Interview II. section

Interview II. section:

You have been regularly publishing your thoughts on various blogs for several years. In them, you present your views not only on the numbers themselves, but especially on the relationship between numbers and reality. In one of your blogs, you write that sometimes mathematics becomes numerology, because what is hidden behind the numbers is no longer the numbers themselves. That's an interesting idea, try to bring it closer to the readers.

The basis of this attitude is a numerical algorithm that works in all living things. It is the connection of the sum and the product of the square of a prime number. Hindus claim that Hinduism is not a religion, but behind its knowledge are the Vedas - the knowledge of our ancestors, previous civilizations.

In one post, I described multiples of angles of 108°, on which half-lines work the numerical points of the triplets of Pythagorean numbers with displacement. These points are part of the "thread" of the development spiral. They create an invisible geometry of space with prisms within prisms /something like a matryoshka doll/. All natural events take place on semi-straight lines and development spirals, and the entire life of a person and the life of all living things unfolds.

It has to do with astronomy, biology and many other areas of life.

I was interested in another thought of yours: “Duality exists all around us. Everything works in pairs. If there was no duality, there would be no stabilization points of the universe. Points of equalization of energies and information, without which we wouldn't be here either." ...

The essence is the idea of opposites - semi-straight lines, complementing each other, and neutralization - equalizing the conditions in nature.

The ubiquitous interconnections, which also include two mutually complementary numbers present on the photon - light half-lines, create the prerequisites for the ever-refining values of the known constants.

When the system, according to scientists, seems to collapse, then the pair, according to my theory, complements and stabilizes

to the next level with the prediction of the center of a real wave from a triplet of Pythagorean numbers where the equation holds. Two more triplets of Pythagorean numbers with displacement are derived from it.


3; 3; 4 and 3; 5; 6 = 6; 8; 10

Divided by two is 3; 4; 5.

So where, according to others, does everything return to nothing?

According to my theory, the flow is constantly increasing. The power of energies, information and waves in which the energy flows moves and stabilizes and homogenizes the spirals at the guiding points.

Such a cycle continues ad infinitum.

So if there is something there, it is impossible for nothing to remain in that place.

However, you also deal with the so-called the spirituality of the universe. Bring your insights to readers.

The starting point of the development spiral is point -1. At this point, electrical energy and the path of the photon - light begins. It is said that the path of man is the path to the light.

One website that explains Egyptian hieroglyphs describes electrical energy as the essence of spirit.

-1 points to the spiritual basis of the universe

When spirit and its creative thought is a matrix of energy-matter, then I wonder why some people do not want to understand that there is a neural network of the universe and a master consciousness of the universe. The main consciousness of the universe is God. But let's think about where thoughts come to a person. The brain is only a receiver.

Definition of Singularity on the Internet:

"Singularity - uniqueness; uniqueness, exceptionality; point of anomalous behavior of a physical quantity, where space-time is disturbed."

It follows from the definition that the singularity is actually our misunderstanding of the beginning of creation.

Disruption of space-time as such cannot be perceived in the beginning, because we begin to perceive time only with the recognition of space by the first created matter. It is at an angle of 216°. So it is only after 1080 seconds, i.e. 18 - their minutes from the start.

6 is the thread of the development spiral, therefore 6 * 18 = 108°. That's the angle of life.

That means we are all 18 minutes away from knowing what the universe was made of.

You also deal with the "theory of consciousness" (the term is from the editor). In one of your texts, I found this sentence: "The development of consciousness is hidden in the ideas of creating a life in harmony with love.", in which you connected philosophy with ethics and morality...

Even a person's name and surname affects his life and is not random. Coincidence does not exist.

The Jew means: Life and goodness is like, like in the sense of essence, the essence of the development of consciousness hidden in the ideas of the creation of life, in accordance with love /the path to the light/

I use the expression "neural network of the universe" only as a synonym for the knowledge that all that exists is a primordial creative thought that creates not only our surroundings, but also our spirit.

Consciousness and life are fully connected with the creative thought that carries subtle matter and everything gradually materializes through our minds. By doing so, we create a personal environment, our personal universe. It is not religious at all, nor is it fantasy. It is my knowledge through which I try to understand the laws of nature.


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