.
I’d much rather sit down and read a book. Currently I’m reading the Night Angel trilogy by Brent Weeks.
Thanks Jason, looking forward to seeing you present (online) on 13 May 2020!
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To register for this event, go to :